HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-11-21-HC-min HISTORICAL COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES November 21, 2013 Call to Order: A public meeting of the Historical Commission was held in the Ellen Stone Room, Cary November 21, 2013 Memorial Hall 1605 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA on . 7:30PM The meeting convened at . Historical Commission Members in Attendance: Mr. David Kelland, Mr. Frank Kern, Ms. Sally Zimmerman (arrived 8:06pm), Mr. Wendall Kalsow, Ms. Marilyn Fenollsa AGENDA ITEM #1 (Time: 7:30 PM) Continued hearing from October 17, 2013 on 80 Bloomfield St application for partial demolition and roofline change. APPLICANT(S) PRESENT: Mr. Andrew Dixon, homeowner, 80 Bloomfield Street, Lexington, Massachusetts. ABUTTER(S) PRESENT: None DOCUMENT(S): Photos of original and modern day bungalow style houses (20+). Second floor plan and Front Elevation completed by D. Berthiaume, Residential Design, 140 Charlton Rd. Spencer, Ma 774-230-8282 SUMMARY: Mr. Dixon presented photos of examples of various types of bungalow homes. He indicated he wished to demonstrate the various examples of rooflines with dormers on modern day and original bungalows. Mr. Dixon expressed that he seeks to preserve the bungalow style of the house. He explained that he had made some changes to the original plan and is looking at styles of the doorway and wants a main door with glass on the side. Mr. Dixon reminded the Commission that he is restricted in the back by the wetlands and that his revised plan reflects his modifications and the entire first floor will remain the same except for losing one window. He stated he would be replacing the siding with cedar shingles. HC COMMENTS: Mr. Kern told the Commission he felt the proposed changes were enough to severely alter the character of the house with the loss of overhangs. He explained that the defining character, anything above the first floor is clearly a dormer and the proposed work to extend over the second floor without coming in creates a boxy look. Mr. Kalsow stated the proposed changes could take away from the house’s character. Ms. Fenollosa relayed to the Commission that she was not persuaded the proposed work would destroy the bungalow look of the house. She stated the Mr. Dixon has sufficient evidence and many variations of the theme and was glad to keep the windows and lose the porch siding. She indicated that she was not particularly opposed at all to the proposed plan. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None MOTION: moved by Ms. Fenollosa, and seconded, to allow the roofline change and addition and to permit the revisions presented to the Commission as the changes the owner will use to reconstruct the roof and side windows. VOTE: 3-1 in favor. 1 Town of Lexington Historical Commission Public Hearing Date: November 21, 2013 AGENDA ITEM # 2 (Time: 8:02PM) Public Hearing on full building demolition application for 48 Outlook Drive APPLICANT(S) PRESENT: Mr. Matt Sepe representing Mr. Harry and Mrs. Paula Sukeforth, homeowners of 48 Outlook Drive, Mr. Sepe has an agreement to purchase the property from the Sukeforth’s. ABUTTER(S) PRESENT: Three DOCUMENT(S): None SUMMARY: Mr. Matt Sepe came before the Commission on December 13, 2012 at which time a demolition delay was granted. Mr. Sepe is requesting that the Commission reduce the demo delay by a few weeks so that he may begin to perform the demo site preparation work before the inclement weather arrives. Mr. Sepe also indicated that any prep work he would perform now would not be disruptive to the neighbors during the Thanksgiving week. HC COMMENTS: Mr. Kalsow stated that the applicant has demonstrated a strong likelihood that no one will purchase this house in three weeks. Mr. Kelland expressed that if the Commission allows this request that they are not setting a precedent for the Town. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Those present indicated they were not objecting to moving up the deadline, they simply wanted to understand what was scheduled to transpire at this property.Those speaking on behalf of the abutters also reminded the Commission that the house has been vacant for nine years. MOTION: moved by Mr. Kelland, and seconded, all in favor to allow the demolition early before the delay expires on 12/13/13. VOTE: 4-0 to allow demo before delay expires on 12/13/13. AGENDA ITEM # 3 (Time 8:12PM) Approval of the October Historical Commission Meeting Minutes MOTION: moved by Mr. Kelland, and seconded, to approve the Minutes of October 17, 2013 with one correction. VOTE: 4-0 in favor 2 Town of Lexington Historical Commission Public HearingDate : November 21, 2013 AGENDA ITEM #4 (Time 8:14PM) Communications: Ms. Fenollosa and Mr. Kalsow shared with the Commission that the MHPC held in October was a success. Ms. Fenollosa stated that the conference had over four hundred attendees and came in on budget. _______________________________________________________________________________________ AGENDA ITEM #5 (Time 8:16PM) Public hearing on partial building demolition at 29 Fern Street APPLICANT PRESENT: Mr. James Dwyer, Six Point Builders, LLC 236 Bedford Street Concord, Ma, and Mr. James McDonald, architect ABUTTERS PRESENT: Three DOCUMENTS: Marshall McLean Architect 165 Everett St. Concord, Ma 01742 Proposed Site Plan SKA. SP.1 Proposed Elevation SKA.2.1 West Proposed Elevation SKA.2.2 South Proposed Elevation SKA.2.3 East Exterior Views SKA.5.1 SUMMARY: Mr. Dwyer purchased 29 Fern Street with the intention of restoring the house to its original condition and adding on a garage. Mr. Dwyer indicated the 1970’s garage on SE side to be completely demolished. Mr. Dwyer told the Commission the plan includes featuring cedar shake shingles on the three season porch. Mr. McDonald stated the interior