HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-06-18-HC-min HISTORICAL COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES June 18, 2014 Call to Order: A public meeting of the Historical Commission was held in the Large Meeting Room at the Cary Memorial Library, 1874 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, Massachusetts. The meeting convened at 7:00PM . Historical Commission Members in Attendance: Ms. Marilyn Fenollosa, Ms. Sally Zimmerman, Mr. Wendall Kalsow and Mr. David Kelland, Chair. AGENDA ITEM #1Time: 7:02pm () Update on Merriam Hill project by Ms. Anne Grady SUMMARY: Ms. Anne Grady updated the Commission on her work on the Merriam Hill Inventory project. Ms. Grady stated that the packet she had prepared for the Commission included Form A, a sample of the district data sheet, a list of property recommendations, and additional research methodology. Ms. Grady continued that there are 428 properties in the district and 161 have B forms already and 160 have no B forms. She added that 321 properties are over 50 years old and that 52 properties were built in the last 20 years. Ms. Grady also explained that another feature of Merriam Hill is the enormous number of outstanding trees that are over one hundred years old. She thanked Biff Manhard for his help and work preparing the map and photographing the buildings. Ms. Grady continued that the area contains a fine collection of houses in all periods. She added that the smaller homes in the northern part lots tend to be smaller and more intimate. Ms. Grady then explained that it is very important to say this range of style allows one to read the whole history in the buildings. Ms. Fenollosa asked Ms. Grady what was left for her to do on this project. Ms. Grady indicated that four individual building forms, three Willard Brown and one Anna Gorvan be created. She added that she would be happy to help with any other information. Ms. Grady concluded that these houses being listed in the area form should make them subject to the demolition delay bylaw and that she plans to complete the project by the end of June. AGENDA ITEM # 2 (7:25PM) Informal discussion on proposed plan for 41 Bloomfield SUMMARY: Mr. Jon Wardwell and Mr. Jason Brickman returned to the Commission for another informal discussion after taking the feedback from the previous informal with the Historical Commission. Mr. Wardwell explained that the revised plan includes a change in the garage doors which are now perpendicular to Bloomfield and not parallel the garage gable end was spun and not facing the street. He added that he and Mr. Brickman still prefer the original plan. Mr. Kelland asked that if the new garage side entrance included three bays. Mr. Brickman explained that the existing barn is eighteen feet. Mr.Wardwell explained that the revised plan was put in place and it pushes the retaining wall closely to the right side of the house. He continued that he was looking to get more feedback based on the Commission’s suggestions. Mr. Kalsow asked Mr. Wardwell if he has considered reducing the size of the garage to reduce the height of the retaining wall. Ms. Zimmerman added that they consider making the garage a two car garage with an additional parking space. Mr. Wardwell responded that the extra living space above the garage was needed. Mr. Kelland stated that according to the plan it appears that the Commission would need to pass on the demolition of the barn. Mr. Brickman asked if the barn was moved if the Commission would feel favorably. Mr. Kalsow responded that moving a structure falls under demolition. Mr. Kelland read the demolition delay bylaw and it was stated the Mr. Wardwell and Mr. Brickman would return for a formal hearing next month. 1 Town of Lexington Historical Commission June 18, 2014 AGENDA ITEM #3 (7:48PM) Public Hearing on Roof Line Change Application for 59 Gleason Road APPLICANT (S) PRESENT: Mr. Chris Barry, Architect LEED AP, cjb-architect.com, 617-510-6510 Mr. Michael Glavine, 59 Gleason Road, Lexington, Massachusetts 02420 ABUTTER(S) PRESENT: None DOCUMENT(S): Addition and Renovation plans prepared by CJB Architects Letter from George Horowitz Associates, Structural Engineering, 224 Valentine Street, West Newton, Ma 02465 Copy of Section R305 Ceiling Height from the 2009 International Residential Code SUMMARY: Mr. Glavine explained that his plan resulted from nine months of research which included looking at designs and obtaining feedback from his neighbors. He continued that he has settled on this design now because of the ceiling height and the staircase which will allow his three children under the age of ten and aging parents to live more comfortably. Mr. Glavine stated that this plan was a long term solution for his family as they would like to remain in the community. Mr. Barry gave a description of the work to be done. The renovation and addition proposed requires the removal of the roof of the existing house. The premise of this project is to save the first floor. Mr. Barry continued that in order to meet financial constraints, the entire kitchen must remain as existing. The existing steep stair to both the basement and second floor will be replaced with a new code complying stair. Mr. Barry added that this work is