HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-05-BOS-min Selectmen’s Meeting May 12, 2014 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, May 12, 2014, at 6:00 p.m. in the Selectmen Meeting Room of the Town Office Building. Chairman Mauger, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Cohen, Mr. Pato and Ms. Ciccolo; Mr. Valente, Town Manager, and Ms. Vine, Deputy Town Manager; and Ms. Pease, Executive Clerk, were present. Selectmen Concerns and Liaison Reports Mr. Cohen attended the High School production of Kiss Me Kate and complimented the outstanding talent of the Lexington students. st Ms. Mauger showed a picture of the 1 apple blossom on a tree in Cotton Farm. The Lexington Conservation Stewards received a grant from the Ciccolo Family Foundation and are working to restore the apple trees. Ms. Mauger thanked the Grace Chapel volunteers who helped pull Garlic Mustard from the bikeway. She also thanked all the volunteers who helped with the bikeway cleanup over the weekend. Ms. Mauger mentioned the parking problem that occurred at Clarke Middle School because of several activities happening at the same time that resulted in traffic tickets being given to cars that were illegally parked. It is important that emergency vehicles have access and that residents are able to get out of their driveways. The Selectmen would like the School Committee to work on the issue and work with police and fire so it does not happen again. It was also suggested that the school principals need to communicate with each other. Town Manager Report Mr. Valente reported on two items: 1.Bike Walk N’ Bus Week is May 9 to May 18. The Parklet has been installed and the Hartwell/Alewife shuttle service (the REV) will offer free rides to passengers all week and Lexpress will be free on Wednesday. 2.The Human Services Department was selected to receive a $41,000 grant from The Dana Home Foundation to continue the Senior Outreach Services Program. This program funds the Outreach Assistant, transportation initiatives and this year will fund the furnishing of the Wellness Center at the new Community Center. The grant also funds technology needs for the nurse and outreach staff. The Fire Department was selected to receive a $9,500 grant from the Dana Home Foundation to use for the cooking safety education for seniors. Selectmen’s Meeting – May 12, 2014 Center Committee Discussion on Business Diversity Mr. Michelson, Chair of the Center Committee; Mr. Howell, Center Committee member; and Ms. Tintocalis, Economic Development Director, came to the meeting to discuss a vote of the Center Committee taken on May 8, 2014 to recommend to the Board that it support limitations on Bank/Credit Union uses in center storefronts because they have evolved to be more like office use, and that action be taken as soon as possible. The issues include: retail storefront space is a limited resource in the center and it is vital to use that resource in a manner that sustains the kind of town center that best serves the community; the center is very well served by bank/credit union use; the Town does not allow office uses in “center storefronts”; and business practices change over time and the Town needs to update the zoning bylaw to take into account these changes. The Center Committee recommends that banks and credit unions be treated more like office uses and that the Town place controls on their use in the limited retail storefront that is available in the center. They have not taken a position but suggest: dimensional restraints, definition adjustments or change in use. The Center Committee attended a Planning Board meeting to update them on the issue, but they wanted to discuss with the Selectmen to see what direction they suggest going and also felt there should be a joint meeting of the Center Committee, Planning Board and Selectmen scheduled to discuss how best to move forward. Mr. Kelley thought that many years ago banks were required to get a special permit for locating in the center and wondered if the threshold for use was higher then. He also asked how landlords feel a change would affect them and also if any of the current banks are grandfathered. Mr. Pato feels real estate in the center is scarce and it would be easy to make a change but it is an important debate. Mr. Cohen feels the issue should be looked into. He also asked about the high number of real estate offices in the center. He has heard from landlords who have a bank as a tenant that they can lower rents for the other businesses. He thinks Lexington has a pretty diverse center when compared to surrounding towns. Ms. Mauger said this is the number one issue she is asked about but also stated that banks are great neighbors to the community. Asked how the Selectmen want to proceed with this issue, the Selectmen want the Center Committee to look into options for a fall Special Town Meeting. They want