HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-01-28-LEXHAB-minFROM :Hays & Skerry FAX NO. :617 423 -4658 Feb. 10 2014 11:16AM P2 LexHAB Minutes ,of Meeting on January 2$, 2014 r The meeting opened at 7:05 P.M, at the LexHAB office; the Yoe- Chairman presided. Present were Bob Burbidge (Vice - Chairman), Les Savage, Dave Eagle ,Bill Hays and Gerry Howell. Janet Kern and Chen Kaufsky, representing Lex- Farm, and Bob Pressman also attended" did several Busa Farm neighbors. The Vice-Chairman noted that the sole purpose of the meeting is to learn more about Lex >aarm and its plans and then to discuss with Janet and Ken matters that affect both LexHAB and Lex -Farm The following is grouped by subject rather than in the order presented. 1. What is Lex -Farm and what does it plan to do? A_ Lex- -Farm is the acronym for the Lexington Community Farm, Inc., a Massachusetts ,not-for-profit corporation. It has a ten year lease rrom the Town of the entire Busa farm (except for the housing parcel). The Town is not represented on the Lfx- Farm board; the Town's interests are represented by a Farm Coordinating Committee. B. Lex -Farm has contracted with Community Farms Outreach to run the farm; CFO is an experienced farm operator which oversees the community farm at the Waltham Field Station. C. Lex -Faun will sell participation shares to members who will pay a fixed amount per year and be entitled to a share of the produce over a twenty week period. The Plan is to finance the operation of the farm out of these participation shares_ D_ Lex Farm also is engaged in fund raising. The goal is $150,000, $90,000 of which will meet the start up casts (equipment, building renovations etc) and the balance of which will underwrite for a limited period the staffing and office expenses of its community outreach programs designed to augment the efforts of such organizations as the Lexington Food Pantry. Future occupants of the housing LexHAB intends to build on the site may benefit from this program. R Lex -Farm does not plan to augment its own produce inventory by purchasing produce from off site vendors; it will however from time to time purchase items which it does not attempt to grow such, for example, as eggs and maple syrup. F. Overall, according to Janet, Lex -Farm intends to integrate sound organic fanning principles into its program and over time to secure recognition under the highest FROM :Hays & Skerry FAX NO. :617 423 -4058 Feb. 10 2014 11:16AM .P3 ratings. At the same time, it will seek to demonstrate effective stewardship and to provide opportunities for townspeople avid others to witness and participate in environmentally sound farming. u. Matters of Mutual Concern: A. Surface Water Run -off. Lester noted that LexHAB has engaged an engineer to ensure that proper steps are taken to avoid any increase in the discharge of surface water from the houng parcel onto the Lexarm fields, He stated further that catchment areas (rain guards?) are to be provided un er present plans. There was also discussion about the surface water drain pipe that runs from the north side of Lowell Street under Lowell Street and under the housing parcel, thence south easterly under the adjacent field , eventually discharging into the Arlington Reservoir, Dave Eagle stated that the location of the pipe is known but not its condition_ He indicated that a portion of the pipe will have to be relocated so as not to be under any residential structure. It is not known whether the point of reconnection to the existing line will occur on the LexHAB parcel or further along in the fields. B. Slope' Treatment_ Both Le fflAIB and the farm delegation had questions about the handling of the slope on the other's property. Lester indicated that LexHAB intends to terrace the slope on the housing parcel; there will be no vertical retaining wall. There will probably be one or two footpaths running from Lowell Street to the rear of the houses but these will be stair paths following the terracing of the remainder of the slopes. .fanet and Ken indicated that Lex -Farm has no plains to alter the existing slope contours east of the housing parcel. C. Use of the Boundary Land at the Rear of the LexHAB Parcel, Neither LesIIAB nor Lean Farm has any present plans tp run paths, drives or access roads on its side of this boundary. Dave Eagle indicated that LexHAB is not requesting any easements aver Lex- Farm property in connection with construction of the two houses; he expressed confidence that access for all purposes during construction can be from Lowell Street. D. Construction Disruption: FROM :Hays & Skerry FAX NO. :617 423 -4658 Feb. 10 2014 11 :16AN P4 Janet and Ken expressed concern that noise and dust incident to LexHAB's construction of its buildings might adversely impact its farm operations which are scheduled to run from April to September. Dave indicated that I.exHA I3 is assuming that construction will be via its time- tested partnership with Lexington Rotary Club and the Minuteman Vocational Technical School and that Minuteman functions only after the normal growing season. Janet and Ken asked whether, if there were to be delay in LexHAB's permlting process, LexIiAB would postpone commencemept of construction until the next fall season. Bill answered that LexHAB would certainly consider this matter but could not at this stage give a definitive answer. E, Next Steps: The Vice -Chair stated that LexHAB's next step will be to ask the Selectmen to determine how marry units of affordable housing willallowed on the housing parcel; eventually, the Selectmen will be asked to approve the housing proposal for the site, following; which, the project will be submitted to DHCD for its approval. IfDHCD approves, the project will then be submitted to the Zoning Board of Appeals for its approval. only at this point, assuming approvals along the way, will L.exIM be positioned to seek a Building Permit from the Tovm - 'there was some further discussion both about the density question and about tite next step before the Selectmen. LexHAB members indicated that it may work best to two -step the request to the Selmlmen, that is: to appear first before the Board for determination of the number of units to be constructed and then, after more definitive plans are prepared and available (which cannot economically be done until the size and number of and units within the buildings are known), a second appearance before the Board seeking final approval and endorsement. Ken and Janet asked ifthey could be shown as soon as possible the surface water ramediation plan and the plan for rerouting the drain pipe under Lowell Street including particularly the point of reconnection. The Chairman said LexHAB would do its best to comply with these very reasonable requests. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:40 P.M. Respectfully submitted Wiliiam C. Hays Secretary Pro tam