HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-04-07-TAC-min Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) Minutes April 7, 2014 Members Present : Elaine Dratch, Sara Arnold, Peter Levy, Francine Stieglitz, Sally Castleman Members Absent : Bill Levison, Michael Boudet, Matt Zhang Staff Present : Jeanette Rebecchi, Transportation Manager Liaisons : none 1.Review Minutes of Previous Meetings Minutes from January 13, 2014 Meeting Minutes were reviewed and unanimously accepted o Minutes from February 3, 2014 Meeting Minutes were reviewed and unanimously accepted o Minutes from March 31, 2014 Meeting Minutes were reviewed and unanimously accepted with one grammatical o correction 2.Transportation Systems Update No update at this meeting 3.Meeting with consulting firm on Center Parking At the request of David Kucharski, Mr. Levy met with a representative from the consulting firm Nelson/Nygaard (http://www.nelsonnygaard.com/) to answer questions about the Center Parking study being performed for the Town. The consultant indicated that the study was nearing completion and recommendations from the study would be made to the Town shortly. Mr. Levy indicated that accommodations for the Lexpress stop at the Depot should not be forgotten and that future enhancements might include electronic displays of bus locations. The Nelson/Nygaard representative also met with Ms. Rebecchi, primarily to offer consulting services such as route planning and general strategic advice. The consulting firm indicated that their services are often accessed through grant money. 4.Town Meeting Activities Relevant to Transportation The TAC statement concerning Warrant Article 24 was agreed upon at the March 31 meeting. One of the TAC members who is also a Town Meeting Member will read the statement when the Article is discussed at Town Meeting (expected to be th on April 9). In response to a question from Bijan Afshartous, it was noted that the statement expresses support of Article 24. Њ 5.School Transportation and Safety Committee Ms. Dratch gave an update. The STSC was formed as an ad hoc committee to address specific school transportation safety issues. The committee is disbanding (Judy Crocker, head of the committee, has recently been elected as a member of the School Board). The committee has completed its mission. Among its accomplishments are: Agreement from the School Board to implement uniform standards for traffic o rules and safety across all schools (principals to comply with School Board rules) Application for and receipt of grants to study routing, roadway, and other o infrastructure changes to improve traffic flow and safety. Some of these changes (Clark and Bowman) are scheduled to occur in FY ‘15 and ’16. Proposals for improvements in Estabrook traffic flow (not finalized). o Implementation of specific changes to improve safety and reduce traffic at o many of the schools Institution of funding from the Town to reduce the cost of an annual bus pass o to $300 (increased bus ridership) 6.Volunteers for Patriots’ Day Parade Ms. Rebecchi asked for volunteers to march with the Seniors and the Lexpress bus at this year’s Parade. Volunteer marchers can board the bus at the Bedford Street Fire Station at 12:30 on Patriots’ Day. The bus lines up on Mass Ave at about 1:00 PM. Parade starts at 2:00 PM. 7.Potential Changes to Lexpress Routes 1 & 4 Ms. Rebecchi reviewed the latest versions of Routes 1 and 4 with the Committee. Regarding Route 1 (which is proposed to travel to Arlington Heights), Ms. Rebecchi spoke to Mr. Valente and received his approval for the route. Ms. Rebecchi has also contacted the Arlington Planning Department and the MBTA to be sure there are no objections or restrictions. Ms. Rebecchi has received comments on the proposed route changes from about 40 individuals (some at public comment sessions, others by e-mail). Although Mr. Afshartous was present, there were no public comments about the route changes made at this meeting (advertised for public comment from 4:00 to th 4:30). The last day for public input has been advertised as April 25. The Committee unanimously adopted the following statement about the proposed route changes: “We recommend approval by the Board of Selectmen of the suggested route changes (Version 2, April 2014) barring any changes resulting from additional public input.” 8.Review of TAC Activity List Ћ Attend School Safety Committee Mtgs:Complete (committee has disbanded) Generic Town e-mail Address: Should we use for all formal TAC emails (minutes, agendas, etc.)? Community Center Transportation: Explore interaction with appropriate sub- committees (follow-up with Ms. Rogers). Mr. Levy to contact Technology sub- committee (Jon Himmel) to ask about displaying GPS & other Lexpress information on screens at the center. 9.Potential Increases in Lexpress Service The Committee briefly discussed potential areas where community members have been asking for increased service. Ms. Rebecchi agreed to put together some suggestions (based on input received over the past year) for discussion at a future TAC meeting and for potential implementation in FY ’16. Minutes recorded by Peter Levy Materials Used at the Meeting: Agenda January 13, 2014 Minutes February 3, 2014 Minutes March 31, 2014 Minutes TAC FY ’14 Activities List Route 1 and Route 4 Proposed Changes (maps, Version 2) Ќ