HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-05-08-LBAC-min APPROVED MEETING MINUTES Committee Name : Lexington Bicycle Advisory Committee Date, Time and Location of Meeting : May 8, 2014, 7 pm, Parker Room Members Present : Peggy Enders, (Chair), Bob Hausslein (FoLB Chair), Marita Hartshorn, Mike Tabaczynski, Laurel Carpenter, Bob Dangel, George Gagliardi, Sandra Shaw (Recreation Committee Liaison), Richard Canale (Planning Board Liaison) Members Absent: Stew Kennedy, John Frey Minutes : The April minutes were approved as distributed. Board of Selectmen Annual Goal Setting 1. : In response to a request for input to the BoS annual goal setting summit, the committee agreed to resubmit its 2013 submission with revisions that include reference to Lexington’s recent Bicycle Friendly Community bronze-level designation (i.e., to aspire to silver status). The input will also reflect the committee’s concern about the current Center Streetscape proposal in terms of bicycle and pedestrian accommodation. Bikeway Repair and Paving Plans 2. : The DPW plans to repave the Bikeway from Mal’s to Fottler and between Woburn and Fletcher this summer. Peggy and Bob Hausslein talked with Dave Pinsonneault about the need for needed repair work fill potholes and cracks as well as address pavement drop-offs. There are also plans to stripe the Lexington section of the Bikeway with a broken yellow line with a solid line at intersection approaches. Tri-Town Meeting: 3. Peggy reported that Arlington has prepared a proposed agenda for the upcoming tri-town meeting; the committee approved the proposal. The meeting will be held on Saturday, June 7th at 8:30 a.m. in Estabrook Hall. Trash and Leaf Dumping on the Bikeway 4. : The committee discussed concerns about conditions observed by helpers during last Saturday’s Bikeway Clean-up. Starting from the Arlington Town Line: the area behind the car wash was the most littered, washed out and trashy section; the committee believes this is the result of snow being dumped over the side by businesses along the east end of Mass Ave. The debris contained many car wash cloths that were probably scooped up by the plow. Evidently, the town permits snow to be dumped onto the Bikeway right-of-way; the committee thinks this practice should be stopped. At the corner of Fottler and the bikeway, there was construction debris containing cement as well as blue stone. Behind the cemetery near the senior center the DPW or other group continues to dump leaves over the cemetery fence; these leaves appear to be killing the trees. At Revere Street residents are dumping leaves, which clog the culvert and cause flooding. A committee member asked, “where else is this allowed?” Bike Racks at Conservation Land Entrances 5. : The Conservation Department is preparing its budget for next year and has asked the committee to recommend locations and the type of bike racks to be provided in conservation lands. Mike Tabaczynski volunteered to identify areas. The Community Farm should also have a rack. Liaison Reports: 6. Richard Canale commented that the Selectmen are dealing set 46 goals at last year’s Board of Selectmen summit; three of those goals dealt with transportation. The Planning Board is drafting zoning regulations to deal with new developments that will include making adequate provisions for cyclists and pedestrians. Sandra Shaw reported from the Recreations Committee; the group is excited. th about the outcome of the 5 grade bicycle safety pilot program at Bridge school that was held during Bike/Walk/Bus Week. Peggy is looking into getting free helmets for children from a law firm in Boston. Also the Recreation Department is moving to the new Community Center where it is hoped space is made available for bike repair. Other Business 7. : Marita reported that her neighbor was on a bicycle and was hit by a car at corner of Dawes and Follen roads and suffered a broken hip. The cyclist was going straight and the driver was turning. The committee discussed continued concerns about bicycle safety and better tracking of accidents involving bicycles. Owing to the Tri-Town Meeting in early June, the committee agreed there would be no June meeting of the Bicycle Advisory Committee. The meeting was adjourned at 8:02 pm. Record of the Discussions of the Friends of Lexington Bikeways Annual Meeting: Bob Hausslein opened the meeting: Current board members who were re-elected are: Stew Kennedy, Marita Hartshorn, Bob Hausslein, Peggy Enders, Laurel Carpenter, George Gagliardi, John Frey, and Richard Canale. The officers re- elected are Bob Hausslein as president and treasurer and Marita Hartshorn as clerk. George Gagliardi reviews the books annually. The group agreed that a way to attract new members might be to hold a special meeting with a well-known speaker. The membership fee is $1. Treasurer's Report : Large expenditures were $3,500 for 2013-14 snow plowing and $400 for Nicole Waxmansky for services rendered. Non-Profit status update : Still in process. Upcoming Events: Bike Walk ‘n Bus Week Bike Smart pilot at Bridge School (Thursday, May 15) – Stew and Marita o will work with Peggy and Sheila Butts Women’s Ride (Saturday, May 10) – Laurel and Peggy will attend o Commuter Breakfast and early morning ride (Friday, May 16) o Bike to BBQ Bike Corral (Sunday, May 18) Volunteers are Marita and Bob o Hausslein. Bikeway Cleanup Day (Saturday, May 3) and Garlic Mustard Pull Day (Saturday, May 10) We did an email blast, Lex List, and Minuteman paper advertising, which yielded ten volunteers in addition to our committee. Sandra suggested having the clean-up on a weekday. Also meeting at the depot was problematic. th Trail Count Days (May 7 and 10) May 7 had 1,424 users during commuter hours and lunch. Farmer’s Market: We will have a bike corral on the first Tuesday of each month. Bike Donation Day/Discovery Day (May 24): Sandra will do a letter to the editor; Marita will distribute flyers and make the sign. Peggy and Marita will get together to get volunteers. Garlic Mustard Pull: Stew and Bob H. will organize the helpers from Grace Chapel on th May 10. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, July 10, at 7 pm in the Parker Room. Recorder: Marita Hartshorn Editor: Peggy Enders