HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-01-08-CCAC-min (1PM) TOWNOFLEXINGTON AdhocCommunityCenterAdvisoryCommittee(AhCCAC) Minutes Date: January 8, 2014 Place and time: Cary Memorial Building, Estabrook Hall, 1:00 .. PM Members Present: Michelle Ciccolo, Chair; Mary Ellen Alessandro; Harry Forsdick; Laura Hussong; Jon Himmel (Chair, Permanent Building Committee); Florence Koplow; Leslie Zales Members Absent: Betty Borghesani Liaisons Present:Staff: Linda Vine, Vice Chair of AhCCAC, Town Manager’s Office; Charlotte Rodgers, Human Services; Karen Simmons, Recreation; Dorinda Goodman, Information Technology; Chief John Wilson, Fire Department; Committees: Glenn Parker, Chair, Appropriation Committee; David Kanter for Beth Masterman, Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC); Deb Mauger and Joe Pato for Norm Cohen, Board of Selectmen (BoS); Liaisons Absent (liaisons only attend as-requested and as-available to address relevant agenda items):Staff: Shawn Newell, Department of Public Facilities (DPF); Chris Filadoro, Department of Public Works; Koren Stembridge, Library; John Mazerall, Police Department; Committees: Jessie Steigerwald, School Committee Steffian Bradley Architects (SBA) Consultant Representatives: Teresa Wilson, Joe Sirkovich, Richard Berry Also present:Pat Goddard, staff, DPF; Mark Barrett, staff, DPF; Sheila Butts, staff, Recreation Department; Nancy Adler, Chair, Council on Aging Board; Joel Adler, Town Meeting Member Recording Secretary: Sara Arnold The meeting was called to order by Ms. Ciccolo at 1:10 .. PM 1.Opening Comments : Ms. Ciccolo commended the Committee, staff, and other volunteers for the successful th December 14 Community Center Open House. She noted considerable interest and excitement demonstrated by the approximately 400 people who attended. (Note: LexMedia was not recording this meeting.) th 2.Work Plan and Correspondence: Ms. Ciccolo commented on the updated Work Plan. The February 6 th meeting will be changed because SBA is not available. The January 15 meeting cannot be held at Muzzey because of other Senior Center commitments; during the meeting it was determined that the meeting will be held at 39 Marrett Road. Ms. Ciccolo announced receipt of many emails, to be discussed at a later meeting. th 3.Minutes: A section in the December 12 Minutes was clarified. There was a motion and second to approve the Minutes for December 9, 2013 and December 12, 2013, as amended. The motion passed. VOTE: 7-0 th 4.BoS Update : Ms. Mauger reviewed her understanding of the December 16 BoS meeting communications when the AhCCAC presented its update on the Community Center. The Town is paying off some of its past debt, there is a proposed $9.0 million project for renovating Cary Memorial Building that will likely be approved at the 2014 spring Special Town Meeting, and the Selectmen believe the need for new public safety buildings is a higher priority than Phase 2 of the Community Center. Thus, adding a gymnasium at the Community Center site will likely have to be delayed for at least four years; a large multipurpose room could be constructed sooner, especially if there is fund raising. At the same time, the BoS is very excited about the new center and supports the Phase 1 project; this could include an additional Phase 1funding request. In response to some Committee members having felt “blind-sided” at the BoS meeting, Ms. Mauger apologized for any misperceptions, and noted that the Open Meeting Law precludes discussions about these things outside of posted meetings. Ms. Ciccolo urged the Committee to focus on its charge by refining a priority list. Mr. Himmel added that the charge is more about the services that will be provided and less about the buildings. He commended the architects for an excellent job of developing plans that respond to program needs and added that all projects of this magnitude take multiple years to become a reality. Mr. Kanter added that the work being done on Phase 2 is extraordinarily useful in planning for the future. 5.SBA January 7, 2014 PowerPoint Presentation—Phase 1: Ms. Ciccolo and Ms. Wilson explained that the committee needs to approve the Community Center floor plans so SBA can move into the design stage. Ms. Koplow reported that there were approximately 250 comments submitted at the Open House and asked if finalizing the plans could be postponed. Mr. Goddard reported that Phase 1 was originally scheduled to be completed by the fall of 2014; occupancy is now scheduled for December 2014. Ms. Vine added that the Recreation Department uses Cary Memorial Building (Cary) to store its equipment. If Cary renovations begin in the summer of 2014, as now anticipated, available storage space in the Community Center will be critical. Ms. Koplow reported that the Open House comments fall into several categories, including structural issues, program issues, and use of the space. Ms. Ciccolo asked that any structural issues be forwarded to Ms. Wilson as soon as possible; other concerns can be addressed later. Mr. Forsdick noted that in most situations the use of space can and should be flexible; the use of space will change over time. th Ms. Wilson reviewed the most recent changes to the floor plans based on comments at the December 12 th AhCCAC meeting and the December 16 BoS meeting: