HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-06-13-PBC-min Lexington Permanent Building Committee PBC Meeting Minutes Meeting Date & Time: June 13, 2013 7:00 PM Location: 117 Grove Street, Estabrook School Library Members Present: Guests: Jon Himmel Charles Favazzo DiNisco Design Partnership Carl Oldenburg Dick Perry Collaborative Partners Eric Brown Philip Coleman Daedalus Projects, Inc. Design Partnership of Cambridge Members not present: Gary Lerner Jen Vogelzang Peter Johnson Joe McWeeney Index 1.0 General Business 4.0 Bridge & Bowman Elementary Schools Renovation 7.0 Estabrook Elementary School 1.0 GENERAL BUSINESS 1.1 Minutes 3/14/13 Motion to Approve Meeting minutes for January 10, 2013 Motion: Chuck 2: Jon Vote: 5-0-0 nd 5/9/13 Motion to approve Meeting minutes for the meetings of 2/14/13, 3/14/13 and 4/11/13 as amended. Motion Dick 2 Chuck Vote 6-0-0 nd 1.2 Monthly Bills 4/11/13 Motion to approve monthly invoices for March 2013 in the amount of $1,050,483.97 Motion Eric 2nd Dick Vote 5-0-0 5/9/13 Motion to approve monthly invoices totaling $ 2,023,248.08 as presented. Motion Dick 2 Phil Vote 6-0-0 nd 6/13/13 Motion to approve monthly invoices totaling $2,587,571.68 as presented. Motion Dick 2 Phil Vote 6-0-0 nd Page 1 of 8 Lexington Permanent Building Committee 1.3 Meeting Minute Format (Item Relocated from 2.24 to general business) For the purposes of reducing ongoing printed text previous entries under this heading may have been removed from current meeting minutes. Please refer to previous editions of the minutes for older insertions. Mark Barrett is waiting for proposal from PSS. 5/10/11 DPF reported a quote received for training on prolog, but could only find out of state vendors approved by the software company. PBC member suggested he knew of a local firm we could get training from that would be more cost effective. 10/13/11 DPF reported that it would appear that we would be able to setup training within the next few weeks. 12/1/11 DPF again reported that it was hoping to set up the training within the next couple weeks. 3/14/13 DPF reported that they had intended to have meeting minute transitioned to prolog by this meeting but had hit a snafu and will need to correspond with the consultant before this can be done. 4.0 Bridge & Bowman Renovation Projects 4.43 Discussion with Daedalus on GC Contract 12/13/12 Bob White from Daedalus projects led a discussion on the processes and impact of termination of a construction contract. Termination for cause: Can be a very difficult process. Town counsel will need time to review all of the materials and facts before giving advice on whether or not to proceed. Most likely avenue would be failure to administer or to provide skilled labor or materials. Legal costs would ny has always brought in same GC for completion. Bonding Company could take 3-6 months to evaluate. Summer 2013 work likely canceled. Termination for convenience: Project would be audited and the town would buy out oh&p from GC. Daedalus estimates approx. $700,000 payment to GC plus cost to re-engineer project and re-bid. There would likely be a premium added by the new GC. Summer 2013 work likely canceled. Overall added costs could easily exceed $1 to 1.5 million. Continuation of Contract with GC: Bob talked with GC and met with the Owners, they want to turn project around. Best advice from Daedalus is work with GC and find a way to make the project better. Brief discussion on expansion of Daedalus services. Daedalus is already on board to review new schedule when it comes out from TLT, and provide feedback on schedule and viability. Any expansion of Daedalus Services can be addressed after schedule review. 2/14/13 There is no data or required scope defined yet that warrants continued discussion of ex Bob White plans to remain engaged in the project and continue to attend meetings and monitor schedule. 