necessitated by the client’s desire to have a safer connection between the different floor levels for their children. He stated from a design perspective, this also creates a plan more similar to a center entry colonial. The finishes of the existing first floor are to remain except for the hardwood floors in the living room. They have reached the end of their useful life and require replacement. Mr. Barry further proposed changing the vinyl replacement windows with historically sensitive simulated true divided lite windows consisting of six over one sash. The siding will be replaced with a wood clap board as existing. He stated that a colonial theme of similar scale to the existing is carried around to the addition, unifying the home. Mr. Barry summarized a letter from George Horowitz, P.E. which states that after reviewing the plans of the existing house, it seems most probable that the second floor joists are spanning parallel to the ridge and the roof is an unsymmetrical unstable shape. The letter continued that over the years, Mr. Horowitz has seen many roofs of this type suddenly start to move and push the supporting walls out of plumb, occasionally causing a collapse. Mr. Barry added that this letter confirms that this existing condition doesn’t confirm to habitable space and all second floor ceilings are 6’11”. HC COMMENTS : Mr. Kalsow explained that the present building code accepts existing ceiling height below that. Mr. Kelland asked if the roof angle was being changed.Mr. Barry responded that now a 12 pitch existing and they are proposing a 12 pitch. Ms. Zimmerman asked Mr. Barry if the peak of the structure would be 30 or 32. Mr. Barry referred to page four of the plans which indicate the existing peak is 19.6 and the plan would be going to 26 feet which is above the first floor line. 2 Town of Lexington Historical Commission June 18, 2014 PUBLIC COMMENTS: None MOTION: Moved by Ms. Zimmerman and seconded to move to not find the house significant and preferably preserved due to structural deficiencies. VOTE: 3-1 in favor, Mr. Kelland was not in favor. AGENDA ITEM #4 (8:00PM) Public Hearing on Roof Line Change and Partial Building Demolition Application for 25 Harding Road APPLICANT(S) PRESENT: Mr. David P. Palm, 25 Harding Road, Lexington, Massachusetts Mrs. Karen Palm, 25 Harding Road, Lexington, Massachusetts ABUTTER(S) PRESENT: None DOCUMENT (S): Floor Plan, Framing Diagram and Exterior Elevations A1 William R. Hubner Architect 74 Bedford St. Lexington, Ma 02420 One photo SUMMARY: Mr. Palm explained to the Commission that his proposed plan would include a dormer to be built on the front of the house and it will extend out over the vestibule to create a full second floor. He continued that he did not believe the work would be a major addition and stated he guessed the work dormer would be 28 feet wide by 12 feet deep. He continued that he appreciates the existing style of the house and wishes to expand the second floor areas of the original roof. Mr. Palm stated the gable style will be maintained and he was not substantially altering the identified ability. Mr. Palm also indicated that Bill Hubbard, architect, will include a shingle roof in front which will match the existing shingles. HC COMMENTS : Ms. Zimmerman asked Mr. Palm if the ridge of the dormer would start at the peak of the existing roof. Mr. Palm responded that the dormer would start at a row of windows. Ms. Zimmerman asked if there will be a bumped up section to which Mr. Palm responded that there will be required head height and the plan would include putting in a set of awning windows. Mr. Kelland asked what the relationship of the front wall would be to the house. Mr. Palm answered that he didn’t know the pitch. Mr. Kalsow added that it may be a substantial visual change. PUBLIC COMMENTS : None 3 Town of Lexington Historical Commission June 18, 2014 MOTION: Moved by Ms. Zimmerman and seconded to find the house not significant and not preferably preserved and that the proposed demolition was not detrimental to the significance of the building. VOTE: 3-0 in favor Mr. Kelland abstained from voting AGENDA ITEM #5 (8:16PM) Informal discussion on proposed plan for addition including attached garage at 5 Pelham Road SUMMARY: Mr. Carl Oldenburg explained to the Commission that he was before them to gauge their opinion of his rough sketch of the small addition that would be added to the left side of the house which would include a two car garage. Mr. Oldenburg continued that the addition would match the detailing of the right side of the house. Mr. Kelland asked what demolition would occur. Mr. Oldenburg told the Commission that the only demolition that would be needed is the removal of a doorway and no exterior walls. Mr. Kelland explained that this work did not meet the definition of substantial demolition and they would not require HC review. Mr. Kalsow thanked Mr. Oldenburg for showing respect to the volume of the house with the proposed plan. Ms. Zimmerman asked Mr. Oldenburg what color the front door was painted and then asked if the garage door could be painted something other than white. AGENDA ITEM #6 (8:21PM) Informal discussion on proposed plan to add a second floor addition to 44 Cedar Street SUMMARY: Mr. Carl