to make sure there is plenty of time for public input. The Planning Board needs to decide on the best way to move forward. Selectmen’s Meeting – May 12, 2014 The Selectmen suggested that the Center Committee form a Working Group to come up with alternative approaches and to develop a more specific proposal. Ms. Mauger will contact the Planning Board Chair regarding having an informal discussion. Ms. McKenna, 9 Hancock Street, supports looking at diversity in the center and suggested the working group think about opportunities for visitors to Lexington. Mr. Valente left the meeting and Ms. Vine stepped in. Call for Special Town Meeting on June 16, 2014 and Open Warrant Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to hold a Special Town Meeting on Monday, June 16, 2014, and to close the warrant on Thursday, May 15, 2014 at 12:00 noon. The Board discussed the list of possible articles: 1.CD Rezoning for 430 Concord Ave (front parcel) 2.Acquisition of Back Land at 430 Concord Ave (rear parcel) 3.Expand Existing Easement on Land at 430 Concord Avenue 4.School Committee request for Funding a Master Plan 5.Solar PILOT 6.Amend General Bylaws regarding age to purchase smoking materials (see attached information) 7.Amend General Bylaws regarding reporting period for Town Counsel’s Annual Report 8.Establish and Appropriate to and from Specified Stabilization Funds 9.Amend FY14 Budget (housekeeping, if necessary) 10.Amend Article 5 of November 4, 2013 Special Town Meeting, Renovation to Community Center 11.Amend Article 2 of the March 24, 2014 Special Town Meeting, Cary Memorial Building Upgrades 12.Appropriate for Authorized Capital Improvements Several of the Selectmen were concerned that there is not enough time to discuss the suggested changes to the General Bylaws regarding the age to purchase smoking materials and requested that the article be put off until the 2015 Annual Town Meeting. The Selectmen had several questions about the Solar PILOT article around what it is for and if it is needed. PILOT (Payment in Lieu of Taxes) is a negotiated agreement and it may be needed before solar can be installed on school and municipal buildings. There was a concern that there were too many articles for the Special Town Meeting to be done in one night. Ms. Vine will discuss with Mr. Valente if there are any articles that can be scheduled for a later Special Town Meeting or the next Annual Town Meeting. Selectmen’s Meeting – May 12, 2014 Approve Memorial Day Parade/Ceremonies Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve the request of the Town Celebrations Committee for the Memorial Day Parade and Ceremonies on Monday, May 26, 2014, as outlined in the letter dated May 4, 2014. Approve Limousine License Renewal – Boyadjian Limousine Mr. Boyadjian completed all the necessary paperwork and successfully had his vehicle inspected by the Police Department. The vehicle is a Black 2007 Mercedes R500, License Plate LV994. It will be housed at 447 Lowell Street. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve the application and issue one (1) Limousine License to Boyadjian Limousine Service, 447 Lowell Street. Hanscom Field Advisory Commission – Resignation/Appointment Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to accept the resignation of Jeanne Krieger from the Hanscom Field Advisory Commission, effective immediately. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to appoint Hank Manz to the Hanscom Field Advisory Commission for a term to expire June 30, 2017. Human Rights Committee – Resignation Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to accept the resignation of Arthur Katz from the Human Rights Committee, effective immediately. Town Manager Reappointment – Council on Aging Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve the Town Manager’s appointment of Camille Goodwin to the Council on Aging for a term to expire May 31, 2017. Consent Agenda Approve One-Day Liquor License – Children’s Dyslexia Center Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve a one-day liquor license for Children’s Dyslexia Center-Boston North to serve wine at a wine tasting/silent auction fundraiser on Saturday, May 17, 2014, from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Hall, 17 Meriam Street. Selectmen’s Meeting – May 12, 2014 Approve Use of the Battle Green – USAF Promotion Ceremony Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve the use of the Battle Green on Thursday, May 22, 2014, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon for a USAF Captain Promotion Ceremony. Sign Proclamation – Hank Manz Service as Selectmen Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to sign a proclamation with gratitude and appreciation for Hank Manz’s many years of service to the community. Documents Presented 1.Report of the Lexington Center Committee, May 12, 2014. Executive Session Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 by roll call to go into Executive Session to prepare for negotiations with Non-Union Personnel (Town Manager) and to reconvene in Open Session only to adjourn. Further, the Chairman declared that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the Town. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to adjourn at 7:22 p.m. A true record; Attest: Lynne A. Pease Executive Clerk Selectmen’s Meeting May 19, 2014 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, May 12, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. in the Selectmen Meeting Room of the Town Office Building. Chairman Mauger, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Cohen, Mr. Pato and Ms. Ciccolo; Mr. Valente, Town Manager; and Ms. Pease, Executive Clerk, were present. Executive Session Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 by roll call to go into Executive Session to consider the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property, 430 Concord Avenue-rear lot, and to reconvene in Open Session. Further, the Chairman declared that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the Town. Public Comment Ms. Enders, Chair of the Bicycle Advisory Committee, announced that Lexington has been designated as a Bicycle Friendly Community at the Bronze level. A formal presentation from the League of American Bicyclists will be scheduled in June. The Board thanked Ms. Enders and the staff for all their efforts in getting this designation. Mr. Canale, Planning Board Liaison to the Bicycle Advisory Committee, looks forward to the next step of trying to reach the Silver level. Selectmen Concerns and Liaison Reports Ms. Ciccolo reported that the Shade Street calming project plans are moving forward and the neighbors are pleased that the street will be made safer. She thanked Engineering Staff and Beta for a great job. Ms. Mauger stated that the Selectmen met with the Shade Street neighbors regarding speed and traffic; then directed staff to consider a pilot program to get data and see if the plan would work for other streets. Ms. Mauger thanked the staff for the Hazardous Waste Collection this past weekend. She was impressed with the use of the site for the Northeast Homeland Security Regional Advisory Council (NERAC), composting and firing range. Approval of Final FY15 Lexpress Routes Ms. Rebecchi, Transportation Coordinator, reviewed the proposed Lexpress route changes. The recommendations were developed after an extensive public outreach effort was undertaken, including meeting with the Arlington Board of Selectmen. There are no changes being made to Selectmen’s Meeting – May 19, 2014 Lexpress Routes 5 and 6. After much deliberation, it is recommended that in FY15 Lexpress Route 1 stop upon request at the Community Center once it opens. That will allow Lexpress to not only keep service to all existing East Lexington neighborhoods, but also add stops at the Lexington Community Farm and Arlington Heights. Lexpress Route 2 will stop at the Community Center once per hour as part of its regular route. The current Route 4 will become Route 3 with changes to the route to serve South Lexington. The current Route 3 will become Route 4 with changes to the route to serve Northeast Lexington. The routes will be analyzed next spring to review on-time performance, ridership and community preference. Staff will specifically reexamine Route 1 after the Community Center has opened. At that time it will be determined if stopping on-demand is meeting residents’ needs, or if further alterations are needed. Ms. Ciccolo thanked Ms. Rebecchi and the Transportation Advisory Committee for their work to bring the bus to the Community Center. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve the final FY15 Lexpress routes as presented. Close Hearing for LexMedia Contract Extension Mr. Pato presided over a public hearing on April 29, 2014 to take comments from the public on the performance of LexMedia. The hearing was left open to allow residents additional time to submit comments. A few comments were received all of which were favorable. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to close the hearing held by the Board of Selectmen and the Communications Advisory Committee on LexMedia’s performance on April 29, 2014. Grant of Location – National Grid – Grant Street Ms. Mauger opened the hearing at 7:40 p.m. National Grid is requesting permission to install gas service from Grant Street to for a house at 181 Saddle Club Road. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve the petition for National Grid to install and maintain approximately 247 feet of 4 inch gas main in Grant Street. Ms. Mauger closed the hearing at 7:41 p.m. Grant of Location – Comcast – Militia Drive Ms. Mauger opened the hearing at 7:41 p.m. Selectmen’s Meeting – May 19, 2014 Mr. Broderick, representing Comcast, requested approval to excavate and install communications conduit from an existing pole on Worthen Road to 5 Militia Drive. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve the petition of Comcast to lay, install and maintain underground conduit on Militia Drive from existing pole on Worthen Road to 5 Militia Drive, approximately 405 + feet. Ms. Mauger closed the hearing at 7:42 p.m. Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Recommendations Request for Pedestrian Actuated Signal on Bedford Street Mr. Cannon, Assistant Engineer, stated that the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee (TSAC) recommends that a letter from the Board of Selectmen be sent to MassDOT Highway District 4 requesting that a pedestrian actuated signal along with a protected raised median be installed at or near the intersection of Bedford Street @ Eldred Street. This is in response to safety concerns for crossing Bedford Street across 4 lanes. The intent of the letter is to engage state agencies to work with the Town on the safety issues and concerns. Mr. Kelley suggested that Lexington’s Senators and Representative be copied on the letter and to also ask them for letters of support. He also suggests that there be a broader discussion on the location of the crosswalk to make it easier for bus riders. Ms. Ciccolo will provide additional names from Central Transportation Planning Office from the Boston MPO to be included on the list to receive a copy of the MassDOT letter. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee, with a proposed amendment to the carbon copy list, for the Selectmen to send a letter to MassDOT Highway District 4 requesting installation of a pedestrian actuated signal along with a protected raised median at or near the intersection of Bedford Street at Eldred Street. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to request Lexington’s Senators and Representative delegation send their own letters of support to MassDOT Highway District 4 in support of this pedestrian actuated signal along with a protected raised median at or near the intersection of Bedford Street at Eldred Street. Recommendation for Traffic Study on Lowell Street near LexFarm Mr. Cannon, Assistant Engineer, stated that the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee (TSAC) is recommending that a traffic study be conducted along Lowell Street in the vicinity of LexFarm and the planned LexHAB affordable housing site. Selectmen’s Meeting – May 19, 2014 Mr. Cannon stated TSAC recommends approval of design money to complete a design that was done two years ago. A study done by Arlington is similar to what Lexington designed two years ago and is supported by TSAC. The design funding would include a sidewalk at the Litchfield/ Haskell intersection, including a crosswalk and intersection modification. Requesting the design money now will improve safety and save money. Asked whether funding was available, Mr. Valente stated there were two options: currently there is a balance from an earlier TSAC project for engineering; for road improvements there is a robust construction budget and this project might fit in an existing plan for construction during the fall of 2014 or spring of 2015 or the following construction period. Mr. Kanter suggested that the Sidewalk Committee be advised of the proposed project. Ms. Mauger will request the Selectmen Sidewalk Committee Liaison to let the Committee know. Ms. Reed, Westminster Avenue, is thrilled the project is moving forward. Her neighbors from Arlington support the proposed measures. She asked if TSAC would look at extending sidewalk further. Ms. Smiar, Lowell Street, asked if the recommendation included a bump out to calm traffic. Mr. Cannon responded the concept is to extend out the intersection with Lowell Street. More information will be available as the project is designed. There will also be public meetings for comments. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee to conduct a traffic design along Lowell Street in the vicinity of LexFarm and the planned LexHAB affordable Housing site. Review Solar on Municipal and School Buildings Mr. Sandeen, Sustainable Lexington Committee Chair, provided an overview of the solar project. Ameresco will install, own, operate, maintain and remove PV solar energy systems at no upfront cost to the Town. Lexington will purchase all electricity generated at a negotiated 20 year rate and Lexington’s rate for solar energy will be less than the utility’s electricity rate, creating savings for the Town. Structural analysis on school and municipal buildings is currently underway and there is a possibility that there could be material scope reductions. Next steps include: completing technical due diligence; determine project scope; review resulting financials with Town staff and Appropriation and Capital Expenditures members; and report back to the Selectmen with recommendations on