HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013.06.05 EC MINCARY MEMORIAL LIBRARY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES Wednesday, June 5, 2013 Attendees: Norman Cohen, Mary Ann Stewart, Howard Jaffe, Trustees; Koren Stembridge, Library Director, Cynthia Johnson, Assistant Library Director, Margaret Donovan, Head of Technology, Kathy Santos, Webmaster, Pat Goddard and Sergio DeMango, Public Facilities. Call to Order: Norman called the meeting to order at 5:10 PM Secretary's Minutes Vote: Mary Ann made a motion to accept the minutes of the May 1, 2013 meeting. Howard seconded the motion. The motion passed. Old Business Margaret Donovan and Kathy Santos demonstrated the redesign of our website showing the various iterations. Margaret hopes that we will be ready to launch by September. She added that the staff has worked hard on the project. Koren noted that Kathy Santos joined the staff halfway through the project. Kathy will be working on tweaking the website. We look forward to return with the final product. The Trustees were pleased with the website as presented. Koren distributed the Quarterly Administration Report. She noted that we were closed for 43 hours due to weather and safety issues. Adult Programming number is appearing lower. We will adjust at the end of the year to include all Adult Programming. The websites and mobile visits have dropped. Koren reported that we hope to launch the new website in the fall. We are currently working on the room reservation module. Large Meeting Room Project Koren introduced Pat Goddard and Sergio DeMango of Public Facilities. She invited them to present the Large Meeting Room Project. Koren outlined the objectives of the project: • Improve overall lighting • Increase AV capabilities by broadcasting into the Learning Center and Commons Area. LexMedia will have the ability to operate equipment remotely. • Install a cochlear loop We have been working with Town architect, Colin Smith on developing plans for the lighting and AV work, which is the main focus. Pat Goddard reported that the packets were released for bid. The funding for the project will come from Trustee funds and the Town Building Envelope Fund. Mary Ann inquired about the specific funding sources. Koren explained that the cost of the project is estimated to be $160,000. $100,000 coming from the Shire Gift. Pat added that once the bids are received, we will find out what is available in the Building Envelope Fund and how much can be used for the project. Pat presented detailed plans of the project, describing the lighting and ceiling changes. The scope of the work includes replacing the ceiling tiles, adding a HiDef projector, the screen will get wider and be moved up, building a wooden lectern with electrical inside and installing a control booth in the coat rack area. Trustees discussed the plan. Howard moved to approve the plan as presented. Mary Ann Stewart seconded, the motion passed. Koren thanked Sergio and Pat Goddard. Financial Koren reported that we are on pace on the Municipal Side. She noted that we estimated the June 2013 payroll. There are some overages in payroll due to vacation buybacks. We are on target in all line items. On the Trustee side, we used carryover from FY12 to fund various initiatives. Koren will provide a run down of what we have done in FY 13 for the October Executive Committee Meeting. Koren reported that one of her goals is to get the Endowment information on a more regular basis. Koren asked the Trustees about obtaining a credit card for purchases. We are currently using a debit card that is linked to our account however, we feel it exposes us. The consensus from the Trustees is to apply for a non - profit credit card with the Cambridge Trust. Staff and Hiring Updates Koren reported that Cathie Ghorbani is hired as Head of Reference and Adult Services. We will be posting Cathie's current position internally. Building Updates Loading Dock Project Koren reported that the loading dock project is completed and was nicely done. We increased the utility of the space without much change. Koren will have a tour of the space at the fall meeting. Security Camera Koren asked Trustee guidance around the issue of the police requests for surveillance footage. Trustees discussed the privacy and policy issues. Koren will review our current Security Camera policy and will propose an update if necessary. Printing Pilot Koren reported that we have had an increase of 14.5% in printing revenue over last year. The usage of our copier has doubled. To date, we have refunded $260 in card refunds. The feedback overall has been positive. We will report back in 6 months. RFID Project Koren reported that over the summer we will be working on the bid process for the RFID project. She asked Trustees if they want to select the vendor. Howard offered if Koren wanted to reach out to him over the summer to discuss, he would be happy to do so. Mary Ann made a motion to give permission to select the vendor in order to move the process along. Howard seconded the motion. The motion passed. New Business Friends of the Council on Aging The Friends of the Council on Aging are teaming up with Lexington Community Education to offer three classes using library space. We would like to include them in the exception that we allow the Boy Scouts and Lex Community Ed who charge a fee. Trustee discussed the fee for classes and decided that the consensus us to approve, however a patron wants to join the class, they may do so for free for that one time. Koren will provide a script for the Friends to follow. Donna Hooper, Town Clerk has come across Trustee documents from 1829- 1855. They are currently being scanned. She suggests that we transfer them to the Town vault. Donna will provide a CD with the documents. The consensus is to accept Donna's recommendation. Koren reported that we will hold off on the Wireless Project until later in the fall. Mary Ann made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Howard seconded. The motion passed.