HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-12-16-BOS-packet-releasedSELECTMEN’S MEETING Monday, December 16, 2013 Selectmen Meeting Room 7:00 p.m. AGENDA 7:00 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENT (10 min.) 7:10 p.m. SELECTMEN CONCERNS AND LIAISON REPORTS (5 min.) 7:15 p.m. TOWN MANAGER REPORT (5 min.) 7:20 p.m. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Cary Memorial Building Design Committee Report (15 min.) a. Project Update and Funding Request b. Request for Special Town Meeting Article 2. Community Center Advisory Committee - Revise Charge and Membership (5 min.) 3. Emergency Shelter Staff Recommendation (5 min.) 4. Community Center Advisory Committee Status Report (20 min.) 5. Selectmen Committee Appointments (5 min.) a. Battle Road Scenic Byway Committee b. Town Celebrations Subcommittee 6. Future Meetings (5 min.) 8:15 p.m. CONSENT (5 min.) 1. One-day Liquor License – J. Vincent Salon 8:20 p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION (15 min.) 1. Exemption 3: Pending Litigation and Police Negotiations Update 8:35 p.m. ADJOURN The next regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen is scheduled for Monday, January 6, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the Selectmen Meeting Room, Town Office Building, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue. Hearing Assistance Devices Available on Request All agenda times and the order of items are approximate and subject to change. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: 12/16/13 STAFF: Lynne Pease ITEM NUMBER: I.1 SUBJECT: Cary Memorial Building Design Committee Report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Nancy Shepard, Chair of the Cary Memorial Building Design Committee, and Don Mills, Architect, will provide a project update, funding request and also a request for a Special Town Meeting Article. See attached information. FINANCIAL IMPACT: RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Motion to support the Cary Memorial Building renovation project as proposed by the Cary Memorial Building Renovation Design Committee, and to recommend said project to the Community Preservation Committee for consideration of CPA funding. Motion to call for a special town meeting on Monday, March 24, 2014 at 7:45 p.m. for the purpose of presenting an Article for funding of the Cary Memorial Building renovation project. STAFF FOLLOW-UP: Selectmen’s Office BOS meeting comments CMBRDCD 12/11/13 Thanks you for inviting us to address this meeting. We have a short presentation and then we’d be happy to answer any questions you have. I am here as the Chair of the ad hoc Cary Memorial Building Renovation Design Committee. With me is Don Mills from Mills Whitaker Architects, who is the designer of the project. Other members from the committee present at this meeting are………………….. The charge of our committee is to oversee the development of the Cary Memorial Building Renovation Design and Construction Documents. We have been instructed to review the completed study for the Cary Memorial Building Renovation dated January 18, 2013 and to work with the designer to provide feedback on the suitability of the design to achieve the identified improvements from the January 2013 report. Since July, we have met 6 times and advised the designer on the development process. To insure that we deliver the goals of the project to improve life safety, building infrastructure and usability, there are now refinements to the project. The design has been enhanced and these refinements resulted in an increase of approximately $625,000. The committee looked for opportunities to decrease costs before voting unanimously to support these changes. The designer will explain these changes. Don speaks here. If the Board of Selectmen chooses to further these recommendations, the committee also recommends timing of the appropriation to enable spring bidding and a 15 month construction project that would start in June of 2014. We believe this is in the best interest of the community for 2 reasons- spring bidding will potentially give us more competitive pricing than summer bidding and since the hall will not be usable during construction, this will simplify the normal annual scheduling of the hall. The building would re-open on September 1, 2015. In order to achieve this schedule, we may want to consider a Special Town Meeting for this article. Thank you. Supporting materials: (provided by Don) Overview of