how to proceed. Selectmen’s Meeting – May 19, 2014 Ms. Lindsey, Ameresco, wants to get the scope and financials nailed down in the next couple of weeks. Ameresco would like the agreements finalized before the end of June. Mr. Valente explained that the Selectmen need to take the following actions under its Bylaws: approve a 20 year agreement with Ameresco and negotiate payment of an amount in lieu of taxes for 20 years which the Board will have to approve. The Finance Committees will assign a couple of members each to work with Mr. Addelson, Mr. Valente and the Solar Working Group to bring recommendations to the Selectmen. The School Committee voted to approve installation of solar on school buildings. The Historic Districts Commission stated it was out of their scope since the solar panels would not be visible from a public way. Mr. Cohen asked if it makes sense to install solar on the Diamond School now if the roof needs to be replaced within five years; should installation occur after the roof is replaced? In general he feels solar should not be added unless the roofs have at least 10 years of life. The Sustainable Lexington Committee looked into the economics and feel it makes sense to install the solar even if the roofs have five years of life. Mr. Kanter, Capital Expenditures Committee, asked about the reduction of scope in the number of buildings solar will be added to, which could change by 50 percent. That change may affect the economics of purchasing electricity and may become a factor when locking into a 22 year agreement if the aggregate becomes significantly less. He requested that the spreadsheet material for review be an interactive document. The Selectmen want to make sure the Sustainable Lexington Committee and the Public Facilities Staff work diligently to provide all the information that has been requested and that it is available to the public for transparency. The solar project needs to be tied to the schools capital plan and the solar installation plans need to agree with the schools proposed capital improvements. The Board needs to see the results of the working group and as much of contract terms as possible. The Staff will provide recommendations on models that indicate best factors to consider for bonding and the information will be provided to the Selectmen prior to the next solar discussion. Minuteman Regional Agreement Mr. Valente explained that the amendment to the Minuteman High School Regional Agreement has been approved by 10 communities; one community has not approved it and five have postponed their votes. Those communities that have postponed their votes have done so because they are considering withdrawing from the Minuteman, because of the very small number of students they send to the school. Selectmen Dan Matthews from Needham has proposed that Boards of Selectmen support a resolution that the Selectmen will not block withdrawal by those Selectmen’s Meeting - May 19, 2014 four communities. He believes that a majority of the member communities approve the proposed resolution, the four communities that have postponed their votes on the proposed Agreement will support its passage. Mr. Valente has reviewed this issue with Lexington Minuteman’s working group that includes Mr. Cohen, Mr. Parker and Mr. Michelson from the Appropriation Committee, Bill Hurley from Capital Expenditures Committee, and Mr. Horton, Lexington’s Representative to the Minuteman Regional High School, and they support the Selectmen adopting this resolution. Mr. Kelley had concerns about the communities that want to withdraw. Mr. Valente stated that the communities that are likely to withdraw currently have less than 35 students in the school and they would have the option to come back under an agreement with Minuteman and the Department of Education and be charged tuition and a facilities fee. Mr. Valente believes the Minuteman School Committee will not be recommending an 800 student school and are expected to make a final decision by September-October of this year. Since some of the Selectmen had a number of concerns about allowing communities to withdraw from the District, the Board decided to discuss again at a future meeting. The Selectmen will provide Mr. Valente any questions they would like answered before the end of the week. Sign Warrant for June 16, 2014 Special Town Meeting The Selectmen reviewed the articles proposed for the Special Town Meeting. Article 6 – Amend General Bylaws – Contracts and Deeds (Solar Energy Purchasing) may not be necessary; the Town Manager is waiting to hear from the Department of Revenue whether the proposed changes to the Bylaw are necessary or not. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to sign the warrant for the June 16, 2014 Special Town Meeting allowing for minor changes as recommended by Town Counsel. Review 39 Marrett Road Preservation Restriction Mr. Valente provided the Board with a draft of the Preservation Restriction for 39 Marrett Road and asked for them to review and comment. The Historical Society agreed to hold the Preservation Restriction, which has been reviewed by the Historical Commission and the Historical Society, and whose comments have been incorporated. There are a few open questions which are being resolved by Town Counsel and Town staff. A final version will be prepared for the Board’s approval and signature after the Selectmen provide their comments and questions. Ms. Ciccolo is interested in seeing all the comments and concerns and would like to show the final version to the Community Center Advisory Committee. But there are items in the exhibits that need more thought. She will forward specific modification requests to the Town Manager. Selectmen’s Meeting – May 19, 2014 Mr. Pato had questions regarding the language on sections regarding Alterations (Item 3) and Grantor’s Rights Not Requiring Further Approval of Grantee (Item 5). Item 3 states alterations to the interior are prohibited without approval of the holder of the restriction and Item 5 seems to suggest that anything not structural would be allowed. Mr. Pato asked for clarification on whether the Town can proceed with changes to sections of the buildings that are not in the historic house. He also asked about the interpretation of buildings vs. premises; he is supportive of the restrictions placed on preserving the buildings but does not understand what that would do to the future potential for the property. Mr. Valente responded that the Historical Commission believes the Preservation Restriction should include the buildings and making alternations to the site. As an example, the beautiful line of trees along the driveway, which the Town could not cut down without getting permission from the Preservation Restriction holder. The Preservation Restriction would limit changes to the entire site, not just the buildings. Mr. Pato asked if the restrictions would interfere with any potential development that the Community Center Advisory Committee has been discussing for the back of the property. Mr. Valente will get the answer to that question. Mr. Pato mentioned that Exhibit D includes constructing two rooms and related appurtenances on the western and/or southern portions of the Administration Building. The CCAC has talked about more than a function room and gymnasium so he wants to make sure the Exhibit accommodates what is envisioned by the CCAC’s work. He also asked about adding solar panels to the roof of the Community Center Administration Building and whether the Preservation Restriction would prevent that in the future. He is concerned that the Preservation Restriction is too constraining. He would like it to be a more permissive set of restrictions. He supports preservation of the historic building and the historic approach to the building, but believes the frontage on Marrett Road and the rear area should not be constrained. Mr. Kanter is also concerned the Town is not as straight forward today in this agreement when it goes to the State for approval that made clear the portions of the work doing, that is not within the historic fabric, is clearly meant to be outside the restriction. From discussions he has had with members of the Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) it is important to make clear what we are not considering is often as important as what we are protecting; so since we are doing such extraordinary things properly to the interior of the building and since the issue of space was brought up by MHC that making major modification to use of the space in the non- mansion portion of the administration building he suggests the Town should make it clear as to what we are not trying to protect so there is no conflict with the Secretary of the Interior on what the Town ought to be doing. Mr. Valente will review the comments and return to a future Selectmen meeting with a revised Preservation Restriction for the property at 39 Marrett Road. Selectmen’s Meeting – May 19, 2014 Approve Special Licenses for Wineries to Sell Wine and Hard Cider at the Farmers Market Downeast Cider House Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve and sign a special license for Downeast Cider House to sell/serve hard cider at the Lexington Farmers’ Market from May 27, 2014 through October 28, 2014 only on Tuesdays from 2:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., subject to receiving proof of alcohol awareness training and a copy of their Workers’ Compensation policy. Carr’s Ciderhouse Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve and sign a special license for Carr’s Ciderhouse to sell/serve hard cider at the Lexington Farmers’ Market from June 3, 2014 through October 28, 2014 only on Tuesdays from 2:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., subject to receiving the $50 fee and