HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-03-10-ARTS-min Lexington Council for the Arts Minutes for 3.10.14 (Approved 5.12.14) at Town Offices Building – Parker Room Attendance Present –Lynne Klemmer, Cristina Burwell, Diana South, Jean Hart, Zoe Perry-Wood, Emily Passman, Jessie Steigerwald Visiting – Andrea Stumpf, Matthew Pronchick Absent – Cheryl Meadow, Regie O-Hare Gibson Minutes were taken by Jessie Steigerwald (Secretary) Secretary's report – Jessie Steigerwald Minutes from December 9, 2013 and February 10, 2014 were reviewed. Jean Hart made a motion to approve the minutes and Lynne Klemmer seconded the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously. Treasurer’s report – Diana South Diana has checked to find out what type of non-profit we are so we have a better understanding of whether we qualify for specific grants. We are a 170 (c) non-profit and we are recognized through the Massachusetts Cultural Council. Diana reported that there were three grant recipients who did not request funds after receiving awards in 2013: Dance Productions, Learnquest Music Conference, Lexington th Symphony Orchestra for 300 Closing Ceremony. In total, we had $1,000 that was not claimed for grants and these funds will cycle through to next year when we will be able to grant that money. Current local account balance (funds that revolve and are used at our discretion): $3,059.84 Chairperson report - Cristina Burwell 2014 Grant updates: Two recipients sent notice that they will not be using the funds we awarded: - Bach Workshop recipient said he did not receive sufficient funds to do his workshop. We granted him $150.00. - Golden Tricorne Committee found alternate funding. We granted them $275.00. These funds will be available for us to grant in 2015. Old business – Community Center: As LCA has been invited to meet with Linda Vine at the Community Center on March 14, 8:00 a.m. we took times to organize our offer of help in preparation for meeting. Ways we might be able to assist the development of the Community Center project, include: - Create a calendar of exhibits - Streamline outreach to Lexington artists as we are connected through major art enterprises in town, as well as individual artists through Open Studios 1 Lexington Council for the Arts Minutes for 3.10.14 (Approved 5.12.14) at Town Offices Building – Parker Room - Jury the shows (themed shows, solo shows, artists-in-residence) and / or identifying appropriate juries when a specific media is selected as a theme - Evaluate best potential of specific spaces, like lobby - Discuss artist-in-resident programming that could provide classes for community center visitors and also tie in with creation of specific art for CC - Brainstorm community art challenges could bring people together at the CC and also create work for display - Help connect the Lexington arts and cultural community with larger Lex. community On Friday, we hope to identify top priorities for spaces for public art, and potential display space for artwork created at the Community Center if they expand programming after the center opens. We see this as similar to successful programs at Cary Library, but the organizing group could include LCA to benefit from close ties to the art community. We will continue to brainstorm to consider ways to engage Lexington artists in non- traditional formats, programming ideas that coordinate with art displays (artist talks or demonstrations). Would be interesting to consider making CC a destination for well- known artists. Could consider outreach to the many university art programs for future collaborations. Other arts programming could include dance, music and other art forms. We agreed we want to make suggestions early in architect’s process to make sure that art can be hung in time for the opening of the Community Center. One space that we found especially intriguing was the main lobby with great height and curved walls. Group discussed ways we might put out a call for original art that is site- specific for the lobby area. Agreed that it would be imperative to have funding for this scale project. Suggesting $5,000 as appropriate amount to award an artist who successfully answers an RFP but might need that to include installation. Agreed that this was a good project to submit for grant to the Community Endowment Fund. Cristina and Jessie agreed to work on the grant application which is due at the end of the week. Other spaces that we agreed to discuss include: -possible space for more formal art / something like a gallery that could be closed off when the building is unattended -locked cases that are already available in main hall connecting between building and mansion -discussed whether we might play a role in fundraising for future display cases Art displays in public buildings can move forward with limited funds, but group agrees that it is important to value artists’ work and not make the assumption that artists will be eager to give for free. Installation and receptions also have expenses. Through collaboration, LCA may be able to help support some of these activities at a CC as the community space to display, consider and appreciate art fits with our purpose. 