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Committee Name
: Lexington Bicycle Advisory Committee
Date, Time and Location of Meeting
: April 10, 2014, 7 pm, Parker Room
Members Present
: Peggy Enders, (Chair), Bob Hausslein (FoLB Chair), Stew
Kennedy, Marita Hartshorn, Mike Tabaczynski, Laurel Carpenter, Bob Dangel,
George Gagliardi, John Frey, Sandra Shaw (Recreation Committee Liaison),
Richard Canale (Planning Board Liaison)
Others Present:
Jennifer Melot
: The March minutes were approved as distributed.
Letter to Board of Selectmen re Town Center Streetscape
: Peggy discussed
the plan to write to the Board of Selectman, urging the town to adopt a true
complete street design for Mass Ave in the Town Center. Richard Canale said the
current design is based on faulty information; he believes that a three-lane design
would be best for all users. Another option to suggest would be a four-lane
roadway with parking only on one side of the street in order to provide room for
bike lanes. Richard said that, if neither of these options were considered realistic,
then the committee should recommend that all four lanes be painted with sharrows
and bike boxes provided at the intersections. Apparently, the design is still a work
in progress, so there is time to register the committee’s belief that the current draft
plan is unsafe for bicyclists.
Bikeway Repair and Paving Plans
: Peggy and Bob Hausslein reported that the
DPW plans to address areas on the Bikeway where cracks and holes need
patching. A complete resurfacing will be done this summer from Mal’s to Fottler
and repaving between Woburn and Fletcher. There will also be work done on
another culvert between Woburn Street and Seasons 4. Peggy and Bob
volunteered to spray paint dangerous root and crack spots.
Tri-Town Meeting
: The meeting will be held at Estabrook Hall on Saturday, June
7. Arlington will host the event here in Lexington. The committee voted to
recommend the following topics for the agenda: 2013 highlights; updates on
various local trails (e.g., Reformatory Branch); snow plowing – lessons learned
and best practices; dog waste, trash, and recyclable bins on the bikeway;
Lexington/Bedford town line (Terry Gleason); Bikeway signage next steps;
Greenway 100 and its potential for underwriting Bikeway widening (Richard
Canale). The committee felt that any discussion about e-bikes should be
undertaken only if someone is prepared to do some homework that makes it an
informed and useful discussion. The committee expressed no interest in talking
about other topics on the list provided, including nighttime hours on the Bikeway.
Greenbelt Walk:
Laurel Carpenter announced that part of the Greenbelt Walk
would take place on the bikeway from Parker Meadow to the Deport. It will
involve roughly 20 people.
Other business:
Peggy requested traffic crossing bollards at three of the
intersections on the Bikeway (i.e., Hancock, Meriam, and Revere Streets) to make
motorist aware of cyclist and pedestrians. The committee agreed it a good idea to
have a liaison to the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee – now possible because of
a revision of the TSAC charge.
Liaison Report:
Richard Canale attended the MAPC Parking Conference. 97% of
the discussion related to automobiles.
The meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm.
Record of the Discussion of the Friends of Lexington Bikeways
Treasurer's Report
: Over the winter over 100 people contributed to the
plowing fund. FoLB spent $400 to reapply for 501c3 status, $50 for a gift
certificate for Sue Rockwell for her help, and $3,500 for winter plowing. The
IRS acknowledged receipt of our application. Our corporate meeting will
be next month at the regular FOLB meeting.
Bikeway Clean-up Day
is May 3. 9:00 a.m. to noon. Section Leaders
Garlic Mustard Pull Day
is May 10. Grace Chapel is furnishing
volunteers. We need volunteers to supervise. This is the same day that
weekend Bikeway counts will be done.
Bike Walk ‘n Bus Week
Bike Smart pilot at Bridge School
a. (Thursday, May 15) This event
is for all 5 graders in Lexington, sponsored by the Lexington
Recreation Department, the Lexington Bicycle Advisory Committee,
the Friends of Lexington Bikeways and the Police Department. We
need two volunteers to assist. Stew and Sandra volunteered.
Women’s Ride
b. (Saturday, May 10) A program for women who feel
uneasy or unsafe riding a bicycle; led by Nicole Waxmonsky. It will
begin in a meeting room at the library followed by a ride.
Commuter Breakfast and Convoy
c. (Friday, May 16) The Friends of
Lexington Bikeways, the Greenway Corridor Committee, and Safe
Routes to School are working together to offer breakfast to
commuters on Friday, May 16 at the Depot. Judy Crocker
requested permission to place ten Burma Shave type signs along the
bikeway to entice cyclists and walkers off the Bikeway. Her request
was approved. We need volunteers to assist.
Bike to BBQ Bike Corral
d. (Sunday, May 18) volunteers are needed
to park bikes at the BBQ on Sunday. We will ask the DPW to bring
some barricades for a corral.
The Friends voted $400 for the work being done by Nicole Waxmonsky.
The League of American Bicyclists is offering traffic skills 101 course at
Bentley University. There are two classroom sessions and one Saturday
ride on May 10.
The CTPS Trail Counts will be the week of May 6. We voted to do
Wednesday May 7, commuting hours, and Saturday May 10, all day.
Bike Donation Day and Discovery Day will be May 24. Volunteers
needed. Peggy has reserved the parking lot. Sandra Shaw offered to put
an article in the Minuteman.
Marita sent a sympathy card to Marianne Lazarus from the Friends. Alan was our
treasurer in the early 90’s. We are all invited to a party at the depot this Saturday
at 2:00 p.m.
The meeting adjourned at 9:25.
Scribe: Marita Hartshorn
Editor: Peggy Enders
Upcoming Dates
LBAC/FoLB meeting Thursday, May 8, 7 pm,
Parker Room of the Town
Office Building
Lexington Bike Walk ‘n Bus Week: (and Bay State Bike Week)
May 9 through Sunday, May 18
Bike Donation Day and Discovery Day
: Saturday, May 24, 10 am to 3
Tri-Town Bike Committee Meeting: Saturday, June 7, 8:30 am
Estabrook Hall (Cary Memorial Hall)