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Minutes of the
Lexington Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC) Meeting
May 29, 2014
Town Office Building, Reed Room; 3:30 ..
Location and Time:
Jill Hai, Chair; David Kanter, Vice-Chair; Bill Hurley; Wendy Manz;
Members Present:
Beth Masterman
Members Absent:
Rob Addelson, Assistant Town Manager for Finance; Pat Goddard,
Others Present:
Director, Department of Public Facilities; Joe Pato, Board of Selectmen (BoS); Sara Arnold,
Recording Secretary
Documents Presented:
Notice of Meeting/Agenda for CEC Meeting, May 29, 2014
June 16, 2014, Special Town Meeting \[STM\] Town Warrant, signed May 19, 2014
Draft #2 of CEC Report to the 2014 STM (June 16) (sent electronically earlier this
date; printed copies presented if requested)
Lexington Community Center (LCC) Total Project, May 28 \[2014\] draft; spreadsheet
listing budget estimates created in November 2013, March 2014, and May 26, 2014,
and for June 16, 2014
Draft Minutes for the Joint Appropriation & Capital Expenditures Committees
Meeting, May 7, 2014, as annotated by Mr. Kanter (sent electronically,
May 28, 2014)
Mr. KanterÈs Input, May 29, 2014, to the CEC Input to the BoSÈ Goal Setting
(June 19, 2014) with CommentÈs, July 17, 2013, from that Board (sent electronically
earlier this date; printed copies presented)
Ms. Hai called the meeting to order at 3:35 ..
Call to Order:
Mr. Goddard reported that the School Committee recently
School Department Project:
approved the expenditure of $27,500 from its Fiscal Year 2014 operating budget to pay for
the sub-division of a room in the school administration building. This is being done to create
an office for an employee whose office is currently located in the high school. The project
was triggered by the retirement of the Director of Special Education, which resulted in the
reorganization of some staff responsibilities. There was agreement that ordinarily the Town
does not use operating funds for what would generally be considered a capital project.
(This project is over the $25,000 threshold that normally applies to a capital project.) It was
noted that this is a small project and the funds are being spent at the end of the fiscal year
and therefore it can be seen that the expenditure is not in danger of jeopardizing the
schools operating budget. The only identified concern was that it may be necessary to undo
the renovation at a future point in time if the building were to be repurposed.
The requisition for this project is currently on Mr. AddelsonÈs desk. It was noted that if these
funds were not used for this project, they would likely be returned by the School
Department and flow to the general fund at the end of the fiscal year.
A motion was made and seconded to endorse the creation of a new office in the School
Administration Building using School Department operating funds as discussed above.
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Minutes of the Lexington Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC) Meeting
May 29, 2014
Mr. Kanter led a
Preparations for the CommitteeÈs Input to the June 16, 2014, STM:
discussion of the second draft of this CommitteeÈs report to that STM. The Articles on which
this Committee would be reporting were discussed as follows:
Article 3: Land AcquisitionÄOff Concord Avenue: The purpose of this Article is to
acquire a landlocked parcel off Concord Avenue that has been considered by the Town as
conservation land, but whose title is contested by the owner of the front lot
(Mr. John H. Sellars) and the Town. The Town expects to take the land by eminent
domainÄwhich would establish a clean title to the Town. A settlement agreement between
Mr. Sellars and the Town has not yet been finalized. The Committee agreed that it is
reasonable to support this Article if all expectations relating to the purchase of this land are
met and the cost is reasonable. The Town cannot spend more than the appraised value of
the land if Community Preservation Act (CPA) funds areto beused, as expected.The
Town is currently waiting for two appraisals, which should be available before the BoSÈ
June 2 meeting.
Article 4: Authorize Easement on Land at 430 Concord Avenue: The Town currently
has a sewer easement on this property, but no other access rights. The Committee agreed
that it is appropriate to have an easement that allows access not only for the existence and
maintenance of the sewer, but also for the public to the back lot being considered for
purchase under Article 3 so if the Conservation Commission supports having public access,
the Town would have the right to allow it. This Committee supports asking that Town
Meeting address Article 4 before Article 3 so any acquisition under Article 3 only proceeds
after knowing the public access to that parcel can also be achieved.
Article 5: Schools Master Plan: This request for $250,000 is to fund a 3Ãphased study
to update the Schools 2009 KÃ12 Master Plan; additional funds would be requested at
subsequent Town Meeting(s) to implement any projects recommend in the study and
approved for execution. The School Committee recently formed a new committeeÄthe Ad
hoc School Master Planning CommitteeÄwhich will work with the consultant hired under
this ArticleÈs funding to study the School DepartmentÈs needs for capital projects. (The BoS
has already designed the members of the new committee as Special Municipal
A Motion was made and seconded that Mr. Hurley, as this CommitteeÈs liaison to the
School Department, also be this CommitteeÈs liaison to the new committee.
Article 6: Amend General BylawsÄContracts and Deeds: This Article will allow the
Town to enter into contracts for solar facilities that run for 22 years rather than 20 years as
currently stipulated, so as to cover the likely up-to-two years needed to satisfy the
permitting process. As an aside and unrelated to the objective of the Article, there was a
discussion of the status of the on-going process to sign a Power Production Agreement
(PPA) to put solar panels on Town schools and the Public Services Building (PSB).