4.56 February Update 2/14/13 Bob White from Daedalus Projects provided an update on TLT Schedule. Bob had met with TLT a few times during their development of the schedule and overall reported that the schedule appeared to be an honest practical methodology for completing the project in accordance with the contract. There was general discussion on the schedule and inquiries regarding successors and predecessors used in the schedule detail, the actual prescience or not of float along with the need to show the Critical path line in the schedule documentation. Daedalus will follow up on these items and is awaiting the opportunity to have their schedule consultant test the schedule once a live electronic copy is received. Page 2 of 8 Lexington Permanent Building Committee 4.57 Project Update by Daedalus and DPC 3/14/13 Bob white provided an update to the PBC on the work being completed by TLT as compared to the schedule that had been developed. Daedalus reports that TLT is maintaining their schedule and completing tasks per schedule milestones. D2 area is scheduled for completion at end of April school vacation week. Daedalus also updated committee on updated schedule prepared by TLT. DPF did not print copies but emailed the schedule to the PBC just prior to the meeting. Predecessors and successors along with critical path lines have been added to the schedule. An electronic / live version was received and we hope to have the scheduling consultants report on further schedule detail by next meeting. 4.59 TLT Payment requisition 5/9/13 Motion to approve Payment requisition #14 to TLT Construction in the amount of $514,242.10 Motion Carl 2nd Eric Vote: 7-0-0 6/13/13 Motion to approve application for Payment # 15, in the amount of $369,354.61 from TLT Construction as approved and recommended by the Architect of Record, Design Partnership of Cambridge. Motion Eric 2 Dick Vote 6-0-0 nd Motion to approve interim application for payment representing stored materials, as is allowed by contract documents, which was previously removed from application #15, without exceeding value originally requested. Motion Eric 2 Dick Vote 6-0-0 nd 4.62 Update from DPC and Daedalus 4/11/13 Daedalus provided update report on status of construction activity or work in place, relative to the schedule prepared by TLT. Daedalus reports that the current work is on schedule for the D2 or current work. Deadalus meets each week with one of the construction superintendents tracking completed work with the schedule. Daedalus sent a live copy of TLT summer schedule which carries the project to completion, to a scheduling consultant for a more detailed evaluation. This evaluation will check predecessors and successors and verify that the logic of the schedule truly works. Unfortunately this report was not available for this evening but the will forward the report as soon as it is available. DPC reports that there are items of work that are called out in the summer schedule that are being completed now in an effort to get the project ahead of schedule. D2 area of project scheduled to be complete after April school vacation week. 5/9/13 Bill Gallagher updated the committee on the project and progres diagram for summer work, school start and potential alternate plans is acceptable. Scheduling and coordination for the move and summer work is in progress. 6/13/13 Bob White from Daedalus updated PBC on TLT scheduling. April and May were very productive months. He feels CPM schedule is good with a critical path that can be monitored. Currently windows are almost completely installed. Progress in Phase 2 is excellent. Page 3 of 8 Lexington Permanent Building Committee 4.63 Application for Payment #12 4/11/13 Application for Payment #12 to TLT was distributed. DPC and Daedalus confirmed a thorough review of said application and recommended payment. It was noted that TLT had accounted for the direct payment made to General Mechanical In a manner that presented it as a change order and all parties agreed that this was not the appropriate way to represent that payment, further that it should be recorded under payments made, on its own line. DPC stated they would see to this correction. Motion to Approve TLT Construction Application for Payment # 12 in the amount of $317,045.46 as recommended by the Architects of Record, Design Partnership of Cambridge. Motion Carl 2nd Dick Vote 5-0-0 5/9/13 Reference to direct payment on as found on application for payment #12 was corrected on current application for payment. 