HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-03-19-HC-min HISTORICAL COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES March 19, 2014 Call to Order: A public meeting of the Historical Commission was held in Cary Hall at the Ellen Stone March 19, 2014 Room, 1605 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA on . 7:30PM The meeting convened at . Historical Commission Members in Attendance: Mr. David Kelland, Ms. Sally Zimmerman and Mr. Wendall Kalsow AGENDA ITEM #1 (Time: 7:33 PM) Public Hearing on Full Building Demolition Application for 56 Turning Mill Road APPLICANT(S) PRESENT: Mr. John Dvorak, 3 Dewey Road Lexington ABUTTER(S) PRESENT: Mr. Bob Kirsch, 2 Grimes Road, Lexington Ms. Betsy Sorows, 36 Turning Mill Road, Lexington Mr. Darren Conway, 17 Dewey Road, Lexington Homeowners from 58 Turning Mill Road, Lexington DOCUMENT(S): Report from John K. Martin, P.E., 342 Lexington Street, Watertown, Ma 02472 Proposed rear, front, left and right elevations Photograph of exterior Photograph of basement water damage Photograph of basement ceiling Photograph of mold and flooring damage in living space Photograph of first floor ceiling and wall water damage Copy of Water and Sewer bill dated 9/24/2013 indicating last payment was from 3/2/2004 Copy of letter written by John and Joyce Dvorak, 3 Dewey Road, to neighbors outlining the project Copy of signed letter from Patrice Cleaves, Mountain Road, stating she is not opposed to the project Copy of signed letter from Mary Ann Partridge, 2 Dewey Road, stating she is not opposed to the project Copy of signed letter from David and Alex Dohan, 57 Turning Mill Road, stating they are not opposed to the project Copy of signed letter from Bob Creech, 2 Grimes Road SUMMARY: The house at 56 Turning Mill Road has been unoccupied since 1996. Mr. John and Mrs. Joyce Dvorak purchased the house with the hope of removing the existing structure and replacing it with a similar style home. Mr. Dvorak expressed that he intends to produce a residence that is stylistically appropriate and follows the major design themes of a mid-century contemporary home. He also seeks to capitalize on the energy efficient capabilities of present day. Mr. Dvorak relayed to the Commission that his family would not be moving into the new house the proposed plan is a real estate project. Mr. Dvorak explained that the current condition of the house is extremely poor. He stated the problems include major termite infestation as well as water damage and mold throughout the interior and exterior of the structure. The applicant reported that there is a strong stench of mold in the house as well. Mr. Dvorak continued that a structural engineer has deemed the property to be unstable and dangerous in its current condition. The report by John K. Martin, P.E. concluded that because of the termite damage and poor structural integrity the house does not merit a restoration and should be demolished for safety reasons. 1 HC COMMENTS: Mr. Kalsow suggested that Mr. Dvorak include existing elevations as well as proposed elevations when submitting future project plans. Mr. Kalsow asked Mr. Dvorak why the proposed garage height is so tall. Mr. Dvorak explained that there is a challenge with storage space and that the new garage would be built on top of the present garage. Ms. Zimmerman asked if the garage plan would be a slab on grade. Mr. Dvorak agreed that this was indeed the plan. Mr. Kelland asked if the proposed house would be square versus rectangular. Ms. Zimmerman also commented that the proposed house would project out more than the existing structure. Mr. Kelland asked the Commission to consider whether the demo would be detrimental to the neighborhood and cultural resources. Mr. Kelland reviewed the Demolition Delay Bylaw. Mr. Kelland stated he would like to see some delay in making this decision and perhaps a more settled design in keeping with surrounding houses. Ms. Zimmerman mentioned that the scale is inconsistent in the proposal with the houses in the existing neighborhood and told the applicant there is a real art in fitting something in a compatible way. She explained that these were intended to be small houses. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mr. Bob Kirsch, 2 Grimes Road, explained that the previous owners left the house in 1996. He continued that he felt the house doesn’t look bad and that there is some termite damage. Mr. Kirsch also told the Commission that the house needs air conditioning to help eliminate the dampness and humidity that enter through the slab which sweats in the warm weather. The resident from 58 Turning Mill Road explained that their house also has similar holes and questioned Mr. Dvorak if the holes were really the result of termites or was from woodpecker damage, this resident continued that all houses do have mold to some degree as well. The same resident voiced that he would prefer to see the existing house repaired and not demolished and replaced with a new larger structure. Ms. Betsy Sorows, 36 Turning Mill Road, expressed that the proposed project worries her. She relayed that she is concerned that builders will try and make the new house look mid century and modern and it will not fit with the neighborhood. She told the Commission that she likes the area as is. Mr. Darren Conway, 17 Dewey Road, express his concerns that this project could potentially open the door for other homeowners to sell their homes and the whole character of the neighborhood could disappear if million dollar homes are built in their place. MOTION: moved by Mr. Kalsow and seconded to find the house at 56 Turning Mill Road preferably preserved and the report submitted by John K. Martin, P.E. does not indicate it is not feasible to repair and restore the house. VOTE: 3-0 in favor. Town of Lexington Historical Commission Public Hearing Date: March 19, 2014 AGENDA ITEM # 2 (8:19PM) Public Hearing on Full Building Demolition Application at 116 School Street APPLICANT(S) PRESENT: Mr. Chris Dugan, on behalf of homeowner, Ms. Debra Johar Mr. Johar, 116 School Street, Lexington ABUTTER(S) PRESENT: None 2 DOCUMENT(S): Copy of letter to the Historical Commission from Ms. Debra Johar Report from H-Star Engineering, Inc. 200 Greenville Rd., New Ipswich, NH 03071 Photo 1 Front View of house Photo 2 Side View of house Photo 3 Rear View of house Photo 4 Cracked Floor joist Photo 5 Beam Support and Substandard Wiring Photo 6 Provisional Support Column and Water Damage Photo 7 Cracked Carrying Beam Photo 8 Eccentric Column Photo 9 Cracked Carrying Beam Photo 10 Damaged Interior Finish Photo 11 Buckled Exterior Wall Photo 12 Water Damaged Ceiling Photo 13 Water Damage with Mechanical and Kitchen Updates Photo 14 Sagging Cross Beam Photo 15 Sagging Floor Photo 16 Sagging Floor Photo 17 Blocked Fireplace Photo 18 Sagging Floor with Water Damage Photo 19 Modernized Door Photo 20 Narrow Staircase ( substandard width) Photo 21 Sagging Floor with Water Damage Photo 22 Water Damaged Roof with undersized rafters Photo 23 Cracked and Damaged attic floor boards Photo 24 Cracked angled chimney with inadequate structural support SUMMARY: Mr. Duggan, contractor for Ms. Johar, explained that the homeowner wishes to demolish the existing house which based on their knowledge and input from a structural engineer requires quite a bit of work to bring up to present day code. Mr. Duggan noted the house has inadequate ceiling height, six foot eight inch at the most and the stairwells are very steep and narrow. He also commented that there is significant water damage throughout the structure and floors and beams in the basement are now sagging as a result and there are several trip hazards throughout the house. Mr. Duggan stated the homeowner wishes to build a new structure which would include wood siding and wood trims painted in traditional colors. The future house would also include porches that would have railings with balusters and turned wood posts. Mr. Duggan added that the windows would be simulated divided light with wide trim and sills on the outside. Mr. Duggan concluded that the intent is to make the new home fit the neighborhood that it is in and add some of the old character of the existing house. Mr. Jonar explained to the Commission that he and his wife were attempting to figure out how to make the house work for them in its present state. He stated that he is over six feet tall and his teenage son is quickly approaching that height as well.Mr. Jonar described how he needs to duck down to use the stairs and hits his head on a regular basis. The family had planned to rent one side of the house in an effort to help pay the mortgage. Mr. Jonar went on to explain that the renters had been evicted prior to his family purchasing the house and there was extensive damage on their half as well. 3 HC COMMENTS: Ms. Zimmerman explained that the house is older than 1903 as the chimneys are