HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-07-08-TSAC-min JS MORN/M1,C f• y -m \-% 4• 41 � �N.APRIL 19t. \EJtINGe0 Town of Lexington Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Minutes of Meeting July 8, 2014 Members present:Manny Ferro,Mary Ellen Dunn,Sudhir Murthy,Steve Frymer Liaisons present: David Kucharsky, Planning Dept;Jeanette Rebecchi,Human Services Dept Guest: Janet Kern,LexFarm; Colin South,Lowell St resident;K Subramanian, Haskell St resident Aeenda. • Lowell Street/Westminster Ave Concept Plans • Depot Square Bus Lane • Marrett Road at Elena Road Crosswalk • Mass Ave at the Inn Parking • Police Traffic Safety Monthly Updates o Bow St at Rawson Road o Scott Road at Concord Ave o Parker Street at Clark Street o Waltham Street NB, between Worthen Road and LHS o North Street at Adams Street • Liaison Reports • Public Comments Approval of June 10th Meetinu Minutes The committee did not have any comments or concerns. The motion to approve the June 10th TSAC meeting minutes was passed unanimously Lowell Street/Westminster Concept Plan Two draft concept plans which include the addition of new sidewalks, a crosswalk and a reconfiguration of the Lowell Street/Westminster Avenue intersection were reviewed and discussed. The main difference between the two concepts was the location of the crosswalk. Concept A located the crosswalk in front of LexFarm whereas Concept B had a crosswalk at the northeast corner of Haskell and Lowell Street. Concept B has potential sightline issues for drivers heading westbound on Lowell Street. All of the proposed improvements are within the Town right-of-way The following comments and questions were raised by guests and TSAC members. Janet Kern, LexFarm,believed the proposed sidewalk and crosswalk location in Concept A may hinder vehicular access to the farm's parking area. Ms. Kern indicated that barrels are currently used to help direct drivers into and out of the lot which can hold approximately 12 vehicles at one time She also indicated that the farm has an agreement with their neighbor located at 48 Lowell Street to allow access for trucks. Page 1 of 3 JS MORN/M1,C fy -m \-% 441 � �N.APRIL 19tH \EJtINGe0 Town of Lexington Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Ms. Kern stated the farm has no resources to hire an engineer to evaluate and redesign the parking area and asked if the Town would be able to allocate resources to help LexFarm develop a parking design. It was suggested that additional meetings take place to discuss the placement of the sidewalk and crosswalk in front of LexFarm and determine what kind of resources if any can be allocated to a parking redesign. K Subramanian, 7 Haskell Street, noted that vehicles are parking on both sides of Haskell Street due to overflow from the farm parking lot. He stated that the street is not wide enough to support this parking and can block vehicles trying to travel through. (Please note Haskell is an unaccepted street and the Town would not have the jurisdiction to place parking restrictions on the roadway) Mr Subramanian requested if the Town would consider reducing the speed limit on Lowell Street as well as look at placing a stop sign at Westminster (westbound approach) David Kucharsky, Planning Department, stated the intent is to implement the improvements currently being developed and then monitor the results before pursuing a speed study Mr Kucharsky also noted that a stop sign on Westminster would require a warrant analysis to determine if the traffic volumes would merit its placement. Cohn South, 51 Lowell Street, asked if the Town was considering the safety issues associated with vehicles entering and exiting the additional housing that is being planned on Lowell Street. The Town will be looking at that and bearing in mind how it fits into the improvements that are being developed. Ms. Kern expressed a request from another resident who could not attend the meeting asking for consideration be given to extending the sidewalk up Westminster to the Arlington town line Mr Kucharsky will notify the Sidewalk Committee Chair of the request and also suggested that the resident submit a formal request to the Sidewalk Committee online TSAC recommended moving forward with the further design for Concept A and determine whether Town resources could be allocated to assist with designing the LexFarm parking lot as part of an overall strategy to improve safety and access to this area. Mr Kucharsky will contact Town Management and Engineering to determine this. Denot Square Bus Lane It was suggested that signage be added which would alert drivers heading south on Depot Square towards Mass Ave that buses are merging into the lane This is not a TSAC issue but something TAC should move forward with as it is something that is impacting the Lexpress service schedule Jeanette Rebecchi, Transportation Manager,will work with TAC and HDC to identify and install appropriate signage Marrett Road at Elena Road Crosswalk This section of Marrett Road is under the State's jurisdiction who have developed plans to reconstruct the bridge over Route 128 One of the concepts involves replacing the existing ramp system with roundabouts which would include the addition of sidewalks along the south side of Marrett Road crossing a new bridge This project has been put on hold while work moves forward on the reconstruction of the Route 2 Bridge over Route 128 Mr Kucharsky will notify the proponent that the Page 2 of 3 JS MORtvo!o / MO� O4 fy '2-m \-% 441 � �N.APRIL 19tH \EJtINb'C��� Town of Lexington Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Town will continue to work with the State to improve safety and access in this area for pedestrians. Mass Ave at the Inn Parking Mr Kucharsky indicated that Mr Cannon is moving forward with codifying No Parking on both sides of Massachusetts Avenue between Parker Street and the intersection with Worthen Road. Mr Cannon is also moving forward with relocating the current crosswalk further east along Mass Avenue Bow St(ai Rawson Road Lexington Police investigated and found no accident data at this location.As stated during the last TSAC meeting on June 10th, Engineering will visit the site and determine if there is a better location for the existing STOP sign on Rawson. Recommendation was to investigate that further before making any other recommendations at this time Scott Road (ai Concord Ave DPW Tree Warden was notified to cut back growth to improve sightlines at the intersection. Installation of a 4-way intersection diagram sign should be installed on Concord Ave(east)prior to Scott Rd to alert operators of intersection ahead. Proponent was notified of recommendations on 6/26/14 Parker Street(ai Clark Street Request that Engineering explore the placement of a stop sign on Parker Street. Mr Kucharsky will notify Mr Cannon of this request. Waltham Street NB between Worthen Road and LHS Continue to monitor this situation. School Department will be evaluating all of the access point to the High School as part of undertaking a comprehensive review of each of the public schools to improve safety, access and mitigate traffic conditions. North Street at Adams Street Captain Ferro, Lexington Police, suggested exploring the possibility of changing the existing faded yellow sign with a new green signage to increase visibility Mr Kucharsky will check with Mr Cannon about replacing the existing intersection caution signage Liaison Renorts Engineering is moving forward with study to determine the feasibility of a sidewalk along Prospect Hill Road. TSAC will continue to coordinate efforts with School Department as they move forward with Bridge School analysis. Public Comments Next TSAC meeting: August 5, 2014—Town Hall, Parker Room Page 3 of 3