4.64 Change Order #14 4/11/13 DPC outlined the items contained within change order #14 with the PBC, which included resolve to earlier claims on abatement costs for elbows and fittings in excess of quantities specified. Motion to approve Change Order #14 to the TLT construction contract in the amount of $41,150.00 Motion Carl 2nd Eric Vote 5-0-0 5/9/13 Motion to approve TLT Change Order #15 in the amount of $911.00 Motion Carl 2nd Joe Vote 7-0-0 4.65 Additional work to support Classroom Needs and Project 4/11/13 DPF presented selected items from a change order proposal that would move forward on some additional work in the modular classrooms that is supported by the Superintendent to have these spaces better serve the school. The work includes sprinkler, ceilings, and HVACs work, and will later require a change for the electrical component. At a later date the installation of some sheetrock walls and doors will be included to complete the spaces but not under the TLT work. Motion to approve Sprinkler work $1,382.60, HVAC work $14,530.82, and Suspended Ceiling work $3,105.00.associated with change proposal # 161 which shall have corresponding Change Ordermarkups added at the time of processing, in support of minor modifications to the modular classrooms at Bowman. Motion Carl 2nd Eric Vote 5-0-0 DPF presented the needs to remove two dividing walls at two locations at the Bowman School that will convert 4 instructional spaces into two regular classroom spaces to better support educational needs at the school. Motion to approve change proposal # 171 in the amount of $14,999.00 to support required work to convert half size instructional spaces into required full classrooms to support school needs. Motion 2nd Vote 5/9/13 Motion to approve EBI consulting proposal in the amount of $6,150.00 to monitor and manage existing oil tank removal at Bridge & Bowman Schools. Motion Carl 2 Joe Vote 7-0-0 nd Motion to approve moving quote under state contract FAC 78 for phase 2 moves in the amount not to exceed $126,540.00 for the final moves of the Bridge & Bowman project. Motion Carl 2 Joe Vote 7-0-0 nd Motion to approve Design Partnerships additional services for sound level testing in the amount of $2,500.00 as proposed. Motion Carl 2 Joe Vote 7-0-0 nd Page 4 of 8 Lexington Permanent Building Committee 6/13/13 Motion to approve UST removal contract award, Bid #13-77, pending successful bid review and reference checks; amount not to exceed $35,000.00. Motion Dick 2 Phil Vote 6-0-0 nd Motion to approve Additional Service amendment to Design Partnership of Cambridge to include scope of EBI Consulting for hazardous materials abatement monitoring and sampling in the amount not to exceed $80,000.00. Motion Phil 2 Eric Vote 6-0-0 nd Motion to approve requisitions as listed below for the Bridge & Bowman Renovation projects. Dismantle-dispose re-install existing library shelves both schools Creative Office Pavilion (40019490-58212) $4,335.00* Shadrack Construction (40019490-58219) $1,100.00 40019490-58212 Shadrack- Construction support during moves NTE $9,000.00 40019490-58210 Telephone Custom Computer voip switches Bridge $12,221.20 Custom Computer voip switches Bowman $12,221.20 40019490-58212- Bridge FF&E School Outfitters $1,801.96 Lakeshore Learning $ 817.96 Quill $3,399.90 Office Depot $5,699.64 Virco MFG $8,352.98 Shadrack construction Reading Rm. Shelves $8,850.00 Breftford Furniture Library Circulation $10,832.32* *authorized under interim authorization procedures by Pat Goddard, requiring PBC support. Motion Eric 2 Phil Vote 6-0-0 nd 4.66 Cancellation of VAT work 4/11/13 DPC presented a proposed Credit Change order to the PBC that would eliminate the removal and replacement of corridor flooring at the Bridge school. TLT never completed this scope of work in phase 1 and would be challenged to complete it in this phase along with phase 2 work. By crediting this work TLT will also credit the abatement of caulking between masonry walls and steel columns that exists behind the lockers in these hallways. The lockers must be removed to replace the floor and that is when they were going to abate the caulking. (The caulking is contained, non-friable, and not a danger. Any column caulking that can be removed with locker replacement will still be completed. The credit from TLT for this work will be $63,237.00. The Town will pursue