HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-01-06-WALKS-min Lexington Sidewalk Committee Meeting Minutes
Monday, January 6, 2013, 9 AM
Estabrook Room, Cary Memorial Hall
Present: Jeanne Canale , Judy Crocker, Mary Hosmer Fanucci, Bettina McGimsey, Sean Osborne, Francine
Stieglitz; Liaisons present: Elaine Celi,Hank Manz; Guest: Robert Stone
Judy Crocker called the meeting of the Sidewalk Committee (SWC) to order at 9:13 AM.
1. Request for a new sidewalk on Prospect Hill Road: Robert Stone of 25 Prospect Hill Road noted he had
come to listen to the SWC to understand the process of sidewalk deliberation better. He asked about the
process in terms of what happens after the recommendation goes to the Board of Selectmen (BOS)—does
the general population get notified of that meeting? Ms. Crocker noted that the public meeting is
advertised but not the meeting of the BOS (beyond what is normally done). She further noted that the
Prospect Hill petitioners understand that the process of potential approval is a long process—they have
missed this year's Town Meeting so it will move forward to next year. Francine Stieglitz asked whether
those opposed to this sidewalk should get together. Mr. Stone noted that while he is favor of a walkable,
safe Lexington and he acknowledges that Prospect Hill is a scary road,he is concerned about the impact of
a sidewalk on the adjoining lots. The street is a"natural wonder,"with many large trees,narrow lots, and
retaining walls. Installing a sidewalk would mean that trees would have to come down and driveways
would need to be shortened. Prospect Hill is not the only street that leads to Bridge school; there may be
other less steep routes for folks to walk, such as Downing Street. He further noted that in 1987 when this
project came before Town Meeting,it was noted that it would be a difficult design with a need for
retaining walls. He wonders if buses could routed in such a way that they did not use Prospect Hill. He
also noted that a sidewalk does not mean that children are necessarily safe—a child was killed on
Middleby Street where there was a sidewalk. He is concerned that this project would pit neighborhood
families against each other.
Sean Osborne asked about whether residents would be willing to have an easement for the sidewalk that
would also it to go around the trees. Mr. Stone noted that a major concern is that his driveway is set at a
steep angle—he is concerned that it will be even more dangerous for him to use should a sidewalk be
installed. Ms. Stieglitz noted that the Town has an active Tree Committee. The Town Engineer would go
out to talk to owners to make sure their concerns are addressed. On Winthrop Road they were able to
reconfigure the sidewalk to address an owner's concerns, changing him from an opponent to proponent of
the sidewalk. Ms. Crocker noted that geographically every sidewalk has its own footprint, and Prospect
Hills is a challenging street for a sidewalk. Engineering would address the issues of trees, fire hydrants,
and geographic issues. Mr. Stone said that he had already spoken with Engineering to see whether they
had copies of the studies that had been done in 1987. He noted that at that time the BOS had asked for
traffic studies in terms of usage. He is hoping these studies can be resurrected to save the expense of
redoing the studies.
Ms. Crocker noted that the child who was killed on Middleby was a Bridge student but that the accident
occurred outside of school hours. The location of the accident is where the speed bump is near Bridge.
The child was let out of the car and was hit while crossing the street. She is not sure whether the crosswalk
there meets code in terms of sightlines. Hank Manz said that he had asked the Police Department to do
some research as to when this accident occurred. He also noted that Prospect Hill would be on the agenda
of the BOS soon.
2. Minutes from November and December meetings: Both sets of minutes were approved as amended.
3. DPW Update: Marc Valenti was unable to attend the meeting, so there was no report from DPW. Ms.
Crocker noted that the sidewalks around town have been cleared well thanks to new,wider plows and the
efforts of DPW.
4. Safe Routes to School(SRTS) and Ad hoc School Transportation and Safety Study Committee (STS): Ms.
Crocker noted that she had procured precinct maps from DPW, and each school's committee had done a
list of the most commonly used routes to school. Elaine Celi asked whether the maps would be available
on the Internet. In the past maps had been disseminated but this practice was stopped due to worries
about stranger danger. Ms. Celi noted that Town officials would like to have access to these maps and
that her office now has the software necessary to map student residences per school neighborhood. Ms.
Crocker noted that Walk Boston/MAPC have a tool to determine what routes are used. Both tools would
be useful when/if the Town redistricts the schools. They also have a pedestrian safety campaign,but we
are doing most of what they suggest already. The Appalachian Mountain Club and Mass General have
created outdoorrx.org,which is a public health program stressing the benefits of being outdoors.
At the 12/19/13 meeting of the School Committee, STS informed the School Committee that they had
met three out of four of their charges and were hoping to wrap up their work in March or April of 2014.
They will continue their work on school zones. Clarke Middle School's signs on Waltham Street
technically do not warn of an impending school zone for the school is located on Stedman Road. One
proposal to make the pedestrian/vehicle interface safer is to create a pedestrian walking path from
Waltham to Stedman Road across the conservation land. Estabrook is moving into their new building at
the end of February vacation. From then until the end of the school year, there will be an interim traffic
plan. As of September, the final traffic plan will be implemented. A parent community survey regarding
the proposed school transportation policy will be sent out next month.
Prospect Hill neighborhood resident Al Montgomery is concerned about current discussions in this
neighborhood,including substandard lots being made into one larger lot and the intersection of Prospect
Hill and Outlook Drive. He has attended some SWC and STS meetings. Ms. Crocker has had numerous
email and phone conversations with him on the topic.
5. Correspondence Log: Ms. Stieglitz reported that two pieces of correspondence were received. The first
was regarding the "no idling"policy. The second was from Karen Walker of Fox Run Lane regarding
the fact that only a narrow part of East Street is plowed. Ms. Crocker noted that Ms. Walker had
repeatedly contacted the SWC to remind the committee that East Street and Douglas towards Woburn
should be plowed as there is a bus stop there. The SWC has asked DPW to do this and to put a"no
outlet"sign at Fox Run Lane.
6. Meeting Calendar: The 2014 meeting calendar was approved.
7. New business:
a. The Lex Healthy Community grant is supposed to focus on transportation. It did not get a second
cycle of funding; for this reason plans for incorporating it unto the Bike/Walk/Bus week have been
pulled back.
b. Mary Fanucci cannot attend meetings with the Tree Committee due to the timing of meetings. Sean
Osborne will take her place as the liaison.
c. A large number of pedestrian accidents have occurred in the Boston area recently. The SWC will
publish winter safety tips in the Colonial Times and send them to the schools.
d. Ms. Crocker is running for School Committee. Should she be elected, she may have to resign her
chairmanship of the SWC. The SWC would need to appoint a new chair, as well as a new SRTS
coordinator. Mr. Osborne asked whether there might be someone from the Lexington Citizens
Academy who might want to join the committee.
8. Updating Resident Guidelines for Requesting New Sidewalks document: The committee reviewed the
document and made line by line changes. The document will be updated to reflect this discussion.
9. The meeting was adjourned at 11:02 AM. The next meeting of the Sidewalk Committee will be
February 3 at 9 AM in the SMR.
Respectfully submitted by,
Bettina McGimsey