eccentric, she recommended to Mr. Duggan that he take the time to understand what is on the existing structure. She added that a building such as this one needs to be acknowledged as a survivor. Ms. Zimmerman noted the porch is new and the windows have been replaced, she mentioned the gunstock posts in the corner and the th 19 century doors. Mr. Kelland commented that Bowman Tavern was in much worse shape than this house and it is now in first class shape today thanks to a sensitive builder that had good solutions for sagging beams. Mr. Kalsow suggested that the applicant seek the guidance of a preservation architect. Mr. Kalsow stated that no where in the engineer’s report did it indicate that it would be technologically infeasible to repair and stabilize the house. Mr. Kelland added that the charm of these houses is that they have unusual features and there are people who do find value in these unusual features. Ms. Zimmerman explained the Demo Delay bylaw to Mr. Jonar and added that she felt the demolition of this house would be detrimental to the historical heritage of the Town. Ms. Zimmerman commented that the house looks like a preferably preserved structure. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None MOTION: moved by Ms. Zimmerman, and seconded, to find the demolition detrimental to the historical resources of the Town and to find the house preferably preserved. VOTE: 3-0 in favor. Town of Lexington Historical Commission March 19, 2014: AGENDA ITEM # 3 (8:44PM) Informal discussion on potential project at 19 Maple Street with Elise Braceras Stone, Architects, 288 Old Marlboro Road, Concord, Ma 978-371-1512 SUMMARY: Ms. Elise Braceras Stone, architect, explained to the Commission that her client would like to take down the sun porch and add onto the back of the house at 19 Maple Street. She indicated that a second floor would also be added to create a master suite. This addition would require the removal of the back staircase. The proposed plan will keep all the existing fireplaces and the second floor bedroom would remain as is. The master suite would include a bathroom and another three bedrooms with a bathroom. Ms. Stone added the proposed plan would include removing the vinyl siding and refurbishing the windows and doors. The proposed plan also reflects the new family room in the back with the master which will create a peaked roof and will not rise above the existing roof. Ms. Stone explained to the Commission that the garage will be a simple garage and approximately 24 x 24. She is seeking feedback from the Commission prior to a formal hearing to allow the demo of the sun porch and back wall. Ms. Zimmerman commented that the removal of the vinyl siding will reveal elements of the original detailing and asked if the windows could all be restored. She included that storm windows work very well and may be an appropriate future option. Ms. Zimmerman advised that Ms. Stone look carefully at what is under the siding. Mr. Kalsow reviewed the proposed plans and stated that Ms. Stone has been respectful to the original front of the house and that the scale works well. He also noted that the rear addition has been kept to the rear. Ms. Zimmerman suggested that Ms. Stone continue to do her research and learn about the people that lived previously in the house as that will reveal how the house has evolved. Ms. Stone then asked to be added to the agenda for the April 2014 HC meeting. 4 Town of Lexington Historical Commission March 19, 2014: AGENDA ITEM # 4 (9:07PM) UPDATES Mr. Kalsow told the Commission that he had attended a meeting on the proposed changes in Lexington Center designed by the Beta Group. He explained that these possible changes on the Battle Green on Mass Avenue were not following the preliminary design recommended by the Battle Green study. Mr. Kalsow advised that the Commission be aware of the project and the impact it could have on the historical resources to the Battle Green area. Ms. Zimmerman updated the Commission on the images she found on Ponywold and indicated she had made several suggestions that the Secretary of Interior Standards be followed on this project. Approval of March 19, 2014 Historical Commission Meeting Minutes MOTION: moved by Mr. Kelland, and seconded, to approve the Minutes of February 19, 2014 VOTE: 3-0 in favor AGENDA ITEM: Adjourn MOTION: moved by Mr. Kelland, and seconded, to adjourn meeting. VOTE: 3-0 in favor Meeting adjourned: (Time) 9:13 PM (EST) 5