rebidding this work next summer. Motion to accept change proposal #169 as a credit in the amount of $63,237.00 removing VAT/VCT corridor flooring from the Bridge Scope along with related column caulking abatement behind corridor lockers. Motion Carl 2nd Dick Vote 5-0-0 7.0 Estabrook Elementary 7.66 Change Order Detail 11/8/12 PBC raised a question regarding the percentage mark ups to change orders (10% / 5%) and what happens on negative change orders? CP to discuss at next meeting. Page 5 of 8 Lexington Permanent Building Committee 7.67 Masonry Mock-up 11/8/12 Masonry mock up to be established in field for review. PBC requested related exterior materials samples to be present as well. 2/14/13 Discussion on the selection of exterior colors, PBC voiced concern over mock up wall not be erected. Shawmut to expedite mock up wall for onsite review. DPF added that a delay on color selections will likely incur delay costs so Design Team and CM need to clarify schedule needs and communicate with the Town effectively on this issue. 7.70 Flooring 11/8/12 Discussion on variances in the overall system depth of the various manufacturers for the Stage and gym flooring products as specified. Final discussion was to base the sub floor elevation on the deepest system requirement and incorporate transition strips if / where needed to accommodate final variance based on final flooring choice. 7.75 Final GMP Discussion 1/3/13 Shawmut presented a document dated 1/3/13 and titled Draft GMP Reconciliation sheet. This document was presented by Shawmut and each line was reviewed with PBC. Paul from CP visited the Shawmut office and reviewed all the non trade bids and the process used in developing them. Cp was very satisfied with the documentation and process Shawmut used in obtaining the non-trade bids. There is a $35,000 allowance in the GMP that the town can eliminate by change order if we chose not to have Shawmut coordinate landscaping work. Shawmut discussed an overrun to their costs for Pre-construction work in the amount of $95,000. This figure was included in some below the line costs on their GMP reconciliation sheet dated 1/3/13 and presented at this meeting. After brief discussion the PBC was not supportive of including these costs in the GMP at this time and advised Shawmut that these costs could be discussed at an appropriate time in the future. GMP line item approved by state is $31,145,000. State is aware we are trending over and will adjust 3011 form accordingly; delta in GMP over 31,145,000 may not be reimbursable. For approval of the GMP Line Items from reconciliation sheet to be removed: $95,000 for preconstruction overage (not approved) $46,650 Builders risk insurance (funded elsewhere in the budget) Add in to GMP $61,000 for specified stage and gym flooring as specified Motion to approve the Shawmut Design & Construction GMP as outlined in the 1/3/13 GMP Reconciliation sheet prepared by Shawmut, less the preconstruction overrun line of $95,000, less builders risk insurance line of $46,650, with an addition of a line for $61,000 to cover the specified Stage and Gym flooring material for a GMP in full compliance with the plans & specifications prepared by DiNisco Design Partnership for a revised total of $32,795,932.00 for the Estabrook School Project. Motion: Joe 2: Eric Vote: 6-0-0 nd Motion to approve all filed sub bids received and as documented in the January 3, 2013 Shawmut Design and Construction comparison with Trade Bids Table presented this evening by Shawmut in the amount of $12,289,833.00 which is with the exception of the elevator bid, which the Town of Lexington is requesting Shawmut to vet the low bid and if not within compliance with the documents and budget, that Shawmut bid on open market in compliance with MSBA and statutory requirements. Motion: Chuck 2: Carl Vote: 6-0-0 nd Page 6 of 8 Lexington Permanent Building Committee 7.80 Transfer 2/14/13 Motion to approve $1,447,323 in funds from contingency line to Construction line based upon approval of Estabrook GMP. Motion: Eric 2nd: Carl Vote: 5-0-0 5/9/13 d extension (service) cost, and authorization of $79,508 to National Grid for gas line service upgrade from Grove Street to new building. Motion Phil 2 Chuck Vote 6-0-0 nd 7.84 Project Update 