HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-10-17-BLT-minCary Memorial Library Board of Trustees Meeting October 17, 2012 Learning Center Present: Norman Cohen, Helen Cohen, Hank Manz, Peter Kelley, Kate Ekrem, Leigh Dry, Brent Maracle, Mary Ann Stewart, Howard Jaffe, Peter Kelley and Margaret Coppe Trustees; Jeanne Krieger, Foundation, Koren Stembridge, Library Director and Kathy Quinlan, Assistant Library Director. Call to Order: Norman called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM Minutes of May 16, 2012: Howard Jaffe made a motion to accept the minutes of the Board of Library Trustees meeting of May 16, 2012. Mary Ann Stewart seconded the motion. The motion passed. Foundation: Jeanne Krieger, Foundation President, reported the following: o The new Director of Development, Kat Macdonald, started in mid September o The Planned Giving Committee is sponsoring an Educational Funding Seminar on October 28. There are still spaces available. Jeanne will send flyers to Trustees for their organizations. Norman added that last fiscal year the Foundation had an excellent year, reaching their fundraising goal. Friends: Norman reported that Phyllis Brooks, Friends President, is unable to attend the meeting; however she asked that the following be reported: o The Friends Annual Meeting is on Sunday, November 4, 2012 at 2:00 PM. The guest speaker is Christopher Bing, presenting "The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere." o The Friends Book Sale will be the weekend of November 16 — 18. Administration Report: Financial Update o The Trustee income is on pace o Expenses are normal. We spent State Aid funds on Strategic Planning and Trustee funds on logo design. o We received $50,000 of the Shire donation o The Foundation and Friends have started their fundraising initiatives. o The Endowment is doing well. o On the Municipal side, we are approximately 34% expended after the first quarter of FY 13. Building Update Koren reported that the Town hired an architect, Colin Smith who will be working on the following library projects: o Large Meeting Room technology upgrade o Loading dock reconfiguration. o Noise mitigation in the Commons Area o Evaluation of copy center for conversion to a study room The reconfiguration of the loading dock area is part of a $100,000 appropriation from Town Meeting to improve library workflow. Kathy and staff from Technical Services are providing input to the architect on what changes in the floor plan will best suit their needs. Koren detailed the challenges with the current loading dock. The Archives Room is finished. We will organize a tour for Trustees when the room is inventoried. FY 14 Budget Koren recently submitted the library's Capital and Operating Budget for FY14 which includes a small inflationary increase. The only Capital Request is the RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) conversion. Koren explained how the RFID system operates. This technology would replace the current barcodes. Handheld pads are used to read the label. This will greatly improve the movement of materials. The technology will ease the use of Self Serve stations for patrons. The cost of the technology is estimated to be $107,000 plus $20,000 in staff time. Howard inquired if the RFID gives us a higher level of security? Koren reported the technology has the ability to do so however we will not be using it at this time. There have been no privacy concerns in surrounding communities such as Brookline, Sudbury and Cambridge. Norman added that the Town received $20 million in Capital requests. Peter inquired if the Foundation could support the project. Strategic Planning Update Koren reported that we kicked off the public engagement piece. We have been working with Maureen Sullivan, a consultant hired by the library for the Strategic Planning. We identified 35 supporters from various constituencies of the community to participate on the Advisory Committee. The topic of the next meeting on December 5 will be Mission, Vision and Values. Koren will update Trustees as the process unfolds. Norman commented that the meeting was filled with good ideas. Website Update As of today there is no update to report. Lexington 300th Activities o The library participated in a "Race Through History" o We are completing the final draft of our 2013 calendar using Worthen Collection photos o We are in the planning stages for an event celebrating local authors in March. New Business Updated Library Policies Koren provided background for the need to update library policies. The Meeting Room Policy review has taken nearly a year and a half. During that time, Koren and Kathy met several times with Town Counsel, Kevin Batt. Norman added that the Executive Committee has been involved in the process along the way and approves of the final policy drafts that are being presented. Rules of Behavior Policy — Koren pointed out paragraph three - "individuals who will not respect these expectations may be asked to leave the library, have library privileges suspended, or be subject to legal action." Staff feels that the addition of this language puts them on strong footing if needed. Koren asked Trustees to note the language regarding solicitation and signature gathering. Trustees discussed the policy. Study Room Policy - Trustees discussed the various uses for study rooms. Margaret inquired about the process for signing up for a study room. Koren added that we are considering a Study Room registration. We will be updating the process when our website is updated. Display Policy - Koren shared that developing a Display Policy is often challenging. We decided to detail what kinds of displays we accept instead of detailing what we do not. Collection Development Policy — Koren reported that our policy has not been updated for fifteen years. The American Library Association's principles are that libraries should be open providers of information. She referred to the last paragraph of page one. Meeting Room Policy - Koren noted that the Executive Committee recently approved the Meeting Room Policy. We made a change, however, based on discussions with Town Counsel: we will not specifically prohibit the use of meeting rooms for religious services or campaign activities. It is not practical for the library to judge what constitutes a religious service. We do not allow candles or incense. Trustees discussed the final policy. Brent Maracle made a motion to approve the policies as presented. Peter Kelley seconded the motion. The motion passed. Howard asked where the policies will be available. Koren replied that we have policies posted on our website and staff is happy to print a copy for a patron. Koren will post a copy of the Meeting Room Policy in the kitchen of the Large Meeting Room. Koren thanked Trustees for their work on the policies. Action Plan FY 14 — Koren presented a draft of the FY 14 Action Plan. We will have a new Strategic Plan in the next few months and will likely edit this document. This is a placeholder. Howard made a motion to accept the FY 14 Action Plan as presented. Brent Maracle seconded the motion. The motion passed. Margaret mentioned that the School Department is expanding a pilot program using Ipads with text books. This is something that we can keep in mind for the future. Brent Maracale made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Peter Kelley seconded the motion. The motion passed. Meeting adjourned.