HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-03-13-LBAC-min APPROVED MEETING MINUTES Committee Name : Lexington Bicycle Advisory Committee Date, Time and Location of Meeting : March 13, 2014, Town Office Building, Parker Room, 7:00 PM Members Present : Peggy Enders (Chair), Stew Kennedy, Bob Dangel, Mike Tabaczynski, Bob Hausslein (FoLB Chair), George Gagliardi, Richard Canale (Planning Board Liaison) Members Absent : Laurel Carpenter, John Frey, Marita Hartshorn Others Present : Jennifer Melot, Jay Zimmer Minutes : The January 2014 minutes were accepted as corrected. Brief Updates: Meeting with Board of Selectmen (re Toole Design report): Peggy reported that the Board of Selectmen heard the draft report of the Toole Design Group on January 13. The top priority items were discussed (i.e., pavement issues; intersection safety; and a signage plan as well as the appointment of a bike program coordinator) and the Board established action items but will not accept the report until it is in final form. Peggy said she was asked a question about pedestrian right-of-way on the Bikeway, an issue that ought to be discussed further. Bikeway paving plan : John Livsey has announced a plan to repave two sections of the Bikeway this season:from the Arlington town line to Fottler Avenue and from Woburn to Fletcher streets. The detour from the Arlington line needs to be thought through. Richard Canale mentioned that Shade Street is also slated for some paving work this season with four speed humps and two raised intersections. The committee discussed the angle of transition on the speed bumps. Richard also talked about progress on developing a Complete Streets zoning by-law and regulations by the Planning Board and Planning staff. He said that bicycle accommodation issues are gaining greater priority. With respect to arterials, there is now an understanding of the need for shrinking motor vehicle lane widths to accommodate bike lanes. He mentioned an upcoming public hearing on the proposed regulations that will take place at the end of March. Snow Plowing: This item is discussed below. Bikeway App and Community Development Proposal: The committee unanimously agreed to endorse the application for expansion of the ACROSS Lexington app into an “Explore Lexington” app that would include the Bikeway. The committee had reservations about some aspects of the proposed app (e.g., no Android version, more bike coverage than just the Minuteman Bikeway), but agreed it was a step in the right direction, essentially a proof of concept. Part of the app development will require volunteers to do GPS readings on the Bikeway. Application for Bike Friendly CommunityStatus from the League of American Bicyclists : Peggy reported that the application was submitted at the end of January and thanked those on the committee who helped. The process of completing the application shows how Lexington can improve its bike friendliness based on best practices nationally (e.g., a specific Complete Streets policy plan, town coordinator for bicycle-related issues, bike parking standards, and bike safety education) and the completed application has been provided to staff in the DPW, the Planning Office and the Board of Selectmen. Proposed Tri-Town Meeting: Arlington has proposed to host a Tri-Town bike committees meeting on the first Saturday in June. After some discussion there was agreement for the Saturday meeting, so long as it takes place early in the morning (or late in the afternoon). There was discussion about some of the proposed agenda items (e.g., snow plowing on the Bikeway, various ideas for common a common striping convention, etc.). There was general agreement that there ought to be shared policies regarding nighttime use (i.e., no hours when Bikeway can’t be used), sharing by pedestrians and bicyclists (i.e., rights of way). Liaison Reports: In a discussion about the prospect of widening the Bikeway, Richard said that the MassDOT Bay State Greenway 100 long-distance bike transportation network program may be a way to obtain Federal funds for this purpose. Grass roots support would be needed; bike commuters are a good target group. Other Business : Bob Dangel mentioned the recent Supreme Court ruling in favor of private property owners against those who had proposed to convert an abandoned railroad corridor into a bike trail that would expand an existing rail trail. The meeting was adjourned at 8:06 pm. Record of the Discussions of the Friends of Lexington Bikeways The Treasurer’s Report was given. It is expected that plowing costs will be similar to recent years. The amount donated this year is also similar to past years; however, donations were spread out among 96 donors, each of whom gave a small amount but were clearly grateful that the Bikeway was being plowed. The group agreed that many thanks are in order and talked about signs and ads next year to that effect. It is important to keep the momentum going. There was discussion about some of the ice and snow problems this year, given the nature of the winter weather. Some bike committee volunteers went out and chipped ice, but the melting/freezing cycles unmade most attempts to clear the chronic areas (behind the Depot, at Woburn Street, between Bedford and Hartwell, etc.). There was a conversation about hiring students or others to do this work. FoLB Goals : There was a discussion about spending beyond plowing. Ideas included a new bench on the Bikeway, “Welcome to Lexington” signs, art projects on the Bikeway (e.g., under Maple Street bridge); an honorarium for the LAB instructor who will run a bike smart pilot during Bike Walk ‘n Bus Week; a bike rack donated in Peter Kelley’s honor; a bike repair station for the Bikeway or elsewhere; doggie bag stations . Non-Profit Status Update : The application for retroactive reinstatement of the 501(c)(3) status of FoLB has been submitted to the IRS. Sue Rockwell has provided substantial help pro bono getting the paperwork in order, including writing a letter detailing why FoLB should be retroactively reinstated. As a gesture of appreciation, the group agreed to sending her a gift certificate from Wilson Farm. Patriot’s Day: The group decided against marching this year. Bikeway Cleanup Day : will be Saturday, May 3, at 9 am. Bike Donation Day/Discovery Day : Peggy was contacted by Stephen Bosco of Bikes Not Bombs to hold a Bike Donation Day this year. The group agreed; it will be held on Discovery Day at the end of May. The meeting was adjourned at about 8:30 pm. Next Meeting: Thursday, April 10, 7 pm the Parker Room of the Town Office Building Recorder: Jay Zimmer Editor: Peggy Enders