HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010.04.07 EC-MINCARY MEMORIAL LIBRARY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES Wednesday, April 7, 2010 5:30 PM Learning Center MINUTES Attendees: Norman Cohen, Helen Cohen, Howard Jaffe, Deb Mauger— Trustees; Connie Rawson —Director; Kathy Quinlan —Assistant Director; Steven Wightman —visitor. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 5:35 p.m. Norman Cohen welcomed Steven Wightman. Secretary's Minutes: Howard Jaffe moved, and Helen Cohen seconded, to approve the minutes of the March 3, 2010 Executive Committee meeting. The motion passed. Worthen Funds — Acceptance of Donation: The Worthen bequest of $30,000 to the library was structured in two parts: $10,000 for a Named Fund, the annual proceeds of which are to be used for the ongoing upkeep of the Worthen Collection, and $20,000 to be used for the preservation of the Collection. Howard Jaffe moved, and Deb Mauger seconded, to accept the Worthen bequest. The motion passed. Art Committee — Approval of Roster: The Trustees recently approved to accept a Gifts of Art Policy for the library. As part of that policy, the Trustees are to approve an Art Committee to provide advice to the Director regarding art work that is offered to the library. Connie recommended the following individuals to comprise the first Art Committee: Rob Addelson (Assistant Town Manager for Finance), Francesa Anderson (Lexington artist), Al Zabin (Lexington Town Meeting member and photographer), Howard Jaffe (library Trustee), and Nancy Marshall (library staff member responsible for coordinating library gallery displays). Helen Cohen moved, and Deb Mauger seconded, to accept the roster of the Art Committee. The motion passed. Staff Holidays: The library has traditionally been open the following schedule during the winter holiday season: Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve: open 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., and closed all day on December 25 and January 1. This year Christmas and New Year's fall on Saturdays. (According to the Massachusetts Secretary of State, Saturday holidays are observed on Saturday.) Most Town offices will be closed all day on Friday December 24 and December 31 for the Christmas and New Year's holidays, but the library administration recommends that the library's practice of being open 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Christmas Eve (Friday) and New Year's Eve (Friday), and closed on Christmas and New Year's Day (Saturday, the State holidays) be continued this year. The Executive Committee approves this recommendation. Stone Building Follow -up: The Community Preservation Act request for approximately $200,000 for building envelope work for the Stone Building is on the agenda for tonight's Town Meeting. Lexington Heritage Center discussions are ongoing; the business plan for the Heritage Center is being addressed. Members of the Heritage Center planning group will be contacting local stakeholders to bring them up to date and to seek their comments and concerns. Signage: Connie reported that the Town received two favorable bids per the RFQ we issued for interior signage. Connie and Kathy, along with Pat Goddard (Dept. of Public Facilities) and Peter Meek (former chair of the Board of Trustees), interviewed both designers. Connie, Kathy and Peter Meek will be contacting and visiting area libraries that have worked with both design firms as part of due diligence. Meeting Room — Request for use by "for profit" organization: The library's Meeting Room Policy clearly states that "for profit" organizations may not use the library's meeting rooms. Sunlight Solar Energy, a for profit company, was denied use of the meeting rooms per our policy, even though the company stated they planned to offer an educational program in the meeting room. Sunlight Solar Energy petitioned the Trustees to make an exception to the policy and allow them to use the meeting room. The Executive Committee reaffirmed the rationale for our policy: neither the library nor the Trustees feel it is appropriate to make determinations for meeting room use based upon the content of particular programs. Meeting room approval should be based upon the non - profit or for - profit status of a particular organization. The Executive Committee will so notify Sunlight Solar Energy. Building update — Oil in elevator shaft: Connie reported that the heavy rains during the past several weeks caused the water level to rise dramatically, leading to a significant amount of oil to rise in the elevator shaft. The oil was drained off and elevator repairs were made that should address the underlying oil leakage. Donor Wall Reception — Sunday April 11, 2010: The Donor Wall project, a 4 % year enterprise, is now complete! A reception to honor all those who contributed $1000 or more to the Building Campaign for the library renovation, and thus are recognized on the donor wall, will be held Sunday April 11 from 5:30 — 7 p.m. after the library has closed. Lexington Tourism Bureau — Breakfast at Cary Library: A breakfast to welcome visitors from Lexington's sister city — Antony, France — will be held in the Large Meeting Room on Friday morning, April 16 th, Library staff members will create a special book display for the occasion. Other News: Connie reported that the architectural firm Torrey, Menders and Spencer has submitted two proposals to address the insulation problems in the Large Print Area. The first proposal incorporates a roof vent, which may pose an issue with the Historic District Commission. The second proposal does not incorporate a roof vent, but does propose to encapsulate the roof area and to spray in insulation. The second proposal will likely be the recommended approach. The Friends are hosting a Staff Appreciation Tea on Friday April 23 from 3 -5 p.m. Next general meeting of the Board of Trustees: Wednesday April 21, 2010 at 5 p.m. Adjourn: Howard Jaffe moved, and Deb Mauger seconded, to adjourn at 6:17 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kathy Quinlan