HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-02-03-TAC-min Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) Minutes February 3, 2014 Members Present : Elaine Dratch, Sara Arnold, Peter Levy, Sally Castleman, Matt Zhang, Members Absent : Bill Levison, Michael Boudet, Francine Stieglitz Staff Present : Jeanette Rebecchi, Transportation Manager; Charlotte Rodgers, Human Services Director Guests : Historical Society Members and Director: Susan Bennett, Richard Pagett, Marsha Baker 1.General Review and acceptance of minutes from the January meeting was delayed until March to provide an opportunity for members to comment on the draft minutes. 2.Transportation Department Updates Ms. Rebecchi reported that there was an MBTA signup at the Senior Center for the Senior Charlie Card. Over 150 people showed up to obtain their cards. Suggestion was made for an article to go into the Minuteman about the large turnout. Lexpress did not get the grant for the GPS units. There were a large number of applicants for limited funds. The cost for installation of hardware and software has been submitted as part of the FY’15 budget. 3.Historical Society Presentation The Historical Society director and two members made a presentation to TAC to request a shuttle for stops along the Historical Houses and the Visitors Center at Minuteman National Park. Their main interest was to create an inexpensive shuttle system that could be used as a “hop-on hop-off” style service. Their wish was to somehow build on the Lexpress system and to operate on the weekends. Proposed ideas included extending the current Route 4 or having the new (draft) route 3 stop at the National Park. However, these ideas would either make the route too long or take away service from existing neighborhoods. Coordination with Liberty Ride was not possible because of their 90 minute headway. Ms. Rebecchi and Susan Bennett will look into the feasibility of using a Lexpress bus to pilot a new Sunday shuttle service during the summer. (See below for their presentation) 4.Lexpress Route Changes There was a discussion about the question of “Process” regarding the initiation of certain projects regarding TAC. In particular, there was some question as to the process of changing the Routes, in this case for the new Community Center. Some questions were: When should the Town Manager and Selectmen be consulted? o What is the process for the approval of seeking a new design for the o routes? When is it OK for Ms. Rebecchi to start work on this? o Should TAC have the initial input as to the design and practicality of the o routes? Is a public hearing required? How drastic a change is necessary to trigger o a public hearing? There is a question of timing of the actual implementation of any route changes. TAC thought that it was a good idea to take a phased approach and implement the changes before the Community Center opens. There were several references to the fact that the actual startup dates for use of the Community Center were undetermined as of now, and that may influence the answer to these questions. Community Center opening to the public could be as late as July 2015. The above is also influenced by the anticipated launch of a GPS-based bus tracking system this coming July. Ms. Rebecchi suggested that implementing the route changes in FY15 would avoid having to reprogram the GPS software at a later date. 5.Warrant Article for Town Meeting to Expand MBTA Service Hours There was discussion of Bijan Arfshatous’ Warrant Article to expand MBTA service to longer hours. TAC was hesitant to support this specific article because of the unknown factors of cost, possible cutbacks in other areas, and the idea of using a Warrant article to promote a specific negotiation. Mr. Levy will draft a possible statement for Town meeting reflecting our concerns. 6.Improved public transit for homeless housed at the Quality Inn A proponent for service to the homeless living at Quality Inn was scheduled to appear at the meeting, but did not show up. We had a long discussion about the situation and needs of that population.The request was to change the Lexpress routes to go by Bedford Street and to provide weekend service. Discussion identified an alternative that would be more flexible and cost effective would be to provide a “subsidized” taxi service. Ms. Rebecchi will look into implementing this service. 7.School Transportation and Safety Committee School Transportation and Safety Committee- will keep in mind the need for after-school transportation to the Community Center, once the programs have begun. School’s responsibility is “Home to School” transportation, and they are reluctant to get involved with after-school activities. Chairperson Judy Crocker has resigned in order to run for School Committee. 8.Lexington Center Parking Committee Ms. Arnold attended the Lexington Center Parking forum. There were a lot of new ideas about parking new technologies, time-based charging, etc. Use of alternatives to cars was not included in the discussions. Mr. Levy was contacted by the consulting group that is developing the Lexington Center Parking Management Plan and asked to participate in a survey. He will participate as an individual (not representing TAC) and report back to TAC after participating. Minutes recorded by Elaine Dratch Materials Used at the Meeting: Agenda Alternate Lexpress Routes, with maps and Pros and Cons, prepared by Ms. Rebecchi The following was provided by to TAC by the representatives from the Lexington Historical Society: InTownTransportationforVisitorstoLexington HistoricsitesextendfromMunroeTavernintheeasttotheLexingtonendofMinuteManPark inthewest AshuttlesystemwouldallowvisitorstoparkonceandhaveanextendedvisittoLexington withoutusingtheircars pthvisittoLexingtoninwhichvisitorswouldeatandshopas HistoricalSocietygoalisaninde wellastakinginthehistory MinuteManParkisenrichingtheinterpretationoftheLexingtonendoftheparkwiththe openingoftheWhittemoreHouseandresearchonͻtğƩƉĻƩƭ͸wĻǝĻƓŭĻͼ͵Connectingtheparkto thesiteslocatednearertheCenterwouldbenefitthevisitoraswellasthesites BuildingontheLexPresssystemwouldmakeashuttleeconomicallyfeasibleandcoulddeliver moreriderstotheLexPressbusesΑawinwin etimeΑSocietywouldpromoteaggressively Marketingashuttletovisitorswouldtak Ifcommitteeisatallreceptive,issuestobediscussed: AroutethatisviableforLexPressandmeetsǝźƭźƷƚƩƭ͸needs o HowtoaccommodatetheͻŷƚƦonhopƚŅŅͼneedofvisitors o Signageandmapsthatmakeiteasiertovisitorstolocateservice o PurchaseofpassesinbulkbytheSocietyforresaletovisitors? o Saturday/SundayservicewhenLexPressdoesnotoperate o Thisideawasdiscussedasfarbackas2001andtheneedforatouristshuttlewithinLexington stillexists