HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013.03.06 EC-MINCARY MEMORIAL LIBRARY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES Wednesday, March 6, 2013 Attendees: Norman Cohen, Helen Cohen, Mary Ann Stewart, Deb Mauger, Trustees; Koren Stembridge, Library Director. Call to Order: Norman called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM Secretary's Minutes Vote: Mary Ann made a motion to accept the minutes of the February 6, 2013 meeting. Deb seconded the motion. The motion passed. Administrative Update Financial Koren reported the Municipal side is 66% expended year to date. Our payroll in Children's Services is over spent due to a vacation buyback paid out. If we cannot absorb the extra expenditure, we will have additional funds moved into those categories. Our spending is on pace on the Trustees side. Koren called attention to the decrease in fines income which is attributed to fee waivers when the library closed due to the storms. The Endowment hit a high of just over $1,400,000. Staff Hiring Update o Alissa Lauzon, Head of Children's Services started on Monday, March 4. o Amy Horning was rehired as a full time Library Technician. She is starting on March 18. o Kathy Quinlan will be leaving at the end of March. o The search for a new head of the Reference Department will begin soon. Koren requested Trustee support to send Kathy Santos, the new webmaster, to attend the Computers in Library Conference in Washington D.C. in April. Koren pointed out that we have funds available in Staff Development. The consensus from the Trustees is to approve the expenditure. Building Update o The loading dock construction will be completed during April and May. o Phase II of the security camera project is out to bid. o The plan for the Large Meeting Room project continues to make progress. Koren will have an estimate at the next Trustees meeting of the final costs. Some of the expenses will be drawn from the "building envelope" fund. Old Business The Lexington Reads Author Event will take place on March 17, from 4:00— 5:30 PM. The author panels have been installed in the Reading Room. We invited over 200 living authors. Strategic Planning Koren distributed a draft of the Mission Statement created by the Strategic Planning Committee. Trustees discussed the mission statement and made suggestions on language changes. Koren enlisted Jeri Zeder from the Foundation, to help edit the final document. Mary Ann commented on how interesting to seethe end results in this format. Koren will send an electronic copy of the survey of the Full Board. Overall comments were positive. New Business Koren ask Trustees to approve an expenditure of $1,000 for photography for the new website. Margaret Donovan Head of Technology will have a report on the progress of the website for the April Executive Committee Meeting. o The E.O. Wilson talk is fully subscribed. o The Foundation is hosting an Open House in the Children's Room on Saturday, May 4. The Children's Rare Book Collection Cabinet will be in place and filled with materials. Koren asked Trustees for guidance regarding materials that are weeded from the Children's library. Since Ruth's charity is no longer available, we need a conduit to dispose of materials. After a discussion, the Trustees agreed to send materials to More Than Words, which is the organization that receives the Friends leftovers. Mary Ann suggested that Alissa be introduced to her counterparts in the school libraries. MaryAnn Stewart made a motion to adorn. The motion was seconded by Deb Mauger. The motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 6:00 PM