proof of alcohol awareness training. Turtle Creek Winery Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve and sign a special license for Turtle Creek Winery to sell/serve wine at the Lexington Farmers’ Market from May 27, 2014 through October 28, 2014 only on Tuesdays from 2:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Coastal Vineyards Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve and sign a special license for Coastal Vineyards to sell/serve wine at the Lexington Farmers’ Market from May 27, 2014 through October 28, 2014 only on Tuesdays from 2:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., subject to receiving proof of alcohol awareness training. Charlton Orchards Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve and sign a special license for Charlton Orchards to sell/serve wine at the Lexington Farmers’ Market from May 27, 2014 through October 28, 2014 only on Tuesdays from 2:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., subject to receiving all the necessary paperwork. Liquor – Approve Assistant Manager for Lexington Golf Club The Lexington Golf Club has changed food/liquor service vendors and have requested that the Selectmen approve Patricia Walters as a new Assistant Manager on the liquor license. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve Patricia Walters as an Assistant Manager for the Lexington Golf Club. Sign Common Victualler License for Bollywood Café – New Corporate Name The Bollywood Café owners have changed their corporate name from RIM Enterprises to ASMV Corporation. The new license will reflect the correct corporate name. Selectmen’s Meeting – May 19, 2014 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve a Common Victualler License for ASMV Corporation, d/b/a Bollywood Café, 135 Massachusetts Avenue. Lexington Housing Assistance Board (LexHAB) – Reappointments Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to reappoint William Kennedy, Gerald Howell and Lester Savage to the Lexington Housing Assistance Board for a term to expire May 31, 2017. Ad Hoc School Facilities Master Planning Committee – Selectmen Representative The School Committee asked that a member of the Board of Selectmen participate on the Ad Hoc School Facilities Master Planning Committee. The charge was adopted by the School Committee on May 13, 2014. The Selectmen’s nominee will be appointed to the committee by the School Committee. The Selectmen also need to designate members of this committee as Special Municipal Employees. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to nominate Peter Kelley to be the Selectmen Representative on the Ads Hoc School Facilities Master Planning Committee. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to designate all members of the Ad Hoc School Facilities Master Planning Committee as Special Municipal Employees. Town Manager Reappointments Council on Aging Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve the Town Manager’s reappointment of Elizabeth Borghesani to the Council on Aging for a term to expire May 31, 2017. Historical Commission Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve the Town Manager’s reappointment of Frank Kern to the Historical Commission for a term to expire March 31, 2017. Youth Commission Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve the Town Manager’s reappointment of Sean Maloney to the Youth Commission for a term to expire April 30, 2017. Consent Agenda Water and Sewer Commitments and Adjustments Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve the following water and sewer commitments and adjustments: Selectmen’s Meeting – May 19, 2014 Commitment of Water and Sewer Charges March 2014 Section 1 $1,748,080.14 Adjustments to Water/Sewer Charges as recommended by WSAB $(69,729.19) Authorize Payment for FY2013 Invoice from Selectmen Gift Account Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to authorize payment of a FY2013 th invoice in the amount of $900 for a 300 Anniversary Celebration Committee advertising th invoice from the Selectmen Gift Account set up for the 300 Anniversary. Approve and Sign Eagle Letter Congratulating Michael Amirault Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to send a letter of commendation to Michael Amirault congratulating him on attaining the highest rank of Eagle in Boy Scouting. Executive Session Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 by roll call to go into Executive Session to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining related to the Fire Union and to consider the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property for a fire station, and to reconvene in Open Session only to adjourn. Further, the Chairman declared that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the Town. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 10:03 p.m. A true record; Attest: Lynne A. Pease Executive Clerk