HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013.05.01 EC-MIINCARY MEMORIAL LIBRARY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES Wednesday, May 1, 2013 Attendees: Norman Cohen, Helen Cohen, Mary Ann Stewart, Howard Jaffe, Brent Maracle, Trustees; Koren Stembridge, Library Director, Kathy Quinlan, Assistant Library Director and Cynthia Johnson, Assistant Library Director. Call to Order: Norman called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM Secretary's Minutes Vote: Mary Ann made a motion to amend the minutes to accept the minutes of March 6, 2013 meeting as amended. Helen seconded the motion. The motion passed. Administrative Update Financial Koren reported the Municipal side is 81% expended year to date. We are on pace to spend our entire Municipal materials budget. The Trustees income and expenses are where we expect them to be. Koren referred Trustees to the State Aid Report detailing all of the expenses to date and the ones still pending for fiscal year 13. At the end of the year, we project our balance of State Aid to be $56,067. Next year, we will consider a wireless project using State Aid funds. FY 14 — Operating Budget Koren presented the FY 14 Operating Budget o The fines and fee income is reduced to $88,000 due to the free printing. We implemented the pilot program today. We will report on the progress at the June Executive Committee Meeting. o Contractual Services are lower since there is no extra printing due to the logo design and printing. o Furnishings budget is lower since we have limited furniture repair and upholstering. o Library materials budget is smaller since we are spending more of the Foundation and Friends funds towards materials. We will still spend sufficient funds on materials to qualify for State Aid. Basically we are changing where materials will be paid. After a discussion, Howard made a motion to accept the FY 14 Trustees Budget as presented. Mary Ann seconded the motion. The motion passed. Koren distributed the Quarterly Administration Report. She noted that we were closed for 43 hours due to weather and safety issues. Adult Programming number is appearing lower. We will adjust at the end of the year to include all Adult Programming. The websites and mobile visits have dropped. Koren reported that we hope to launch the new website in the summer. We are currently working on the room reservation module. Staff and Hiring Updates There are no staff and hiring updates to report. We are currently identifying candidates for Cynthia's position, Head of Reference and Adult Services. Building Update o The architect is still working on the Large Meeting Room plan. o Town Meeting approved the RFID (Radio Frequency ID) project. Strategic Planning Koren reported that on Friday, April 26, staff met with consultant, Maureen Sullivan to discuss the Strategic Plan. For many staff it was their first opportunity to read, react and discuss the plan. Koren is requesting Trustee approval. After a discussion, Helen suggested a few language edits as well as the addition of a Table of Contents. Koren will incorporate suggestions into the final draft for presentation at the full board meeting on May 22. Cynthia reported that the staff showed such leadership and enthusiasm for the plan. Kathy stated that it was most gratifying to see the staff growth through the process especially for the newer and younger staff. Mary Ann inquired about the next steps and how the plan will be presented? Koren reported that the plan is to present the final draft at the Trustees Full Board meeting in May. She will make the edits discussed and send the draft to the board in advance of the meeting. Once approved, it will be available on the website as well as in print form for the public. The consensus of the Trustees is to bring the plan to the full board for review. Web Margaret Donovan will present the new website at a future Executive Committee Meeting. Koren asked Trustees if they want to consider adding exterior cameras. After a discussion, Trustees decided to investigate what is being done in Town buildings and will consider at a future date. Norman will investigate if there is a security line item in the Town budget that would cover the library. Koren asked for guidance from the Trustees regarding a room reservation request for a resident who is acting as a conduit for a New Hampshire organization. The consensus from the Trustees is to decline the request. Kathy reported that Cary Library received a second place award for a Lexington Reads submission (2012) at the American Library Association Awards in April. Kudos to Mandy McClaine and Elizabeth Dickinson for their efforts. Kathy thanked Trustees for their support and good wishes. Helen made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Mary Ann Stewart. The motion passed.