HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-05-16-BLT-minCary Memorial Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Learning Center
Attendees: Norman Cohen, Helen Cohen, Leigh Dry, Brent Maracle, MaryAnn
Stewart, Howard Jaffe, and Margaret Coppe Trustees; Koren Stembridge, Library
Director, Kathy Quinlan, Assistant Library Director and Jen Forgit, Teen Services
Call to Order: Norman called the meeting to order at 5:05 PM
Minutes of March 21, 2012: Helen Cohen made a motion to accept the minutes of the
Board of Library Trustees meeting of March 21, 2012. MaryAnn Stewart seconded the
motion. The motion passed.
Norman reported that Jeanne Krieger is not able to attend the meeting however she
reports the following:
o The Foundation is making progress toward their $210,000 objective.
o $139,000 has been raised to date
o $58,800 is from the annual appeal ( bulk mailing and phonathon)
o $21,5000 from Cary's Cupids
o $59,500. from major gifts
o We hope to raise $70,200 between now and June 30.
o Cubist Pharmaceuticals has again pledged $5,000 as a challenge match. The
phonathons are scheduled for May 21 and June 6 at Higgins Realtors.
Brent shared that his congregation has nineteen volunteers who have each committed 50
hours of service to the library. He will be in touch with the Foundation.
Phyllis Brooks was not able to attend the meeting but wanted to remind everyone that the
Friends Spring Book Sale is this weekend.
Snapshot Day:
Jen Forgit reported that the library participated in Snapshot Day, an opportunity to gather
statistics about what happens in a single day. Jen reported on April 12, 2012:
0 2234 patrons visited the library
0 2125 items were checked out
o 122 people logged on to the computers not including WIFI
o 140 people attended 7 library sponsored programs
o 2 community groups used our meeting space
o 70 surveys were completed.
Jen shared feedback from the completed surveys.
Margaret suggested that the details would be a great article for the Minuteman or the
Jen shared that she was contacted by the Civic Center regarding the Before I Die Wall
Project. They are publishing a book and would like to include a few photos of our wall.
Financial Update:
Koren highlighted the Municipal and Trustees Financial Reports. We are on track as we
are closing in on the end of the fiscal year. Koren presented a pie chart of Trustee funds.
Koren answered questions on income and expenses in all categories. She will create an
updated pie chart at the end of the fiscal year.
Administration Report:
o Large increases in downloadable materials
o Children's circulation surpassed adult print for the first time
o If current borrowing trends continue, overall FY12 circulation may be down from
last year.
o We are purchasing 4 IPads for the Children's Room
Koren reported the challenges to building eBook collections.
o eBooks are significantly more expensive
o Some of the largest publishers will not make their eBooks available to libraries.
o There is no single format for eBooks. We must purchase different formats that
are compatible with various devices.
o Our books are leased and not owned, so if we move to a different vendor, our
content does not move with us.
o We are spending $18,000 on Advantage titles that are only available to Lexington
o We are keeping our eye on the changes moving forward
Mary Ann suggested that Koren be in contact with the school libraries to find out what
they are doing. Margaret mentioned that Kindergarten classes will be getting iPads.
Building Update:
Kathy reported that the stair refinishing will take place on Memorial Day weekend.
Sergio DeMango, Facilities Department, presented the time table at the last Executive
Committee Meeting. After reviewing the proposal, Trustees decided to close the Saturday
of Memorial Day Weekend allowing for an additional day for the completion of the
Kathy detailed the process for the stair refinishing. Trustees discussed the details of the
building closure, impact on neighboring businesses etc. Koren and Kathy will come in on
Monday to check the book drop. They will evaluate if the building is ready to open for
Tuesday. We will adjust the due dates of materials due to the closure.
Margaret inquired about the age of the stairs and if they need to be refinished regularly.
Koren reported the goal is to apply a coat on the stairs annually over the Columbus Day
weekend. Pat Goddard of the Facilities Department feels that this is the most cost
effective way to proceed since just evaluating the project would have been $16,000. The
cost of refinishing is about $10,000.
Koren reported that the Archives Room is nearing completion. Margaret asked if
Trustees will have an opportunity to view the room. Koren will have an organized tour of
the room once it is completed.
Other Business:
o Koren reported that the RFP for the Strategic Planning Consultant is nearly
complete. We have already received some calls.
o In the fall, we will follow up with the Scout Troops regarding use of the meeting
room spaces. We will encourage them to use craft projects that are more
forgiving to the carpet.
Margaret noticed that there are several lounge chairs missing. Koren reported that we
have 12 chairs currently being upholstered. She detailed the move of the microfilm
materials to the south side of Reference. The YA area will be doubling in size. She
added that we are fortunate to have a teen population that regularly uses the library.
Margaret complimented the custodial staff Kathy agreed that we are fortunate to have
two caring and hardworking custodians.
Koren reported the issue of a patron staring at staff members. To date his behavior is not
actionable. He makes several staff members uncomfortable. Koren will be discussing the
issue with Bill Lahey, Town Counsel.
Mary Ann Stewart made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Howard Jaffe seconded the
motion. The motion passed.