Oldenburg, architect, and Ms. Cindy Shaw, 44 Cedar Street, explained to the Commission that their proposed plan would include adding a second floor to a one story addition. Mr. Oldenburg continued that this addition would incorporate changes to create a master suite. He added that the plan would also include adding a roof for weather protection onto the porch while slightly moving the position of the front door. Mr. Oldenburg explained that his plan would include matching exactly the details and colors of the existing house. He stated that this is a non-conforming house and he needed to get a variance to make these small changes. Ms. Zimmerman asked if Mr. Oldenburg had considered a hip roof supported on braces that didn’t extend all the way to the ground. Mr. Oldenburg responded that would be a structural challenge but he has done it before. Mr. Kelland added that the Commission would need to approve the change in the existing roof line and as the back wall would be demolished this constitutes substantial demolition. Mr. Kalsow continued that the plan included changing walls and a roof line that it is a modest change but Mr. Oldenburg and Ms. Shaw will need to return next month for a formal hearing. AGENDA ITEM #7 (8:30PM) Informal discussion on status of 38 Tarbell Avenue on the Cultural Resource Inventory list SUMMARY: Mr. Bob and Mrs. Mary Beth Iverson of 38 Tarbell Avenue along with their neighbor, Mr. Phil Rice, came before the Commission to ask that their house be removed from the Inventory. Mr. Iverson explained that he did not want the sale of the house to be held up due to the fact that it is listed on the Inventory. He continued that he may need to sell the home in the near future for personal reasons. Mr. Rice told the 4 Town of Lexington Historical Commission June 18, 2014 Commission that he has seen the area form and the all houses built before 1927 are on the list. He continued that there have been three tear downs on the block within the last three years. Mr. Kelland explained that there are two actions possible. The first action being to find the house not architecturally significant and to remove it from the Inventory. The second action is to apply for a demolition permit which could essentially require waiting a year and then sell the house with a demo permit. Mr. Kelland continued that the Commission would need to look at the reason why there is an area form. Ms. Zimmerman added that her recollection of the Liberty Heights neighborhood was that it started off tiny with a mix of houses and generally speaking everything in that area is subject to demo review. Mr. Rice commented that 38 Tarbell is on the list but his house is not. Mr. Kelland stated that the Commission would need to look at the area form and see how 38 Tarbell Avenue fits. Mr. Kelland suggested Mr. and Mrs. Iverson return for another discussion in July in regards to removing this house from the Inventory. AGENDA ITEM #8 (8:50PM) Informal discussion on proposed plan for 11 Demar Road SUMMARY: Mr. Tim Techler, Architect, explained to the Commission that his plan includes adding insulation on the roof and is proposing a five inch thick composite product and shingles over the existing footprint. Mr. Kalsow stated that the regulations are not precise in what substantiates a roofline change and this plan is so insignificant it doesn’t detract from the house. Mr. Techler added that he plans to use perforated brown flashing so that it ventilates. Ms.Zimmerman commented that this was a great solution. Ms. Fenollosa asked if this plan constitutes demolition. Mr. Techler replied that there is no demolition. Ms. Fenollosa asked the Commission if they need to review. Mr. Kalsow added he supports what is being done and asked how the Commission interprets the alteration of the roof. Ms.Zimmerman continued that this plan was like removing the aluminum siding covering an entire wall but not demolishing. Ms. Fenollosa asked if a formal hearing were required. Mr. Kalsow replied that it was close but he didn’t know. Mr. Kelland stated that he would not call this a demolition. Ms. Zimmerman read the definition of substantial demolition and stated that this proposed plan does not constitute substantial demolition and does not require a review before the Historical Commission. AGENDA ITEM#9 (8:52PM) Updates Ms. Fenollosa and Ms. Zimmerman told the Commission that they had walked through the Community Center with the architect selected by the Town to do the renovations. Ms. Fenollosa commented that a letter needed to be sent to the Massachusetts Historical Commission and a copy to Patrick Goddard stating that the building is significant so a variance should be granted. Mr. Kalsow added that his preference was to support the variation on the open decorative handrail and not support the wall sided handrail. Ms. Zimmerman stated that she would write this letter indicating that Tower Mansion is eligible for listing on the Register. Approval of May 21, 2014 Historical Commission Meeting Minutes MOTION: moved by Ms. Fenollosa, and seconded, to approve the Minutes of May 21, 2014 as corrected VOTE: 4-0 in favor 5 AGENDA ITEM: Adjourn MOTION: moved by Mr. Kelland, and seconded, to adjourn meeting. VOTE: 4-0 in favor Meeting adjourned: (Time) 8:56 PM (EST) 6