Analysis by the proposed PPA participant has found that solar panels cannot be installed
on some buildings in Town, including the relatively new PSB, because of weight
restrictions; the structural code for such installations has become more stringent in recent
years. However, the Town hopes to have solar panels approved and installed where
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Minutes of the Lexington Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC) Meeting
May 29, 2014
appropriate before September. A group is being established to analyze the proposals and a
participant from this Committee has been requested.
A Motion was made and seconded for Ms. Masterman to be this CommitteeÈs participant in
the solar-panel proposal-evaluation group.
Article 8: Establish and Appropriate To and From Specified Stabilization funds: This is
a placekeeper; it has not yet been determined whether there will be any such requests.
Article 10: Amend Article 5 of November 4, 2013, Special Town Meeting, Renovation to
Community Center: A spreadsheet showing the various stages of the budget for the LCC
was reviewed. The current appropriation for this project is $6.22 million. The 90%
construction-documents-stage cost estimate, when burdened with the soft costs, comes to
approximately $1.0 million more than at appropriation. The increase in estimated cost
includes only one change in the scope: an accessible lower-level entry as requested by the
Lexington Commission on Disability. Other major cost increases result from items such as
information about the relocation of sprinklers and associated piping now that the location of
the upgrades to the heating, ventilation, and air-condition (HVAC) system is more-precisely
known, and the in-depth investigation of the deteriorated condition of the building envelope.
The Ad hoc Community Center Advisory Committee (AhCCAC) pursued a
Value-Engineering process which identified changes that would reduce the budget gap by
approximately $500,000. Some refinements to the estimated savings are being made. The
BoS will get a general overview of the additional budget needs for this project at its meeting
on June 2 and a detailed description of a request for additional funds at its meeting on
June 9. As it is believed the entire estimated cost increase is eligible for funding from the
Community Preservation Fund, a request for all of the additional funds will go to the
Community Preservation Committee (CPC) on June 10. Mr. Addelson is adjusting his
budget models to reflect a request for the additional funding.
The Town plans to include several add-alternates in the request for bids. These are
believed to be covered by what the appropriation would be if the funding request is
approved by Town Meeting, but provide an incremental reduction in scope so as still to be
able to make an award if the lowest responsive and responsible bid for the base scope plus
those add-alternates is for more than the available appropriation. (The add-alternates would
be included, in sequence to the extent the appropriation would still be sufficient.)
Ms. Masterman explained how her other personal commitments have made it impractical
for her to attend the majority of the AhCCAC meetings and that would likely be the case in
the future. As Mr. Kanter has been attending most of the past AhCCAC meetings she
suggested that he be made this CommitteeÈs primary liaison to the AhCCAC. She said she
would try to substitute, as necessary, if Mr. Kanter canÈt attend.
A Motion was made and seconded for Mr. Kanter to replace Ms. Masterman as liaison to
the AhCCAC.
Article 11: Amend Article 2 of March 24, 2014, STM, Cary Memorial Building Upgrades:
There was only one general-contractor bidder for this project and, subject to completion of
qualifications, the total bid (including the filed sub-bids) is within the existing appropriation.
Thus, it is expected that this Article will be Indefinitely Postponed.
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Minutes of the Lexington Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC) Meeting
May 29, 2014
Article 12: Appropriate for Authorized Capital Improvements: To date, no items have
been identified for this article and if that should remain the case, this Article would be
Indefinitely Postponed.
: This Committee has been invited to join the BoS on June 2, at
Future Meetings
5:45 .., for its Executive Session regarding the Fire Stationunder Exemption 6 of the
Open Meeting Law (Purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property). This Committee
agreed it will meet on June 10, 2014, at 5:30 .. (which is after the CPC meeting),and on
June 11, 2014, at 9:00 .., with the intent for both to have most, if not all, members
approve its report to the STM. (Ms. Hai hopes to do so by remote participation as she will
be out of Town at the times of both meetings.)
A Motion was made and seconded to approve, from this CommitteeÈs
perspective,the annotated Draft Minutes for the Joint Appropriation & Capital Expenditures
Committees Meeting, May 7, 2014.
Mr. Kanter presented his input for this
The CommitteeÈs Input to the BoS Goal Setting:
CommitteeÈs consideration. Ms. Masterman suggested that the BoS establish protocols for
pursuing major projects. Ms. Hai asked that, to the extent not already done so, each of the
Committee members submit recommendations to the Chair so the Committee could
discuss at its June 3 meeting what would be its submission for BoS goals. This may
include items that were submitted in 2013.
Ms. Manz reported on the Board and
Member Concerns and Liaison Reports:
Committee Chair Training session on May 16, 2014, that she attend in Ms. HaiÈs stead as
Ms. Hai had a conflict. The primary emphasis was on the Massachusetts Open Meeting
Law. Ms. Manz said she would submit a written summary to the Committee of her notes
from that session.
A Motion was made and seconded at 5:07 .. to adjourn.
Adjourn:VOTE: 5Ã0
These Minutes were approved by the CEC at its meeting on June 10, 2014.
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