4/11/13 CP provided a project update via a power point presentation. Underground plumbing work underway 2nd and 3rd floor deck pours continue, neighbors advised of slab finishing work late into the evening. South canopy steel being erected. Structural Steel work is substantially complete. Exterior framing materials being delivered and framing underway. Footings and Foundation walls being poured for loading dock area. Electric duct banks underway. Masonry work beginning as early as 4/22 and roof blocking begins in May. Cx kick off mtg held for both MEP and Envelope. Subcontractor Buyouts about 88% complete savings are approx 250,000 however the make up of this number is a touch uncertain and needs to be verified by CP. 5/9/13 Committee viewed a project update presentation provided by Collaborative Partners. Masonry has begun on the northeast side of the building 6/13/13 PBC started with a project tour at Estabrook through the construction site. Committee was updated on the status of the LEED certification and currently school is tracking towards Silver as planned. MSBA reimbursement of 2% if LEED Silver is met is @ $600,000.00. 7.85 Interior Colors 4/11/13 Ken DiNisco stated that a final discussion should take place soon on interior colors. Ken will work directly with Carl and Eric to schedule a time too meet and review same, perhaps as early as next week. Ken will be sure to include Sandy T. in those discussions. 5/9/13 Carl attended meetings with the Architects and school Principals to review interior colors. 7.86 Landscaping 4/11/13 CP discussed a VE item that was previously discussed which related to an estimated savings of approx. $35,000 if the Town were to assume responsibility for a portion of the landscaping work. Concerns discussed in acting on this VE item included, not Guarantee of actual savings, draw on staff time both in DPF and DPW to complete, concern with having union and no-union contractors on the site at the same time, warranty concerns on landscaping work by two different contractors, scheduling and coordination concerns with different contractors. Motion to not implement proposed VE item on landscaping @ Estabrook Project and allow Shawmut landscaper to retain work and cost within GMP. Motion Dick 2nd Eric Vote 5-0-0 Page 7 of 8 Lexington Permanent Building Committee 7.87 Application for Payment 4/11/13 CP presented Shawmut application for Payment #9 which only includes subcontractor work as Shawmut is in the middle of a software change. CP and DDP recommend approval. Motion to approve Shawmut Design & Construction Application for Payment #9 in the amount of $610,887.00 as recommended by the Architect of Record, DiNisco Design Partnership. Motion Dick 2nd Eric Vote 5-0-0 5/9/13 Motion to approve Shawmut payment # 10 in the amount of $1,315,829.00 as recommended by the Architect of Record. Motion Joe 2 Phil Vote 6-0-0 nd 6/13/13 Motion to approve application for Payment #11, in the amount of $2,042,696.46 from Shawmut Construction as approved and recommended by the Architect of Record, DiNisco Design Partnership and Owners Project Manager Collaborative Partners. Motion Eric 2 Jon Vote 6-0-0 nd 7.88 Parking Letter for LEED 4/11/13 DPF transmitted a copy of a letter from DPF regarding parking at Estabrook as it relates to LEED criteria. Also, DDP will be providing update to PBC on Estabrook LEED work to date at next meeting. 7.89 Change Order #1 5/9/13 Motion to accept the following PCOs in the following amounts for inclusion into Change Order #1 PCO 53 Revised Door Widths per CCD 1: $935.00 PCO 54 Revised Tel/com Handhole size per CCD 2: -$6,291 PCO 60 Revised Window color per CCD 6: $5,090 PCO 61 Revised Door Hardware per CCD 5: $4,539 PCO 65 Revised Stair Nosing insert per CCD 4: $5,808 PCO 67 Existing condition issue at Grove St. drainage: $3,104 (CCD 3) Motion Phil 2 Dick Vote 6-0-0 nd 7.90 PCO Log 6/13/13 PCO #62 Place Greenhouse on emergency power: $521.00 PCO #68 Refrigerator Model discontinued added an icemaker to nurses: $650.00 PCO #69 RFI from plumber to plumb chases: $2771.00 PCO #77 Credit $3020.00 PCO #84 RFI Glycol Loop credit $2300.00 Motion Eric 2 Dick Vote 6-0-0 nd Meeting Adjourned Motion to Adjourn; 6/13/13 8:50 PM Motion Dick 2nd Chuck Vote 6-0-0 Page 8 of 8