HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-03-27-CCAC-min TOWNOFLEXINGTON AdhocCommunityCenterAdvisoryCommittee(AhCCAC) Minutes Date: March 27, 2014 Place and time: Cary Memorial Building, Estabrook Hall, 8:30 .. AM Members Present: Michelle Ciccolo, Chair; Mary Ellen Alessandro; Harry Forsdick; Laura Hussong; Jon Himmel (Chair, Permanent Building Committee); Florence Koplow; Leslie Zales Members Absent: Betty Borghesani Liaisons Present:Staff: Linda Vine, Vice Chair of AhCCAC, Town Manager’s Office; Charlotte Rodgers, Human Services; Karen Simmons, Recreation; Koren Stembridge, Library; Committees: David Kanter for Beth Masterman, Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC); Joe Pato for Norm Cohen, Board of Selectmen (BoS); Liaisons Absent (liaisons only attend as-requested and as-available to address relevant agenda items):Staff: Dorinda Goodman, Information Technology; Shawn Newell, Department of Public Facilities (DPF); Chris Filadoro, Department of Public Works; John Mazerall, Police Department;Chief John Wilson, Fire Department; Committees: Jessie Steigerwald, School Committee; Glenn Parker, Chair, Appropriation Committee Also present:Pat Goddard, staff, DPF; Sheila Butts, staff, Recreation Department; Nancy Adler, Chair, Council on Aging (COA) Board; Joel Adler, Town Meeting Member; Bob Pressman Recording Secretary: Sara Arnold The meeting was called to order by Ms. Ciccolo at 8:40 .. AM 1.Minutes: Because of the need to make some edits, approval of the March 21, 2014 Minutes was postponed. 2.Announcements: Ms. Ciccolo thanked those who attended the March 24, 2014 Special Town Meeting, at which the funding for the Lexington Community Center (LCC) renovations was approved. 3.Correspondence: Several people commented on Dan Fenn’s verbally-expressed request for dedicated senior citizen space for groups that currently meet at the Senior Center. This triggered the following discussions: The LCC will need chairs that facilitate comfortable use by those who have difficulty getting out of a chair; there is literature that will facilitate identifying such furnishings. Steffian Bradley Associates (SBA), the contractor for the project, will likely begin working on furnishings in August. It was suggested that a few wheelchairs be available; wheelchairs are currently available at the Senior Center. th This Committee’s April 7 meeting at the Senior Center will provide an opportunity to listen to seniors’ concerns, which can be inferred rather than explicit; listening may be more important than responding to issues. Not all seniors want the same thing but most of them need to understand how they will function in the new facility. For some people, change is particularly difficult and creates fear. Ms. Rodgers reported that her department is leading a discussion group on change and resiliency because studies show that these components are important for successful aging. It was suggested that there be a continuing dialogue with those who use the Senior Center; involvement can lead to a sense of “ownership”. It was agreed that meeting the needs seniors does not require exclusive space for their programs. Ms. Ciccolo commented that some years ago there was a request for a new senior center that would have been exclusively for senior citizens; having space that is dedicated by activity rather than age is a relatively new concept for Lexington’s seniors. She added that if this approach is found to have flaws, it can be adjusted in the future. It was noted that there are other user groups (other than senior citizens) that need to feel welcome at the LCC, including those with disabilities. ACTION ITEMS: Mr. Goddard, Ms. Ciccolo and Ms. Alessandro will meet to discuss the anticipated process for choosing furnishings and the role that will be played by SBA. A flip board will be needed for th logging concerns at the April 7 meeting. It was suggested that a list of accommodations being made for th seniors be available at the April 7 meeting. 4.Working Group Updates: An updated schematic for the working groups was reviewed. There will be some additional minor changes; this will include clarification of the groups with whom the Program Working Group will be collaborating. Ms. Vine said that the meetings of these groups will have to be posted; Minutes can be brief but must be recorded and archived. It was agreed that the groups need guidelines and/or a template. Each group has an identified leader and staff member. The staff person can post the meetings. These groups will report to the AhCCAC. Mr. Goddard asked that the Technical Working Group be available to meet next week, either Tuesday or Thursday afternoon. ACTION ITEM: It was suggested that the Public Relations Working Group consider ways to encourage residents to use the suggestion boxes, such as including questions on the outside of them. 5.Work Plan: Ms. Ciccolo reported on her plans for this Committee to meet with the standing committees that represent stakeholders in the project. There was discussion about connecting with the user groups that were identified some months ago. It was suggested that there be a time line that categorizes tasks, e.g. those that are time critical or need to be done before the building is opened. The schedule included on the Work Plan has this Committee meeting every other week and the working groups meeting on the alternate weeks. thth It was agreed to move the April 18 meeting (as identified in the Work Plan) to April 17 and to use that meeting for a review of SBA’s bid documents for the project. The meeting will held in the LCC. The st Recreation Committee will be invited to the May 1 meeting. 6.Adjourn: A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 10:25 .. The motion passed. AM VOTE: 7-0 These minutes were approved on April 7, 2014. Materials distributed/used at the meeting: Public Meeting Agenda, March 27, 2014, AhCCAC Updated Work Group Schematic for 3/27/14; Draft for discussion purposes only Lexington Community Center; Special Town Meeting – March 24, 2014; PowerPoint prepared by SBA Announcement for AhCCAC Meeting – April 7, 2014, Muzzey Senior Center Meeting Schedule and Work Plan – Revised 3/27/2014 Policy Manuals and Directives: Town of Lexington, Department of Human Services & Senior Center, Muzzey: o Volunteer Manual Standards of Independence and General Conduct Emergency Fire Exit Plan Town of Lexington Administrative Directives o Smoke Free Workplace Policy Card Access Keys 2 Municipal Grievance Procedure, American with Disabilities Act Town of Lexington Recreation Department o Volunteer & Community Service Manual, 2014 Registration Information Participant Conduct Guidelines and Expectations Program Refund Policy Financial Aid Information Cash, Check and Credit Card Handling Policy Playing Field and Related Facility Permit Policy Seasonal Employee Manual, 2013, Master 3