2 Lexington Council for the Arts Minutes for 3.10.14 (Approved 5.12.14) at Town Offices Building – Parker Room Web / Social Media – Zoe updated group that there is ongoing work on web to inform artists about resources (art supply stores, grants), calls for artists, job opportunities. Zoe and Emily have been working on this for some time. Jean has also started this type of project and will look over the work in progress. Support page is blank and needs paypal th link. Jessie suggests Zoe speak with Cheryl who has experience with Lexington’s 300. Emily would like to work on a project where LCA donors can receive acknowledgement in a visible community location. Possible area to brighten with art is alley between bank and Michelson’s. May 2013 Minutes – Zoe reports that a quorum was not reached. Andrea Stumpf read the Note in Lieu of Minutes for 5/13/13. Lynne moved to approved the Note and Diana seconded. The Council unanimously voted to approve. Patriots’ Day Parade – Volunteers can meet to work on paper-mache creations for the th parade. Cristina will update everyone on the meeting. March 29 at Munroe at 1:00. th 3:00 p.m. on April 5 at Munroe Center. Use the right entrance, go upstairs to back hall (further behind Zoe’s studio). New business – th MCC Grantee Reception Sunday April 13 from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. at LACS –Cristina clarified that the reception is held in conjunction with Lex. Open Studios. LCA granted $1,000.00 to Lexington Open Studios this cycle –Zoe shared what has been done in the past. (See google doc “Project” folder under “Award Reception Event”) -Event requires press release to announce grantees. -About 70 – 100 might participate in reception (Council, grantees, artists in Open Studios, spouses, friends, family) Cristina proposed inviting all grantees to join the parade. All agreed. -TASK: gather email list of all grantees to announce the reception & parade -LOS Committee would appreciate a contribution toward food and flowers. th Motion: Lynne moved that LCA contribute $350.00 to the April 13 reception which honors our grant recipient as well as the artists who participate in Lexington Open Studios. Diana seconded. Unanimously approved. Fundraising – Cristina reviewed last month’s special guest, Nan Jeffries -We need to be clear about what we want to raise money for, as well as how much we want to raise. Then, we should identify possible donors. -Idea: request matching grant to double the $4,000 from MCC to double our available funds -Idea: note total amount awarded in 2014 vs. amount requested and strive to raise funds to close the gap 3 Lexington Council for the Arts Minutes for 3.10.14 (Approved 5.12.14) at Town Offices Building – Parker Room -We need to advocate for LCA (become “LCA Ambassadors”), and work on developing one-on-one relationships. -Consider developing an LCA financial support group “Friends of the LCA” -Events can demand extraordinary time. They can also be very successful (e.g., Historical Society raised about $20,000 at Downton Abbey event) but typically more time might be invested than funds raised appear to warrant. -We can build a base of committed people. Ideas: musical evening at a private home, special receptions at special places. Example, people might pay extra to have extra time with the artists. -One exercise to try: each council member identify (perhaps) 25 people who might potentially make a gift in a specific $ range. -Another idea: put out a grantee press release (Jean Hart volunteered), and also begin a letter listing LCA’s accomplishments to show Lexington how LCA adds value to the community -Andrea suggested bring the donors and artists together. Everyone liked this idea. Zoe suggested working on a list of people to invite to the 2014 MCC grantee reception. Council members were asked to consider people they know who are philanthropically inclined (or have friends or family who are) who might appreciate an invitation to the reception. -Send names to Cristina and note whether you want to invite through email or with personal note. Motion to adjourn and disperse was made by Lynne Klemmer, seconded by Jean Hart and unanimously approved at 8:55 p.m. DateTopicAction Item POCUpdate Community CenterBridge school LL Jessie send draft LLCB 3/10/14 AA reimbursement minutes, everyone send any other ideas right away, Jessie will incorporate for handout for Friday morning’s visit to CCContact nnie Roy A Community Center – building Cristina can talk to Cristina connections so they understand Linda Vine to reach out what LCA’s community ties are to CC members and about participants to get to know the artists with whom we connect Spreadsheet of former recipients Diana will gather email Diana and Council members addresses and add to spreadsheet 4