floor plan will change , Mr. Dwyer explained the existing one over one vinyl window will be replaced with eight over one windows. Mr. Dwyer also shared that the windows would be Marvin or Anderson E series. HC COMMENTS: Ms. Zimmerman told the applicant she would prefer to see as many bits of the early house kept in place. Mr. Kalsow inquired if the applicant was keeping the basement sash and the wood siding. He also suggested the field stone be used then bring down the wood siding as that would significantly respect the original house. Mr. Kelland stated the applicant could obtain pine clapboards as they have round corners. Mr. Kalsow asked Mr. Dwyer if he were agreeable to having a broken pediment and was told the owner prefers to have a complete pediment. Mr. Kalsow explained that a broken pediment will help to identify what is original in the house and what has been added. Ms. Zimmerman asked that as the project progresses and the applicant reaches the three month mark that they pull back a bit if the house looks brand new and reevaluate. PUBLIC COMMENTS: An abutter stated that she did not like the look of a six over six window explaining that they impede the view. She also indicated that she doesn’t care for plastic windows. This same abutter also confirmed that the applicant was not seeking a variance. MOTION: moved by Mr. Kalsow, and seconded, to find the house preferably preserved and the proposed modifications are sympathetic to the historic house and to permit the modified and selective demolition based on the drawings dated November 04, 2013. VOTE: 5-0 in favor. 3 Town of Lexington Historical Commission Public Hearing Date: November 21, 2013 AGENDA ITEM # 6 (Time 8:40pm) Public Hearing on Partial Building Demolition Application and Roof Line Change at 92 Adams Street APPLICANT(S) PRESENT: Mr. Tim Chang, homeowner, Mr. John Piccone, architect. ABUTTER(S) PRESENT: None DOCUMENT(S): Proposed Site Plan A0.1 9/8/13 Exterior Elevations A3.1 9/8/13 Plot Plan prepared by Edward J. Farrell Professional Land Surveyor 110 Winn St. Woburn, Ma Proposed Site Plan 7/5/13 SUMMARY: Mr. Chang is proposing a plan which includes the demo of the defunct garage in the rear of the existing house. The proposed plan would also include an addition on the front of the house with a mudroom a two car garage with a master bedroom above. The roof would extend beyond the existing gable roof in front and a farmer’s porch would be added. The applicant stated the garage is structurally unsound and the renovations would add functionality and he intends to preserve as much as possible. Mr. Chang plans to reuse the old mudroom door. Mr. Chang explained that now the snow and water build up on the back side of the house. The proposed plan includes a design that will extend the gable end on the front and will keep the footprint. The roofline will change, floor insulated and all changes will bring the home up to code. HC COMMENTS: Mr. Kelland asked the applicant why the barn like structure was so high. The architect responded that the plan would include a generous ceiling in the master bedroom and the attic would now be livable space. Mr. Kelland was also concerned that the floor of the garage will be lower than the floor of the house. He questioned if there was anyway a step or two could be added to reduce the height. Mr. Kelland also commented that by adding towers over the house the proposed plan would create an immense house. He continued that the elevation overpowers the scale of the house and asked if it could be reduced. Ms. Zimmerman commented that the Commission was reviewing the demo of the garage only as well as the change in the roofline and front elevation change. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None MOTION: moved by Ms. Fenollosa, and seconded, to permit the demolition of the garage. VOTE: 5 -0 in favor 4 Town of Lexington Historical Commission Public Hearing Date: November 21, 2013 AGENDA ITEM # 7 (Time: 9:02pm) Informal discussion of proposed architectural changes at 36 Forest Street SUMMARY: Mr. Bob Phelan, homeowner and builder, along with Mr. Dustin Nolan of DNA Architecture, informally discussed their future plans for 36 Forest Street. Mr. Nolan explained the footprint will remain largely the same and the proposed porch extending over the rear where there is currently a bulkhead underneath. The second floor footprint remains the same and he seeks to potentially widen the windows on the front elevation the main gable is not aligned on any features and seeks to move them. Mr. Nolan also stated the window shown on the left elevation is not fitting in with the gable.Mr. Phelan told the Commission the house presently has a mix of windows, such as several one over one and some eight over two in the rear of the house. Mr. Phelan asked the Commission for their feedback as to how to handle the window issue. Mr. Kalsow explained that three windows are out of the character for the house. He suggested Mr. Phelan look for a series of vertically orientated windows versus horizontally orientated. Ms.Zimmerman also suggested keeping the sill the same and keeping the top half open. Mr. Kalsow recommended keeping the original roof line could potentially be a nice gesture to maintain the balance. Mr. Kalsow also stated the proposed plan included a nice break from the garage unit which would define individually. Mr. Kern asked if there was any possibility of saving glass from the windows and reminded Mr. Phelan that would be a character defining feature. Ms. Zimmerman told Mr. Phelan that generally speaking he should seek to tone down the service areas a notch and the focus should be on the house proper. Mr. Phelan then asked to be added to the December agenda for a formal hearing. Meeting Adjourned: Motion was made by Mr. Kelland, and seconded; the meeting was adjourned at 9:37pm. 5