HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-02-03-LEXHAB-minFROM :Hays & Skerry FAX NO. :617 423 -4059 Feb. 10 2014 11:17AM P5 JU Minutes of Meeting on February 3, 2014 The meeting opened at 7:08 AM. The Chairman presided, Present were Bill Kennedy, Chair „Rob Burbidge, Vice- Chair, 13HI Hays, Les Savage and Dave Eagle. Fat Nelson, LexHAB's attorney, was also present as was Bab Pressman. 1. Minutes: The minutes of the January 6 meeting were unanimously accepted as mailed. Draft minutes of the January 28 meeting were distributed; no action was taken as to these. 2. Financial Reports: Dave Eagle commented on the recent movement of funds from checking to LexHAB'S MMDT account; this leaves $120,000 in checking. The Fairview project will require much more than $1.20,000 but MMD`l' funds can be withdrawn at any time without penalty. Dave also noted, with regard to the annual statements and the accompanying spread sheets, that he, Gerry Howell and Karen had recently met to review same; there appear to be no loose ends. A question was asked why the P & L statement for 2013 shows no depreciation whereas the statement for 2012 does. The likely reason seems to be that the auditors determine the correct figure fox depreciation and the 2013 reports have not yet been submitted for audit. 3. Busa Farm: A. Meeting with Representatives of Lex -Farm on Jan. 28: Bob Burbidge reported that the meeting seemed to have gone well. He noted that at the close of the meeting, Janet Kern and Ken Kaufsky asked to see the following as soon as available: - Description and location of the proposed rain gardens designed to accommodate on site at least part of the run-off from the new buildings. FROM :Hays & Skerry FAX NO. :617 423 -4858 Feb. 10 2014 11:17AM P6 - Any plans we may have showing the location of the drain pipe that runs from Lowell Street under the housing parcel and then under the fields. It was noted that the first of these requests has already been met; the drain location plan and sketch will be forwardtxl by Les to Lex -Farm. B. The Drain Pipe: The large plan dated 2010 showing the area with the pipe location penciled in was reviewed. Dave noted that it is possible although not certain that subsurface ground water under the fields may be Sowing into the pipe; it has been observed that ground water entering the pipe at the catch -basin on Lowell Street does not account for the volume of water discharging from the pipe at its end. C, Subdivision Plan: The recorded plan of the Farm was reviewed. it was noted that the parcel shown off lower Lowell Street (Parcel 2'on the plan) is not going to pass 100% into LexHAH's hands, the Selectmen having approved only about half of this parcel for housing. It was also noted that this plan is a Land Court plan, meaning that the title to the farm has been registered. Assuming that the Town is going to prepare a new plan showing subdivision of this parcel, there was concern that approval of the new plan may be delayed because of Land Court involvement. Pat Nelson will check with Town Counsel and with the Town's Engineering Department to determine whether a new plan is going to be required and if so, who will prepare it. As for delay, Pat noted that plan approvals of this kind are handled administratively by the Land Court's engineering department, a process that does not involve hearings before a,judge. She does not anticipate any undue delay in the approval process. D. Next Step: Board of Selectmen: Bob Pressman commented on the desirability of our securing a decision from the Selectmen on the density question before the CPC Articles am taken up in Town Meeting. There was general endorsement of Bob's point; The Chair, and in his absence, the Vice -Chair will seek a date to appear before the Board. March 10 would be a first choice as Bill Kennedy will be in Town at that time. The objective of the appearance will be limited to the issue of how many units we FROM :Hays & Skerry FAX NO. :617 423 -4058 Feb. 10 2014 02:50PM P1 will be allowed to build. Once we-know hoW many units are to- go on the site, we can prepare the final package including . plans and layouts that DHCD will require. But first, we will submit the package to the Selectmen for their endorsement which is required for a friendly 40 -b application and which DHCD will therefore be looking for. The importance of the presence at the Selectman's meeting of Carter Scott, Karl Oldenberg and John Noonan wis noted. Tt was noted that the Selectmen earlier voted to allow 4 housing units on the site. But that decision was made without input from us on the density question; we had not asked for resolution of that question and did not therefore present to the Board our reasons for advocating 6 units. 'With support from some Selectmen, we are now simply asking for reconsideration on the density matter, Two of the neighborhood requests retrain to be satisfied. John Noottan is working on the sight -line plan and Karl 01denberg on the horizon photograph, 4. Fairview .Bill Hays reported that DHCD has not rendered its decision_ Bill spoke with Aaron Henry last�who promised to call the contact person at DHCD to urge a timely decision. 5. Muzzey Condominium: :Pat Nelson, having attended the Special Meeting of unit owners, reported that the unit owners voted to oust the Board of Trustees except for Grace Ayers anceelected a new one. The new Board is pursuing, alternatives to installation of sprinklers Though authorized to vote -the LexMB shares, Pat did not vote nor dial she speak, consistent with our long standing policy to let the non - municipal owners`run their condominium without having to deal with LexHAB and therefore the Town_ b. Parker School Condominiums: Pat reported that roof-leak problems have surfaced this winter. It is likely that a full re- roofing is in the offing. Therm are no estimates so far_ The conditions in the storage areas flagged by the Town have been addressed at considerable expense, Still, one of the Trustees continues to press for a de- leading of the common areas but the Town bas so far not cited the building on the lead issue. Pat noted also that the Trustees have approved a 5% increase in monthly maintenance fees to begin to replenish the condominium's reserves which have been exhausted. This is independent of any assessment or monthly maintenance fee increase to finance a new roof, FROM :Hays & Skerry FAX NO. :617 423 -4858 Feb. 18 2014 02 :50PM P2 7. Tenant Selection Guidelines: There was discussion about Aaron Henry's recent E -mail calling to LexHAB' S attention a recent Massachusetts court decision involving what providers of affordable housing may or may -not ask prospective tenants to furnish. Pat noted that decisions of this kind often end up applicable for the most part to the facts of the particular case and are not therefore of universal application. Nonetheless, the consensus was that we should give attention to the decision and to Aaron's suggestion that we do so. Pat will again review our application forms and she will also work up a script for use in interviews with prospective tenants. S_ Other Business. There was discussion once more on a subject often discussed: namely, LexHAB's waiting list (actually, the absence of a LexHAB waiting list) Our policy and resulting practice was reviewed; the members expressed their continued endorsement of the award of housing based on greatest need among to pool of interested applicants at the time of selection. We do not award on the basis of waiting -list seniority nor on the basis of a lottery, though we have had to accept lottery selection as to all units built with Cl'A funds. 9, Next Meeting: The next meeting will be on March 10* at 7 A.M. at the LexHAB office at 4 Militia Drive in Lexington_ Respectfully Submitted William C. Hays, Secretary Pro Tom