Basement: The Arts and Crafts area is moved upstairs to leave room for Recreation Department storage in the basement next to the ping pong room and the fix it shop; if it is decided at some future date to add a ramp to the basement under the mansion, only the storage area will be impacted. There will be additional lighting in the fitness area. Wood flooring appropriate for dancing etc is being planned for the fitness room and is being priced. First Floor The biggest change is to open up the multipurpose room to allow 100 banquet style seats. This will require some further structural upgrades, relocating toilets, and moving the Senior Center Window Pane shop. It was explained that the Window Pane shop is a gift shop that sells donated gifts and gently used clothing. It is operated by seniors and is a popular fund raising activity. Mr. Forsdick complimented the seniors for starting such programs and hopes that they expand into Community Center activities. Some additional floor plan details will be addressed. Second Floor: The biggest change is removing a wall between two multi-purpose areas and installing a folding partition. Some additional floor plan details will be addressed. 6.SBA December 12, 2013 PowerPoint Presentation—Phase 2: Mr.Sirkovich reviewed three options for Phase 2: Adding a gymnasium and large multi-purpose room at the same time. First building a large multi-purpose room with a commercial kitchen and some storage and adding a gymnasium at a later date First building a gymnasium with a full commercial kitchen and adding a large multi-purpose room with a dumbwaiter connection to the kitchen at a later date. 7.Moving to Phase 1 Design Development: Mr. Goddard reviewed the three stages for a project: a study to look at options and select the preferred option; design development and construction documents of the preferred option; and construction. He reviewed a spreadsheet that begins to identify costs and funding sources for Phase 2 construction options. He asked if the Committee was prepared to support the changes to 2 the floor plans of the current building as presented by SBA, including the option for enlarging the first floor multi-purpose room, which has cost implications. He explained that the funding provided by the fall 2013 Special Town Meeting for Phase 1 included some contingency funds, which may cover the some additional th costs associated with the change; it also may be necessary to ask the March 24 Special Town Meeting for st additional funds for Phase 1. Mr. Goddard said that estimates will be available by January 21, which is prior ndth to this Committee’s January 22 meeting and the BoS’ January 27 meeting. A motion was made and seconded to support the large multi-purpose room on the first floor, as presented by SBA. The motion was amended to include the structural design necessary to remove the shear walls (design development through the construction documents). The motion passed. VOTE: 7-0 \[Note: Ms. Allesandro had to leave early and departed at 2:25..\] PM A motion was made and seconded to support the basement level floor plans as presented by SBA. The motion passed. VOTE: 6-0 A motion was made and seconded to support the first floor plans as presented by SBA. The motion passed. VOTE: 6-0 There was a motion, which was seconded, to support the second floor plans as presented by SBA. The motion passed. VOTE: 6-0 8.Next Steps/Action Items: Ms. Ciccolo suggested having a working group to review the finishing aspects of the project, which will be presented by SBA at the next meeting. It was noted that Ms. Alessandro may be interested in this. Ms. Koplow volunteered to participate, and Ms. Zales said she would help if the others felt it would be useful to have another person. Ms. Ciccolo also suggested having a group to explore fundraising opportunities. Ms. Hussong, Mr. Forsdick, Mr. Parker, and Ms. Ciccolo agreed to participate. Ms. Koplow and Mr. Forsdick will distribute the categorized comments from the Open House. Ms. Zales discussed a long email discussing the outreach to senior citizens about this project. It was noted that many venues are being used, including the Council on Aging newsletter, materials at the Senior Center, and Facebook. New ideas included notices in the Recreation Department’s newsletter (due to go out at the end of February), notices in the tax bills, a slide show, information where bingo is played or lunches are served at the Senior Center, and bulletin board displays at the Senior Center, the Town Clerk’s office and the library; Ms. Vine will pursue the idea of bulletin board displays. A Community Center email address is being created. The Town may need help responding to inquiries. 9.Adjourn: A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 2:50 .. The motion passed. PM VOTE: 6-0 These minutes were approved on January 22, 2014. Materials used at the meeting: Public Meeting Agenda, January 7, 2014, AhCCAC Meeting Schedule and Work Plan—Revised for 01/08/2014 AhCCAC Meeting January 8, 2014, Draft Budget Format; spreadsheet prepared by Mr.Goddard Emails from Ms. Borghesani, Normal and Chris Floyd, Norma Floyd, Wendy Reasonberg, Eleanor Noz, Marilyn Abel, Edward Ganshirt, and Beverly Seavey Lexington Community Center; AhCCAC Public Meeting – December 12, 2013; PowerPoint prepared by SBA 3