Wednesday, May 5, 2010
5:00 PM
Learning Center
Attendees: Norman Cohen, Helen Cohen, Howard Jaffe, Mary Ann Stewart and Deb Mauger —
Trustees; Connie Rawson — Director; Kathy Quinlan — Assistant Director, Harry Forsdick, guest
( Lexmedia)
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 5:10 p.m.
Secretary's Minutes: A motion was made by Helen Cohen, seconded by Mary Ann Stewart to
approve the minutes of the April 7, 2010 Executive Committee meeting. The motion passed.
New Business: Program Production in the Large Meeting Room. Connie met with Harry
Forsdick and Florence Delsanto of Lex Media regarding the lighting and audio issues. The
lighting is unsuitable for production and even note taking. The quality of audio is poor due to
the feedback that occurs due to the type of wiring in the room.
Connie introduced Harry Forsdick of Lex Media. Harry highlighted the audio, lighting and
logistic challenges of recording in the Large Meeting Room. The goal for LexMedia is to create
an origination point in the Large Meeting Room to transmit live Library Programming. In order
to do this the library would need to have permanent equipment installed and a trained
volunteer. Harry detailed a federally mandated funding source which local cable companies are
required to contribute 5 % to the community. 4.5 % of the fund is used to fund LexMedia; the
remaining .05% is in a revolving fund. He suggests that the Library and Lex Media create a
proposal, which will be presented to the Board of Selectman to approve a grant from this fund.
Connie requested approval from trustees to investigate the project including security, storage
and logistics. Howard Jaffee made a motion to continue to explore the project. Mary Ann
Stewart seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Connie will meet with Margaret Donovan and Kate Leppanen and Harry to develop a plan to
bring to the Trustees.
Lighting Issues: Connie related a complaint from a patron regarding lighting in the Reading
Room during evening hours. Connie has met with department heads in order to prioritize areas
that need lighting issues addressed. After some discussion, it was decided that Connie would
meet with Pat Goddard of Facilities to do a major lighting needs analysis.
Building Projects Update: Large Print Area: Connie met with Mark Barrett of Public Facilities
regarding the repairs of the Large Print Area. The project is going to be out to bid utilizing two
techniques spray and batting insulation. Connie related that the project is expected to take a
week. Since it will be noisy and messy, some of the work will be done when the building is
closed. Connie suggested working around a holiday weekend such as July 4 or Labor Day.
Norman suggested that the matter be brought to the next meeting when there was more
information available.
Helen Cohen made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Mary Ann Stewart seconded the motion.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:50 PM