HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-02-28-CCAC-min TOWNOFLEXINGTON AdhocCommunityCenterAdvisoryCommittee(AhCCAC) Minutes(Corrected) Date: February 28, 2014 Place and time: Cary Memorial Building, Estabrook Hall, 10:30 .. AM Members Present: Michelle Ciccolo, Chair; Betty Borghesani; Jon Himmel (Chair, Permanent Building Committee (PBC)); Laura Hussong; Florence Koplow; Leslie Zales Members Absent: Mary Ellen Alessandro; Harry Forsdick; Liaisons Present:Staff: Dorinda Goodman, Information Technology; Charlotte Rodgers, Human Services; Karen Simmons, Recreation; Committees: David Kanter for Beth Masterman, Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC); Joe Pato for Norm Cohen, Board of Selectmen (BoS); Glenn Parker, Chair, Appropriation Committee Liaisons Absent (liaisons only attend as-requested and as-available to address relevant agenda items):Staff: Linda Vine, Vice Chair of AhCCAC, Town Manager’s Office; Shawn Newell, Department of Public Facilities (DPF); Chris Filadoro, Department of Public Works; Koren Stembridge, Library; John Mazerall, Police Department;Chief John Wilson, Fire Department; Committees: Jessie Steigerwald, School Committee Also present:Sheila Butts, Recreation; Mark Barrett, DPF; Barbara Deveau, Human Services; Matthew Ryan, Human Services; Nancy Adler, Chair, Council on Aging (COA) Board; Joel Adler, Town Meeting Members Association; Irvine Wei, COA Programming Committee; Marion Kilson, COA Programming Committee; Hope Place; user of Senior Center; Joan Blaukenheim, COA; Bob Pressman, Community Preservation Committee; Elizabeth Pressman, resident Recording Secretary: Sara Arnold The meeting was called to order by Ms. Ciccolo at 10:53 .. AM 1.Minutes: There were amendments recommended for the February 12, 2014 Minutes. There was a motion and second to approve the Minutes for February 12, 2014, as amended. The motion passed. VOTE: 6-0 2.Correspondence: Ms. Hussong reported on her communications with the Senior Center's Computer and Technology Group. They maintain the computer systems located in the Senior Center and are willing to work with those involved in developing plans for the Community Center. Ms. Hussong distributed emails from the group and added her own comments. She noted that she lacks the technical expertise for working effectively on this issue. It was suggested that Mr. Forsdick and Ms. Goodman were appropriate candidates. ACTION ITEM: It was agreed to formalize a working group at next week's meeting. There was concern that the budget may not currently include adequate funding for the computer needs. Mr. Kanter commented that there is about $200,000 available in the Public, Educational, and Governmental access revolving fund to address technological infrastructure needs in the Cary Memorial Building Upgrades project. Ms. Rodgers noted that the computer equipment in the Senior Center has been mostly funded by donations. ACTION ITEM: Ms. Goodman will identify the needed funding, including annual fees for wireless technology, and this will be included in this Committee's report to the BoS on March 10, 2014. Ms. Ciccolo reported on an email from Mr. Forsdick. She noted his desire for engaging community involvement to maximize the use of the facility. There was discussion about using a technology package to begin scheduling programs; this will provide an opportunity to see how frequently the spaces in the building will be used and by whom. Ms. Mullins commented that the Recreation Department is already exploring options for this approach. There were comments about the potential need to evaluate usage priorities. 3.Staff and Liaison Reports: Mr. Himmel reported on a recent PBC meeting when options for addressing the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system in the Community Center were discussed, as follows: Originally upgrades to the system were to be part of a Phase 2 project. Because Phase 2 was postponed until an unspecified date, and because a report on including the HVAC upgrades in Phase 1 would not significantly impact the Phase 1 schedule, the PBC discussed the pros and cons of replacing the current HVAC equipment versus refurbishing it. Both options provide good air quality; most HVAC equipment has a 20 year life cycle. Cost implications are being developed for next week. ACTION ITEM: In response to a question, Mr. Himmel said he would find out whether radon testing has been done. 4.Community Center Programs: A memo from Ms. Vine discussed her suggestions for identifying program components that will be incorporated into future Community Center activities. The program matrix that was distributed identifies 535 programs that were offered in 2013, not what might be done in the future. Human Services programs are currently restricted to 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., which restricts participation by working senior citizens; Human Services and Recreation currently are restricted by lack of space. It was generally agreed that the evaluation of space availability in the new Community Center that was done by Steffian Bradley Associates, consultants for this project, provided a broad perspective, but it did not consider seasonal needs or other such details; entering all of the current programs into a programming software package will provide specfic information on redundancy, space usage, and opportunities for new programs. This will provide data that illustrates how everything fits together. ACTION ITEMS: Ms. Hussong offered to help with entering data. Ms. Mullens and Ms. Rodgers will explore ways to integrate their programs, while considering staff strengths. Human Services and Recreation staff reviewed their processes for incorporating new programs into what they offer. A form is available for submitting suggestions; space needs and cost implications must be evaluated. Recreation has an Enterprise Fund, which helps minimize the fees; Human Services relies on donations to curb costs. Background checks of various levels may be necessary when non-employees offer a service or program. Ms. Zales commented that she does not want new programs to replace strong programs, but various groups in the community are very excited about using the new Community Center, and they want to feel welcome. Ms. Ciccolo commented that governance needs to be addressed and use policies will need to be developed. She added that existing boards and committees will continue to operate as in the past, but processes may change over time. The following next steps were identified: Identify the cost implications associated with programming changes o Develop use policies to determine who can use the building o Develop governance recommendations; the COA, Recreation Committee, and Youth Commission o should be asked to participate in this discussion. 5.Adjourn: A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 12:30 P.. The motion passed. M VOTE: 6-0 These minutes were approved on April 7, 2014. Materials distributed/used at the meeting: Public Meeting Agenda, February 12, 2014, AhCCAC Email from Ms. Vine to Ms. Ciccolo, RE: Process for the Identification of Program Components, January 30, 2014 Email from Harry Forsdick to Michelle Ciccolo, RE: Agenda for Friday, February 26, 2014 2 Lexington Computer and Technology Group, George Gamota and Steve Daniels; series of emails and notes between John Rudy and Ms. Hussong Lexington Community Center Planning Matrix--Current Programs 3