HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-06-10-TSAC-min JS MORtvo!o / MO� O4 f• y F1-1 \-% 4• 41 � �N.APRIL 19tH \EJtINb'C��� Town of Lexington Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Minutes of Meeting June 10, 2014 Members present:Manny Ferro,Dave Cannon,Mary Ellen Dunn,Sudhir Murthy,Steve Ades Liaisons present: David Kucharsky, Planning Dept;Jeanette Rebecchi,Human Services Dept Guest: Cerise Jalelian;resident, 7 Lois Lane Agenda: • Approval of May 6th Meeting Minutes • Lois Lane Parking • Prospect Hill Road Sidewalk Petition • Police Traffic Safety Monthly Updates o Waltham St between Brookside Ave &Hayden Ave o Colony Road o Waltham St at Lexington Ridge Drive o Burlington St at Hawthorne Road o Bow St @ Rawson Road o Philip Road at Bowman School Entrance • Liaison Reports • Public Comments Annroval of May 6th Meeting Minutes The committee did not have any comments or concerns. The motion to approve the May 6th TSAC meeting minutes was passed unanimously Lois Lane Parking Ms. Jalehan a 23 year resident of Lois Lane was present to express her concerns to the committee regarding the hazards due to vehicles parking on both sides of Lois Lane Lois Lane is a public way and therefore under town jurisdiction. Dave Cannon spoke with the Fire Department to see if there were any issues in terms of access by emergency vehicles and at this time the Fire Department said no Mr Cannon explained to Ms. Jalehan that Bedford Street will begin construction this summer and handicapped ramps and a crosswalk will be installed at the intersection with Lois Lane This may resolve the issues Ms. Jalehan identified due to the restrictions that you cannot park within so many feet of a crosswalk. It was also noted that the shrubs along the corner of Bedford Street entering into Lois Lane on the south-side of the roadway will be cut back which will help with the sight lines. Ms. Jalehan was happy to hear about the improvements and has agreed to wait and see the impact the improvements will have before moving forward going to the BOS (Board of Selectmen) for further help Page 1 of 3 JS MORN/M1,C f• y -m \-% 4• 41 � �N.APRIL 19tH \EJtINGe0 Town of Lexington Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Prosuect Hill Road Sidewalk Petition Carl Valente spoke to Captain Ferro and would like an update No formal study has been done on this and it was unclear as to what was wanted so it was decided that it would be best if a meeting was set up with Mr Kucharsky, Mr Cannon, Mr Valente, and Captain Ferro Waltham Street between Brookside Ave & Hayden Ave Resident concern is speeding. No specific recommendations from TSAC at this time, although Police Department will increase enforcement in the area. Mr Kucharsky will reach out to the proponent to inform him of this as well as to let him know of a number of Town plans and projects underway with the intent of improving safety and reducing speeding along Waltham Street. Each are in various stages of planning and development and include the following: • Brookside Ave/Waltham Street traffic signal & intersection improvements • Clarke School Traffic Safety&Mitigation Study • School Zone Signage and Striping Recommendations • South Lexington Transportation Study Colony Road Resident concern during live pickup for Fiske School the traffic is congested causing a dangerous situation for kids walking home & crossing Colony Road because their site line is limited. Resident would like to see no parking signs on both sides of Colony Road, restricting parking during school pickup hours. TSAC does not recommend placing no parking signage along this roadway as there is not enough data to warrant their installation. The School Department working with various Town Departments and Committees is currently undertaking a comprehensive review of each of the public schools to improve safety, access and mitigate traffic conditions. Fiske will be under the school study in FY16, Mr Kucharsky will respond to resident. Waltham St(ai Lexington Ridge Drive Resident concern that it takes more than 10 minutes to exit Avalon in the morning because of the numerous cars on Waltham Street, they would like see a traffic light added at the entrance The data does not support adding a traffic light at this time Mr Kucharsky will get back to resident. Burlington St(ai Hawthorne Road Resident concern this is a blind spot from east to west bound on Burlington Street. Suggested solution is to post a 25 mph speed limit sign and a children crossing sign east bound. It was agreed that there is a sightline issue Mr Cannon will put a work order in to have signs installed and Mr Kucharsky will respond to resident. Bow St(ai Rawson Road Bow Street from Mass Ave where you turn left onto Rawson is the concern. Most vehicles do not stop at this intersection creating serious risk. Would like to see a stop sign on Bow coming from west to east or even better place a two way stop on both Bow and Rawson. After TSAC review, it was noted there is a stop sign in place but it is not properly installed. Mr Cannon will visit the site and Page 2 of 3 JS MORtvo!o / MO� O4 fy -m $�y , CAi•+ A t441 �N.APRIL 19tH \EJtINb'C��� Town of Lexington Traffic Safety Advisory Committee determine if there is a better location for that STOP sign. Lexington Police will be looking at this area further due to other issues that have been raised in this area. Mr Kucharsky will respond to resident. Philip Road(ai entrance to Bowman School Vehicles are queuing on Philip Road and turn left into the bowman School driveway for live pickup This is dangerous if a vehicle loses its brakes Would like to see a guard rail added to the school side of the driveway protecting the children on the sidewalk. The driveway in question is part of school property and under school jurisdiction. The School Department is working with various Town Departments and Committees (TSAC being one of them) is currently undertaking a comprehensive review of each of the public schools to improve safety, access and mitigate traffic conditions. Bowman's study will take place in FY16, after Diamond. Mr Kucharsky will respond to resident. Liaison Reports Public Comments Next TSAC meeting: July 8, 2014—Town Hall, Parker Room Page 3 of 3