the funding of the project DD phase- variations in project costs Time line for the project Breakdown of which parts of the project are eligible for CPA funds, PEG access, and Town funds. CARY  MEMORIAL  BUILDING  RENOVATION  INTEGRATED  PROJECT  SCOPE      A. LIFE  SAFETY  IMPROVEMENTS  …Code  Issues,  Accessibility,  Etc…    B. BUILDING  SYSTEM  IMPROVEMENTS  …Upgrading  of  Aging  Systems…    C. FACILITY  USABILITY  IMPROVEMENTS  …Enhancements  to  Support  Use…         Design  Development  Phase  -­‐  Summary  of  Estimated  Project  CostsMills  Whitaker  Architects  -­‐  6  December  2013BUDGETDESIGN  DEVELOPMENT  PROJECT  ESTIMATE6,444,800 Construction  Cost  (Net  Trades  +  10%  Pricing  Contingency)935,000 General  Conditions,  Bonds,  Insurance,  OH+P206,000 Pricing  Escalation  Allowance  to  Construction  Start  Date7,585,800 Approximate  Cost  of  Construction  Contract11,100 Alternate  A:    Extend  Sanitary  Replacement  to  Mass  Ave61,500 Alternate  B:    Terrazzo  Flooring  Enhancements$16,100:    Re-­‐grout  Men/Women  Toilet  Rooms$45,400:    Re-­‐grout  Lower  Lobby150,000 Owner's  Expenses:    Clerk  of  Works,  FFE,  Testing,  NSTAR230,000 Allowance  for  A/E  Bidding  &  Contract  Administration575,000 Project  Contingency  for  Unforeseen  Conditions  (7.5%)8,613,400 PROJECT  BUDGET  (incl.  $75.6k  in  Alternates) Cary  Memorial  Building  /  Lexington  MADesign  Development  Phase  -­‐  Variation  in  Project  CostsMills  Whitaker  Architects  -­‐  6  December  2013BUDGETITEMS  DIFFERING  FROM  PREVIOUS  PHASE38,600 Provide  Accessible  Route  from  Green  Room  to  Estabrook7,000 Upgrade  Accessibility  of  Pre-­‐Existing  Accessible  Toilet81,500 Upgrade    Foodservice  Equipment  in  Serving  Areas22,500 Repair  Concealed  Deterioration  at  Basement  Columns30,000 Provide  Exterior  Storage  for  Snow  Equipment  &  Gasoline12,900 Remove  Redundant  Stair  &  Provide  Storage  Room82,600 Allowance  for  Removal  of  HazMats  &  Contaminated  Soils217,924 HVAC  System  Refinements8,250 Restore  Original  Stone  Drinking  Fountains  to  Full  Use33,000 Provide  Enhanced  Stage  Lighting92,000 Terrazzo  Flooring  Restoration  (incl.  $61.5k  in  Alternates)626,274 Approximate  Cost  Increase  for  Selected  Items$8,537,126 SCHEMATIC  PROJECT  COST  ESTIMATE  -­‐  Dec  2012($550,000)Current  Expenditure  for  Construction  Documents$7,987,126 ANTICIPATED  DES.  DEV.  PROJECT  COST$626,274 Approximate  Cost  Increase  for  Selected  Items$8,613,400 DESIGN  DEVELOPMENT  PROJECT  COST  -­‐  Nov  2013$8,177,350 CPA  FUNDS $235,230 GENERAL  FUND $15,000:    Loose  Fixtures,  Furnishings  and  Equipment $30,000:    Exterior  Storage  for  Snow  Equip.  +  Gasoline $190,230:    Portion  of  AV  System  ($391,050  total) $200,820 PEG  ACCESS:    Remaining  Portion  of  AV  System $8,613,400 TOTAL  APPROPRIATION  REQUEST Cary  Memorial  Building  /  Lexington  MADesign  Development  Phase  -­‐  Variation  in  Project  CostsMills  Whitaker  Architects  -­‐  6  December  2013BUDGETITEMS  DIFFERING  FROM  PREVIOUS  PHASE38,600 Provide  Accessible  Route  from  Green  Room  to  Estabrook7,000 Upgrade  Accessibility  of  Pre-­‐Existing  Accessible  Toilet81,500 Upgrade    Foodservice  Equipment  in  Serving  Areas22,500 Repair  Concealed  Deterioration  at  Basement  Columns30,000 Provide  Exterior  Storage  for  Snow  Equipment  &  Gasoline12,900 Remove  Redundant  Stair  &  Provide  Storage  Room82,600 Allowance  for  Removal  of  HazMats  &  Contaminated  Soils217,924 HVAC  System  Refinements8,250 Restore  Original  Stone  Drinking  Fountains  to  Full  Use33,000 Provide  Enhanced  Stage  Lighting92,000 Terrazzo  Flooring  Restoration  (incl.  $61.5k  in  Alternates)626,274 Approximate  Cost  Increase  for  Selected  Items$8,537,126 SCHEMATIC  PROJECT  COST  ESTIMATE  -­‐  Dec  2012($550,000)Current  Expenditure  for  Construction  Documents$7,987,126 ANTICIPATED  DES.  DEV.  PROJECT  COST$626,274 Approximate  Cost  Increase  for  Selected  Items$8,613,400 DESIGN  DEVELOPMENT  PROJECT  COST  -­‐  Nov  2013$8,177,350 CPA  FUNDS$235,230 GENERAL  FUND $15,000:    Loose  Fixtures,  Furnishings  and  Equipment $30,000:    Exterior  Storage  for  Snow  Equip.  +  Gasoline $190,230:    Portion  of  AV  System  ($391,050  total) $200,820 PEG  ACCESS:    Remaining  Portion  of  AV  System $8,613,400 TOTAL  APPROPRIATION  REQUEST CARY  MEMORIAL  BUILDING  RENOVATION  PROPOSED  PROJECT  SCHEDULE      BIDDING  &  CONTRACTOR  SELECTION  April  1  –  May  30,  2014    More  Competitive  Bidding  During  Spring      CONSTRUCTION  PERIOD  June  1,  2014  –  August  30,  2015    Lessens  Impact  on  Event  Scheduling         AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: 12/16/13 STAFF: Lynne Pease ITEM NUMBER: I.2 SUBJECT: Community Center Advisory Committee – Revise Charge and Membership EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Committee has requested that the Permanent Building Committee Liaison position become a voting member of the Committee. See attached revised charge. FINANCIAL IMPACT: RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Motion to approve the proposed changes to the Community Center Advisory Committee to make the Permanent Building Committee Liaison a member. Motion to appoint Jon Himmel as the Permanent Building Committee representative to the Community Center Advisory Committee. STAFF FOLLOW-UP: Selectmen’s Office AD HOC COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE Members: 8 Appointed by: Board of Selectmen Length of term: The Committee tasks should be completed in 3 or fewer years Staff: Public Facilities Liaisons: Selectmen, Departments (Recreation, Human Services, Cary Library, Town Manager, MIS, Police, Fire, Public Facilities, Public Works, School); Committees (Appropriations and Capital Expenditures) Description: To provide recommendations to the Board of Selectmen of how to best serve the intellectual, physical, cultural and social needs of our diverse community by identifying services to be delivered in the Community Center, to be located at 33 Marrett Road and as voted at the March 18, 2013 Special Town Meeting. Consideration must be given to the timing and sequencing of providing these services, along with the implications for staffing. Proposals to upgrade the facility should be made in a manner which is sensitive to the historic nature of the site and to maintain the Town’s relationship with the immediate abutter(s). Recommendations for buildings upgrades and/or renovations to accommodate such services may be referred at a future time to the Permanent Building Committee. Recommendations by the Committee may be organized by:  Programmatic components;  Organizational and staffing needs;  Impact on other municipal departments; and  Facility and space needs driven by the programs, Interim recommendations to the Board of Selectmen that will allow the initial operation of the Community Center and relocation of appropriate Town departments, shall be provided. The Committee will have completed its charge when the Community Center is fully operational as defined by the Board of Selectmen. Any and all recommendations of the Committee, including funding recommendations for facility upgrades or in support of the Committee’s work, shall be made only to the Board of Selectmen unless the Selectmen direct otherwise. The Board of Selectmen may choose whether to further these recommendations, including presenting the request to Town Meeting, based on the Board’s determination of what is in the best interests of the community. Criteria for Membership: The Committee shall consist of citizens with sufficient background to understand the delivery of human services, recreation services and continuing education. It will also include a member of the Permanent Building Committee Further, they should have sufficient understanding of facility and operational management and its impact on delivering said services. The Chair shall be selected by the Board of Selectmen and the Town Manager will select a non- voting staff member to serve as Vice Chair. Prior to serving as a member of this Committee, appointees are required to: 1. Acknowledge receipt of the Summary of the Conflict of Interest Statute. Further, to continue to serve on the Committee the member must acknowledge annually receipt of the summary of the Conflict of Interest Statute. Said summary will be provided by and acknowledged by the Town Clerk. 2. Provide evidence to the Town Clerk that the appointee has completed the on-line training requirement required by the Conflict of Interest Statute. Further, to continue to serve on the Committee, the member must acknowledge every two years completion of the on-line training requirement. Ref: Charge adopted by the Board of Selectmen on April 22, 2013. Board of Selectmen voted to designate members as Special Municipal Employees on April 22, 2013. Selectmen revised the charge to include a Selectmen liaison on June 3, 2013. Selectmen revised the charge to include a liaison from MIS and appointment of a Vice Chair on July 1, 2013. Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Deleted: 7 Deleted: Permanent Building, Deleted: AD HOC COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE Members: 8 Appointed by: Board of Selectmen Length of term: The Committee tasks should be completed in 3 or fewer years Staff: Public Facilities Liaisons: Selectmen, Departments (Recreation, Human Services, Cary Library, Town Manager, MIS, Police, Fire, Public Facilities, Public Works, School); Committees (Appropriations and Capital Expenditures) Description: To provide recommendations to the Board of Selectmen of how to best serve the intellectual, physical, cultural and social needs of our diverse community by identifying services to be delivered in the Community Center, to be located at 33 Marrett Road and as voted at the March 18, 2013 Special Town Meeting. Consideration must be given to the timing and sequencing of providing these services, along with the implications for staffing. Proposals to upgrade the facility should be made in a manner which is sensitive to the historic nature of the site and to maintain the Town’s relationship with the immediate abutter(s). Recommendations for buildings upgrades and/or renovations to accommodate such services may be referred at a future time to the Permanent Building Committee. Recommendations by the Committee may be organized by:  Programmatic components;  Organizational and staffing needs;  Impact on other municipal departments; and  Facility and space needs driven by the programs, Interim recommendations to the Board of Selectmen that will allow the initial operation of the Community Center and relocation of appropriate Town departments, shall be provided. The Committee will have completed its charge when the Community Center is fully operational as defined by the Board of Selectmen. Any and all recommendations of the Committee, including funding recommendations for facility upgrades or in support of the Committee’s work, shall be made only to the Board of Selectmen unless the Selectmen direct otherwise. The Board of Selectmen may choose whether to further these recommendations, including presenting the request to Town Meeting, based on the Board’s determination of what is in the best interests of the community. Criteria for Membership: The Committee shall consist of citizens with sufficient background to understand the delivery of human services, recreation services and continuing education. It will also include a member of the Permanent Building Committee Further, they should have sufficient understanding of facility and operational management and its impact on delivering said services. The Chair shall be selected by the Board of Selectmen and the Town Manager will select a non- voting staff member to serve as Vice Chair. Prior to serving as a member of this Committee, appointees are required to: 1. Acknowledge receipt of the Summary of the Conflict of Interest Statute. Further, to continue to serve on the Committee the member must acknowledge annually receipt of the summary of the Conflict of Interest Statute. Said summary will be provided by and acknowledged by the Town Clerk. 2. Provide evidence to the Town Clerk that the appointee has completed the on-line training requirement required by the Conflict of Interest Statute. Further, to continue to serve on the Committee, the member must acknowledge every two years completion of the on-line training requirement. Ref: Charge adopted by the Board of Selectmen on April 22, 2013. Board of Selectmen voted to designate members as Special Municipal Employees on April 22, 2013. Selectmen revised the charge to include a Selectmen liaison on June 3, 2013. Selectmen revised the charge to include a liaison from MIS and appointment of a Vice Chair on July 1, 2013. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: December 16, 2013 Carl F. Valente I.3 SUBJECT: Emergency Shelter - Staff Recommendation EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Community Center Advisory Committee is looking for guidance regarding whether the new Community Center should function as the Town’s emergency shelter. Currently, the high school serves as the emergency shelter. It has sufficient space, restrooms with showers, sufficient parking and access to food storage and preparation equipment. It is also on an emergency generator although not all parts of the building are served by this generator. Its layout permits the ‘registration’ of residents who may be in need of a shelter during an emergency event as well as segregated common and sleeping areas. While the high school could benefit from certain upgrades for shelter purposes, it clearly has benefits in terms of size, function and location that the Community Center could not provide. The Fire Chief, who is the Director of Emergency Management, recommends that the emergency shelter remain at the high school. FINANCIAL IMPACT: NA RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: STAFF FOLLOW-UP: TMO Prepared by cfv Town of Lexington Fire Department John A Wilson Tel: (781) 862-0272 Chief of Department Fax: (781) 861-2791 45 BEDFORD STREET • LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 December 9, 2013 Michelle Ciccolo Chair, AhCCAC RE: Emergency Shelter Dear Ms. Ciccolo, As the Emergency Management Director for the Town, I wanted to address the use of the new Community Center as an emergency shelter. When we plan a site for a shelter we look at several key areas; central location, expandable area, having a food prep area, separate toilet and shower facilities, and emergency power. This is why our primary emergency shelter is located at the High School. The High School also has the added benefit of always having food on the premises. I do not see the Community Center having any advantages over our current shelter, and we would not want to divide our resources having multiple shelters. I certainly agree that the community center would be ideal as a warming/cooling/charging center, much like the Library, and would benefit from an emergency generator. I do not however recommend using it as an overnight shelter. Respectfully, John A Wilson Chief of Department AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: 12/16/13 STAFF: Lynne Pease ITEM NUMBER: I.4 SUBJECT: Community Center Advisory Committee Status Report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Michelle Ciccolo will be at your meeting to present a status report on the Community Center Advisory Committee’s recommendations. FINANCIAL IMPACT: RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: STAFF FOLLOW-UP: Selectmen’s Office AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: 12/16/13 STAFF: Lynne Pease ITEM NUMBER: I.5 SUBJECT: Selectmen Committee Appointments: – Battle Road Scenic Byway Committee – Town Celebrations Subcommittee EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Rick Abrams has agreed to become a member of the Battle Road Scenic Byway Committee. The Town Celebrations Committee has requested that Geetha Padaki be appointed to the Town Celebrations Subcommittee. FINANCIAL IMPACT: RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Motion to appoint Rick Abrams to the Battle Road Scenic Byway Committee for a term to expire September 30, 2015. Motion to appoint Geetha Padaki to the Town Celebrations Subcommittee for a term to expire June 30, 2015. STAFF FOLLOW-UP: Selectmen’s Office AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: 12/16/13 STAFF: Lynne Pease ITEM NUMBER: I.6 SUBJECT: Future Meetings EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Attached are calendars for January 2014 through April 2014 showing holidays, vacations I am aware of and current meetings scheduled. Please bring your calendars. Suggested meeting dates are: January 13 (BOS) January 27 February 3 February 10 February 24 March 10 March 17 Town Meeting begins: Monday, March 24 Wednesday, March 26 Monday, March 31 Wednesday, April 2 Monday, April 7 Wednesday, April 9 Wednesday, April 16 Monday, April28 Wednesday, April 30 No Town Meeting or BOS Meeting on April 14 (Passover) or the week of School Vacation (April 21 to 25). FINANCIAL IMPACT: RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: STAFF FOLLOW-UP: Selectmen’s Office AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: 12/16/13 STAFF: Lynne Pease ITEM NUMBER: C.1 SUBJECT: Consent Agenda EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Approve a one-day liquor license for J. Vincent Salon to serve beer and wine on Friday, January 10, 2014, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. for a one year anniversary party at the Salon located at 1666 Mass. Avenue. See attached information. FINANCIAL IMPACT: RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Motion to approve the Consent Agenda. STAFF FOLLOW-UP: Selectmen’s Office