HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-04-16-HC-min HISTORICAL COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES April 16, 2014 Call to Order: A public meeting of the Historical Commission was held in Cary Hall at the Ellen Stone April 16, 2014 Room, 1605 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA on . 7:37PM The meeting convened at . Historical Commission Members in Attendance: Ms. Marilyn Fenollosa, Mr. Frank Kern, Mr. Wendall Kalsow and Mr. David Kelland, Chair. AGENDA ITEM #1 (Time: 7:41pm) Public Hearing on Partial Building Demolition and Roof line change application for 19 Maple Street APPLICANT(S) PRESENT: Mrs. Caley Chastell, 19 Maple Street ABUTTER(S) PRESENT: None present DOCUMENT(S): Plans from Elise Braceras Stone Architects 288 Old Marlboro Road, Concord, Ma 978-371-1512 First floor plan A-1 3/1/14 Second floor plan A-2 3/1/14 Basement/End Plan A-3 3/1/14 Front and left side elevation A-4 3/1/14 Rear Elevation and Right side elevation A-5 3/1/14 Plans as Built A-7 Elevations as Built A-8 Permit Plan SUMMARY: Mrs. Chastell explained that the proposed plan would include removing the existing side sun porch and adding a new two story structure. She continued that the back wall would be removed and an addition would be built onto the back. Mrs. Chastell expressed that the addition would be similar to the front style of the house. HC COMMENTS: Mr. Kalsow expressed that the proposed plans are sensitive to the historic house and the changes are appropriate and focus on the rear of the house. Mr. Kalsow asked if the plans included rebuilding the chimneys as they appeared much smaller on the plans or was this simply a graphic issue. Ms. Fenollosa also questioned Mrs. Chastell if the chimneys were being changed as well. Mrs. Chastell assured the Board that the proposed plan included keeping the original chimneys. Mr. Kern questioned why the Building Commissioner felt that this project might constitute a demolition. Mr. Kalsow responded that the applicant was changing the roofline and Mr. Kelland explained the ridgeline was being raised. . PUBLIC COMMENTS: None MOTION: moved by Ms. Fenollosa and seconded to approve the partial demolition and change of the roofline according to the plans dated 3/1/2014. 1 VOTE: 4-0 in favor. Town of Lexington Historical Commission Public Hearing Date: April 16, 2014 AGENDA ITEM # 2 (7:49PM) Informal discussion on the draft of the Preservation Restriction for the Town-owned property at 33 Marrett Road SUMMARY: Mr. Kelland explained that the Town Manager has asked the Historical Commission for their suggestions on the proposed preservation restriction of 33 Marrett Road, the former Masonic headquarters. Mr. Kalsow began by suggesting they review page three at the top of the paragraph. Mr. Kalsow stated that reconstruction was not appropriate to preserving and if kept would be restrictive to potential use. He continued by suggesting that the Historical Commission choose either two of the standards, to rehab or restore. Mr. Kalsow went on to say if preserving is used the other three standards must be crossed off. Mr. Kelland asked why remove any part? Mr. Kalsow explained that it is because it is not compatible with the four standards. Mr. Kalsow added that preserving would be a more stringent standard than rehab. He asked the Commission which of the four Standards is most appropriate. Ms. Fenollosa expressed that she is concerned that the building was financed with CP funds and the Masons have done an amazing job keeping it in pristine condition. She continued that we must hold this building to the same standard, the highest standard of care. Ms. Fenollosa went on to say that reconstruction is out and the explained that the other three Standards involve a certain level of stewardship. She stated that preserving is most often the most appropriate Standard with parks and national landmarks. Ms. Fenollosa continued that rehabilitation involves too much flexibility and that restoration would be the Standard we opt for. Mr. Kalsow included that one document with four separate Standards should be used as we can do things under rehab that are prohibited under restoration. He further explained that we should take out rehabilitation as there are options for mutually agreeable restrictions and one out of four should be selected. Mr. Kelland added that the HC would let the Town Manager know they will look into this issue a bit more. Ms. Fenollosa commented that she will check the wording and look at the content of four different guidelines as to what is appropriate for the building. Ms. Fenollosa and Mr. Kalsow said they would discuss further with an eye to advising Mr. Valente on their deliberations. Ms. Fenollosa added that it is not so much what is in the agreement but what is not. She commented that this restoration could be financed under CPC property of whole being considered a historic landscape. They have excluded the land from protected covenant and Ms. Fenollosa added that it must say maintain grounds and must have Standard of Care imposed on grounds. Ms. Fenollosa continued that in the section on alterations it doesn’t speak of demo, moving, subdivision, buildings built on ground. She added the section must go beyond what language is there. Mr. Kalsow asked if there is an exception for a free standing shed and commented that the HC should look at individual preservation standards. Ms. Fenollosa said the document doesn’t speak of condemnation and asked if the Town were willing to assume the risk. Ms. Fenollosa reminded the Commission if a function room or gym were added a road would need to be built parallel to the property and the Fire Department would insist on two egresses. Mr.Kelland questioned if the road would be a cut through. Ms. Fenollosa replied that there is a property line there and Mr. Kalsow added that these are permitted without review. Mr. Kalsow summarized that eliminating or modify Secretary of Standards for Rehabilitation gives a certain level of appropriate flexibility under Section 10 it is tempting to have a time period of every two years to have an inspection by a historical architect. Ms. Fenollosa asked if the inspection should be done once a year instead. Mr. Kalsow added that a detailed report along with photographs on the condition of the house should be provided. 2 MOTION: moved by Mr. Kalsow, and seconded, to agree to recommend further discussion of modification to preservation restriction and delegate Preservation Standards. VOTE : 4-0 agreed to recommendations discussed. Town of Lexington Historical Commission April 16, 2014: Approval of March 19, 2014 Historical Commission Meeting Minutes MOTION: moved by Ms. Fenollosa, and seconded, to postpone the approval of March 19, 2014 Minutes to next month as there was no majority present. VOTE: 4-0 in favor AGENDA ITEM: Adjourn MOTION: moved by Mr. Kelland, and seconded, to adjourn meeting. VOTE: 4-0 in favor Meeting adjourned: (Time) 8:23 PM (EST) 3