HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-04-01-TSAC-min Town of Lexington Traffic Safety Advisory Committee TO Deborah Mauger, Chair Board of Selectman CC Carl Valente—Town Manager,Bill Hadley—DPW Director, Donna Hooper- Clerk FROM. Traffic Safety Advisory Committee (TSAC) SUBJECT Minutes of Meeting—April 1, 2014 Members present. Manny Ferro, Dave Cannon, Mary Ellen Dunn, Sudhir Murthy,Steve Frymer, Steve Ades Liaisons present. David Kucharsky,Planning Dept; Jeanette Rebecchi,Human Services Dept Guest: Lester Savage, Bob Burbridge LexHab, Janet Kern,LexFarm, Aaron Henry,Planning Department Agenda. • Approval of March 4th Meeting Minutes • School Department Standard Signage Plan • Police Traffic Safety Monthly Updates • New Business Approval of March 4th Meeting Minutes The committee did not have any comments or concerns The motion to approve the March 4th TSAC meeting minutes was passed unanimously School Department Standard Signage Plan Mary Ellen explained as of right now all school properties have different signage and markings The purpose of this document is to have every property on the same page with universal signs and standard guidelines Rules and regulations need to be followed and as each school renovation takes place, the school department standard signage plan will make it easier and clearer to understand by the public and easier to maintain/replace if necessary by the school department. Police Traffic Safety Updates . 55 Lincoln St Resident concern-Pedestrians to and from Lincoln Field and temple Isaiah complain of cars not stopping for pedestrians in x-walk. Vehicles also appear to be speeding at times It was agreed that with the volume of traffic and the existing horizontal curve in the roadway,two signs (placed 500 ft ahead in each direction)giving advance warning of the approaching crosswalk would definitely help address the situation, Dave Cannon will submit a work order to have the signs installed. Captain Ferro stated he feels that speed is not an issue Page 1 of 3 Town of Lexington Traffic Safety Advisory Committee . Clark St a Mass Ave Resident concern - The stop sign at this location was struck by a car which knocked over the sign and pole DPW was contacted to replace and stated this was not a properly sanctioned sign and cannot be replaced. Captain Ferro will review any crash data for this intersection. The consultants conducting the Streetscape Plan will be reviewing signage and are conducting warrant analyses which include this intersection. No further action is required at this time, pending any recommendations from the plan. . Bedford St a Eldred St: Resident concern -People are crossing Bedford St (a 4 lane roadway)to access the MBTA, 62 bus stops located on both sides of the street. In addition many Eldred Street residents attempt to make a left turn onto Bedford Street from Eldred Street during heavy traffic (left turns from this approach are prohibited between the hours of 7-9AM and 4-6PM) Resident was advised that they should contact MassDOT Highway, Distnct 4 because this is a state road and Lexington has nojunsdiction. This intersection had been analyzed as part of the Hartwell Traffic Mitigation Plan which proposed a pedestrian actuated signal along with a raised median on Bedford Street to stop traffic and allow pedestrians to cross Bedford Street in a staged manner It was determined that a formal recommendation be drafted and submitted to MassDOT Highway Distnct 4 from the Board of Selectman (BOS) requesting that a pedestrian actuated signal along with a protected raised median be installed on Bedford Street. Mr Kucharsky will draft the recommendation. Ms Rebecchi will supply ridership data for these bus stops Mr Cannon suggested that the recommendation include the use of a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon which preliminary studies have shown to be effective . Lowell St from Busa Farm Lester Savage on behalf of Lexhab—Would like to slow traffic in the area of the new LexFarm site Change the speed limit from 35 mph to 30 mph which would be consistent with Arlington's speed on this stretch of roadway Captain Ferro will check with the Town of Arlington on their current speed limit postings Mr Kucharsky noted that the Town of Arlington developed and submitted a report to Lexington's BOS in 2008 which proposed several traffic safety improvements along Lowell Street and Westminster Avenue Arlington has already implemented some of the recommendations identified. Ms Rebecchi noted that pending approval, there is a proposal to reroute Lexpress Route 1 providing service along Lowell Street into Arlington. Mr Kucharsky also indicated that the intersection of Lowell and Westminster has been identified as part of a future ACROSS Lexington route Janet Kern, Executive Director of LexFarm, noted that the farm has plans for recreational and educational programs as well as the Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) shares program. It was noted that due to the new planned development and increased activity that is to be expected in this area. TSAC would recommend a traffic study be conducted. Mr Kucharsky will draft a memo to the BOS identifying the rationale for this recommendation. Page 2 of 3 Town of Lexington Traffic Safety Advisory Committee . Slocum Rd a Mass Ave&Rowland Rd a Mass Ave Resident concern Both of these locations are lacking handicapped ramps It is not possible to travel at these spots with a motorized wheel chair Would like to see ramps at these locations Mr Cannon said as each road is being done they are being brought up to compliance A motion was made that handicapped ramps should be installed at these locations, Mr Cannon will submit a request to the Highway Department. . Holland St a Taft Ave Resident concern—There is no signage indicating that Holland St is a dead end. This is causing an issue as vehicles have to turn around at the end. Would like to see no outlet sign placed at the corner of Holland and Taft. TSAC viewed the area and agreed that a no outlet sign would be helpful to let vehicles know Mr Cannon will put a work order in to have a No Outlet sign posted. Liaison Renorts New Business Next TSAC meeting. . May 6, 2014—Town Hall, Parker Room Page 3 of 3