HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-03-05-AC-min 2014-03-05 Minutes Minutes Town of Lexington Appropriation Committee March 5, 2014 : Robbins Room, Cary Memorial Building, 7:30 p.m. : Glenn Parker, Chair; John Bartenstein, Vice Chair and Secretary; Robert Cohen; Mollie Garberg;Alan Levine; Susan McLeish;Eric Michelson; Richard Neumeier; Jonina Schonfeld; Rob Addelson (non-voting, ex officio) Members Absent:none Others Present:Jill Hai, Capital Expenditures Committee; David Kanter, Capital Expenditures Committee The meeting was calledto order by the Chair at 7:35p.m. 1. Report on the Community Center (Special Town Meeting, Article 5): Glenn Parker reported on the planning by the Ad hoc Community Center Advisory Committee (AhCCAC) for the renovation of the Marrett Rd. building and the funds to be requested for that purpose at the upcoming Special Town Meeting. The appropriation at the November, 2013, Special Town Meeting was for the amount of $3,169,000. The revised amount will be $6,320,000, and itwill cover the items included last November as well as structural changes to enlarge and reshape the main meeting room, appropriate modifications of the HVAC systems that do not presently have adequate capacity, and other items that will be listed in the report being drafted by Glenn. As before, the vast majority of the project, approximately $6 million,will be funded under the Community Preservation Act (CPA). Jill Hai reported that both a design of and a cost estimate for the sidewalk have been prepared. Glenn plans to have this Committee vote on this article on March 12. In regard to financing of the project, Rob Addelson and others stated that the current plan is to seek authorization of debt with a 10-year term. A portion of the project cost could still be paid for with cash so asto reduce the size of the note. David Kanter noted that it may be advisable to do short-term borrowing (bond authorization note) for oneyear before issuing long-term debt. The Dept. of Public Facilities will manage the project. 2. Cary Memorial Building Renovations (Special Town Meeting): The source of the funds to be appropriated will be Community Preservation Fund debt with a 10-year term, except for $235,230 from the tax levy (General Fund) for furnishings, etc., and $200,820 from the PEG AccessRevolving Fund for other items that are not eligible for CPA funding. 1 2014-03-05 Minutes David Kanter noted that the 10-year term is responsive to the goal of limiting the length of commitments for repaying debt using community preservation funds, because the 10-year term is much shorter than the terms of 20 or 30 years thatare allowablefor major building projects. 3. Plan for Completing Reports: The schedule for completion of the Committee’s report to the March Special Town Meeting showsa vote to approve the report on Wednesday, March 12, followed by release on Monday, March 17. For the report to the Annual Town Meeting, the vote to approve the report is scheduled for March 19 and the release date is March 24. 4. Capital Articles: There was discussion of what should be included in the report to the Annual Town Meeting in regard to capital articles in light of the comprehensive nature of the Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC) report. The sense was that duplication should be avoided. Jill Hai and David Kanter reviewed the material in the CEC report focusing on the overall capital efforts of the Town and the overall spending levels. They did not identify any large holes in the Town’s capital program. Alan Levine reviewed his conversation with Bill Hays, co-chair of LexHAB, about the planning for the LexHAB units that are planned fora part of the Busa land that was recently acquired. LexHAB currently has layout drawings and preliminary cost estimates. David Kanter noted that the amount of the appropriation is basedon a cost estimate from the architect. LexHAB is waiting for the Board of Selectmen to decide on the number of dwelling units to be included, and, after that vote and a vote to approve the $750,000 in CPA funding by the CPC, will proceed with further planning including the preparation of construction documents. LexHAB would like to engage Minuteman Regional High School and Lexington Rotary in the project. At the meeting, it was reported that LexHAB does not intend to acquire other units while moving forward with construction at the Busa and Leary sites. It was reported that the Board of Selectmen is still not ready to move forward with the renovation/enlargement of the Visitors’ Center. John Bartenstein noted that the request under Article 12 for sewer system capital projects is $1,800,000, not $1,200,000 as printed in the Warrant. The total of the requests under Article 10 for municipal capital projects in the Warrant is also incorrect. The amounts for these projects are correctly stated in the Brown Book. There was a question about Article 14 and whether the physical fitness room for the East Lexington Fire Station indicated that more substantial work is needed there. The answer was in the negative. Jonina Schonfeld inquired about Article 10(g) Mass. Ave intersections. She was informed that the Town is waiting to hear from the State as to whether Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) funds will be approved for reconstruction of three important presently unsignalized intersections. The CEC representatives stated that the CEC has taken a position against the request under Article 10(l) to landscape the Hartwell Ave./Bedford St. traffic island. The Board of Selectmen and the Town Manager are proponents of this request. The sense was that they should be 2 2014-03-05 Minutes contacted so that the Committee has access to both pro and con arguments prior to voting on that part of Article 10. In response to a query about the balance in the Recreation Enterprise Fund, Rob Addelson noted that the balance depends on the use offunds for capital projects as well as operating expenses and therefore may fluctuate from year to year. Mr. Addelson also stated that the recent amendment of the CPA to allow the use of community preservation funds to restore or improve pre-existing recreational facilities reduces the amount feltnecessary tomaintain in retained earningsfor this purpose. The meeting was adjourned at 9:07p.m. A list of documents and other exhibits used at the meeting isset forth below. Respectfully submitted, Alan Levine Approved March 19, 2014 Exhibits 1.Meeting Agenda posted by Glenn Parker, Chair 3