HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-05-21-REC-min Town of Lexington Recreation Committee Frederick DeAngelis, Chairman Tel: (781) 698-4800 Vacancy Fax: (781) 861-2747 Wendy Rudner Sandra Shaw Lisah Rhodes Recreation Committee Minutes of Meeting of May 21, 2014 A meeting of the Recreation Committee was held on Thursday, May 21, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Office Building, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, Parker Room. A quorum of 4 was present. Members Present: Rick DeAngelis, Sandra Shaw, Wendy Rudner and Lisah Rhodes Members Absent: Staff Present: Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, Chris Filadoro, Superintendent of Public Grounds, and Sheila Butts, Assistant Recreation Director Citizens Present: Tom Shiple, Lexington United Soccer Club, Todd Cataldo, Shane Arnold, Lexington Little League, Marcus Stamm, and Francesca Pfrommer The meeting acted on the following items: 1. Citizens and Other Boards none present 2. Meeting Minutes from April 17 The meeting minutes of April 17 were discussed. Lisah Rhodes moved acceptance of the April 17, 2014 Recreation Committee Minutes. Sandra Shaw seconded. The Recreation Committee voted 4 - 0 to accept the April 17, 2014 Recreation Committee minutes as presented. Meeting Minutes from May 12 The meeting minutes of the May 12 meeting with the ad hoc Community Center Advisory Committee were discussed. Lisah Rhodes moved acceptance of the May 12, 2014 Recreation Committee Minutes. Sandra Shaw seconded. The Recreation Committee voted 4 - 0 to accept the May 12, 2014 Recreation Committee minutes as presented. 3. Liaison Reports Wendy Rudner provided an update on the Lincoln Park Subcommittee meetings and ongoing site work. Lisah Rhodes expressed concern about recent brush burning on the site. Sandra Shaw, liaison to the Bicycle Advisory Committee reported on the recent Bike Safety pilot program that was run in partnership with the Recreation Department at Bridge School and the Commuter Breakfast held during Bike Walk and Bus week. 4. Fitzgerald Little League Field Lighting Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, reviewed the recommended policy for use of lights at the Fitzgerald Little League Field (C4), should the project be approved by the Recreation Committee and 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 the Board of Selectmen, which had been discussed at the April 12 th meeting. The recommendation includes the days and hours that lights would be allowed, the ages of participants eligible to use the field with lights, the number of games per night allowed, and the months of usage. She introduced Shane Arnold, President of Lexington Little League. Mr. Arnold indicated that Little League would with lights until 10:00 p.m. No team should not be scheduled more than one night per week. Marcus Stamm, abutter to the field, suggested that the proposal for lights was a desire rather than a need. Sandra Shaw noted that field space is an issue within the town. Mr. Stamm countered that he and other abutters had been shown no data to suggest that there were not enough little league field in town to support the program. Mr. DeAngelis and Ms. Shaw explained to Mr. Stamm that the field crunch in Lexington had, in fact, been reported throughout the process. Mr. DeAngelis reviewed the history of field improvements and expansions over the years, noting that the Recreation Department and Recreation Committee take the fields as a whole, rather than segmented parts. Little league struggles in the spring due to weather issues and availability, and has been forced to reduce the length of their spring season to a mare minimum of games. The Recreation Committee discussed the recommendations, and the concerns of the neighborhood and Little League. Use of the Fitzgerald Field would be limited to Little League Baseball or Little league Baseball ages (10, 11 & 12) Lights would be permitted Monday Saturday. No lighted use would be allowed on Sunday evenings. Wendy Rudner was not in agreement with lights 6 nights per week. Shane Arnold indicated that Little League would be comfortable with usage 5 nights per week. The lights would be turned off at 8:30 p.m. on school nights and 10:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. Mr. Arnold told the committee that Little League games now start at 5:30 p.m. on weeknights, which is difficult for coaches, players and parents. The need is for later games in the spring, and noted that if the lights were to be permitted only until 8:30 p.m. Little League could not effectively schedule a second game each weeknight. They could and would make use of the 10:00 p.m. end time on Friday and Saturday from April through June. There would appear to be no issues with lights during the summer. Rick DeAngelis proposed the following compromise schedule: Spring : Lights available Wednesday, Thursday, Friday until 10:00 p.m.; o Saturday until 9:00 p.m. Lights would not be allowed on Sunday, Monday or Tuesday evenings. Summer : Monday through Thursday until 9:15 p.m. No lights Friday, Saturday o or Sunday. The Committee discussed these suggestions. Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, commented that she believes that 10:00 p.m. is too late for 10 year old children to be out on school nights. Lisah Rhodes requested input from the Little League families on this topic. The Recreation Committee requested that Little League survey the parents regarding the timing of school night games, and report back to the Recreation Committee at their June 18, 2014 meeting. No vote or position was taken. The Recreation Committee agreed to table the discussion until the June 18 th meeting, at which time they will have the results of the Little League parent survey regarding spring and summer night games. Mr. Arnold reported that he would be out of town on June 18 th. He would have other Little League Board members attend the meeting to provide the survey results. 2 5. Lincoln # 1/Update Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation reported that Lincoln Field # 1 has not been accepted by the Town. The contractor, requested that the field be because the contractor feels play will rectify some of the issues. The architect requested that the contractor will be presenting a plan to rectify the problems on field. The installation was not good and does not meet specifications. The infill was not installed properly and fibers are bent over in sections of the field with infill sitting on the top. The seams are also a problem. Based on this, the timing of the Field #2 renovation will be adjusted. Tom Shiple, LUSC, expressed his understanding of the situation. He asked if there was any chance that Lincoln #1 would be striped for 6 v 6 games prior to June 15. Ms. Simmons explained that the Town has not accepted the field from the contractor and due to the situation the Town could not stripe the field. 6. Community Center Advisory Committee Update Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, provided members of the Recreation Committee with a status review of the Community Center project. She thanked the Recreation Committee for attending the May 12th joint meeting with the ahCCAC. She also reported that an article would be presented at the upcoming Special Town Meeting on June 16, 2014 to request additional funding for the renovation to 39 Marrett Road. 7. Recreation Reports Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, reported on the following: Pine Meadows revenue is down 15% from 2013. This is due primarily to weather conditions and a late opening this spring. Pine Meadows staff are currently repairing winter damages to the 4 th and 8 th greens. A temporary green is in use at the 4 th green. Rick DeAngelis noted that the winter damages are not unique to Pine Meadows. He believes that Pine Meadows is actually in better shape than its neighbor, the Lexington Golf Club. The USGA completed their semi-annual inspection of the course on May 21 st. They have initially made recommendations to improve the tee boxes throughout the course. The full USGA report will be reviewed at the July Recreation Committee meeting. Discovery Day is May 24 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The Recreation Department will once again have a table at Discovery Day. The Aquatics facilities will open on May 31. The pool inspection will take place on May 29. There are two drain covers that need to be replaced by the end of July to stay in compliance th with federal regulations. This work is scheduled to be completed June 10. Summer staffing is in good shape. The department received a letter from a young resident requesting that the Town install a public batting cage. Ms. Simmons will be responding to this letter. The recruitment for the Recreation Committee vacancy will close on June 20th. The Town would like to see more diversity reflected on all Town Boards and Committees. 8. Parks Reports Chris Filadoro, Superintendent of Public Grounds reported on the following: The bids provided for Phase 3 of the Center Drainage Project were rejected because the prices were high. The scope was modified and the information is back out to bid. There were 1 or 2 attendees at the pre-bid walk through. 3 The annual Old Res Clean-up was completed last weekend by volunteers from Temple Isaiah. Because they had so many individuals present some went over to Lincoln Park and cleaned up miscellaneous debris. Mr. Filadoro is meeting with the Sutherland fencing contractor in the near future. It is anticipated that the field work will be pushed back to the fall. Pools were all online as of 3:00 p.m. May 21. Repairs were done on the wading pool during the startup process. The Parks Department continues to work with groups on upgrading town ball fields. Mr. Filadoro expressed his appreciation to the parks department ball fields and grooms 18 24 fields per week. The Bridge little league field is now a softball field; the Lincoln softball field infield has been extended out to accommodate the 50/70 baseball games. Francesca Pfrommer commented that the Center Track field looks great. She also asked about Hastings Park. Mr. Filadoro explained that there is a drainage and irrigation project going on at Hastings Park. This work should be completed prior to July 4, and before the arrival of the carnival. Tom Shiple requested that the net at Lincoln # 1 be lowered. Chris Filadoro said that the Parks Department would lower the net prior to the weekend. 9. New Business The next meeting of the Recreation Committee will take place on Wednesday, June 18, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting will be held in the Parker Room (formerly G15) on the lower level of the Town Office Building, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue. The July Recreation Committee meeting will be held at Pine Meadows on July 16, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. The May 21, 2014 Recreation Committee meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Sheila Butts, Assistant Director of Recreation 4