HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-05-14-LEXHAB-minLexHAB Minutes of Meeting Held on May 14, 2014 ----- - - - - -- ----------------------------------------- The mee g opened at 7:09 A.M. at the LexHAB offices at 4 Militia Drive, Lexington All membtrs were present, being Bill Kennedy (Chair), Bob Burbidge (Vice- Chair), Dave Eagle, Gerry Howell, Martha Wood, Lester Savage and Bill Hays. Also attending were No Cohen (LexHAB liason to the Board of Selectmen), Pat Nelson (Counsel to Lexhab) rd Bob Pressman. The Chainan presided. 1. The itinutes for the previous meeting were unanimously approved and accepted as 2. Fin ials Dave Eagle summarized the bank balances presently on hand. Ge Howell commented on the spreadsheets, noting that the net from operations for the first ur months of this year is under the results for the years 2012 and 2013 and pointing ut that the decline is mainly attributable to (a) audit charges which were paid this year hough attributable in part to past years, (b) insurance premiums paid this year though r the years 2012 and 2013 and (c) substantial updates and improvements paid for in 20 relating to Garfield Street, Emerson Gardens, a Muzzey unit and Parker Manor. ( e following). 3. Park School Pat lson reported that a bank loan has been taken out to cover the repair costs )ciate with the second sewer line failure and the installation of a new roof. Pat n ted that an assessment will shortly follow and that LexHAB will have the option to pay the assessment on its units up front, eliminating the interest component on our asse ment. 4, East Street Development Mr. T dd Cataldo joined the meeting and suggested that LexHAB might become the Lessee of a unit (s) in his East Street development which are to be reserved for sought confirmation that these units will count toward the Town's SSI threshold. There rollowed discussion as to whether LexHAB, were it to accept Mr. Cataldo's proposal, vould be able to select tenants on other than a lottery basis. It waq resolved that Pat Nelson and Bill Kennedy will confer with Aaron Henry before an action is taken. 5. Busa The an stated that he has spoken with Steve LaPerrier at Metro West for a proposal do for the Busa Project the same as Metro West and Beth Rush did for us on Fairview. ill will discuss this further with Jennifer VanCampen. Q It wanted that a verbal OK has been given by DHCD; the approval letter is expected Inomentarily. The *xt steps are: eport of progress to the Board of Selectmen repare application to the Zoning Board of Appeals and appear before the Board - eport to the neighborhood on progress since the last public meeting 7. Le C GeM reported that by reason of resignations and other circumstances, the committee (which is a sub - committee of LexHAB) is shorthanded. Also, an additional member of LeHAC i eeds to be authorized to conduct LeHAC's banking including signing of checks. It w left that we need to address the need for new members of the sub- committee and in ad lition, it was, on motion duly made and seconded, VOTED unanimously that Gerry be authorized to sign LeHAC checks and otherwise conduct LeHAC's banking. 8, M y Condominium It w noted that the Association which owns a unit in the condominium wishes to sell the u fit but is unsure what the Maximum Retail Price should be as the unit has no opening ale price. It was Muzzey ui 9 Next N The n( Drive in L 8. Execu The tenant s in open public b tenants. The of the n The noted that at least for the present, the problem of non -owner occupancy of on a rental basis without approval by the Town seems to have solved itself. meeting will be at 7 AM on June 1 I'h at the offices of Lexhab at 4 Militia ngton; Gerry will bring the coffee. Session airman then proposed that the Board go into Executive Session to consider tion issues without return to open session, stating that consideration of same ;zing could have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of a semi- , namely LexHA,B, and might also affect the privacy rights of potential of the Board were individually polled; each member then voted in favor was then 8:40 A.M. Respectfully submitted William C. Hays Secretary Pro Tem.