HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-06-04 CONCOM-min TOWN OF LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES Tuesday, June 4, 2013 7:30 P.M. Parker Room, Town Office Building 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Chair Joyce Miller opened the meeting at 7:36 pm in the Parker Room of the Town Office Building. Commissioners Present: Joyce Miller, Stew Kennedy, Phil Hamilton, Dick Wolk (arrived at 7:57), Jane Warren, and Duke Bitsko Commissioners Absent: David Langseth Others Present: Karen Mullins, Conservation Administrator and Michelle Tassi, Community Development Department Assistant 7:37 pm Meeting – RDA, 229 & 231 Worthen Road East DET# 13-12 Removal of a tennis court within the 200-foot Riverfront Area and the 100-foot Buffer Zone to BVW and BLSF Documentation: RDA Application 5/15/13 Present for the Applicant: Richard Cannizzo, Contractor and Cynthia Provost, Homeowner Mr. Cannizzo proposed the removal of a tennis court between these two properties. The asphalt will be removed and taken to a facility. Top soil and lawn will be in put in place. Comments from the Commission as follows: Ms. Miller asked how close it is to the brook. Mr. Cannizzo replied that it is 4’ away from the brook. Mr. Bitsko suggested a condition for a silt sock with compost to be left in place and then raked out. Motion made and seconded to issue a negative determination with conditions including a silt sock with compost and installation of plantings within 25’ from the bank in the disturbed area, 5-0 in favor. 7:47 pm Cont. Hearing – NOI, 36 Sanderson Road DEP# 201-898, BL 857 Construction of an addition and deck within the 100-foot Buffer Zone to BVW Documentation: NOI Application, Roof Runoff Recharge System Detail, and Plot Plan 5/6/13, Drainage Report 5/16/13, Roof Runoff Recharge System Detail, Soil Suitability for On-Site Sewage Disposal, Watershed Delineation Plan, and Stormwater Calculations 5/30/13 Present for the Applicant: Brad Holmes, Environmental Consultants and Restoration and Walter Beebe-Center, Essex Restoration Mr. Holmes proposed the construction of an addition and deck on this property. The deck will be constructed on sonotubes and outside of the 50’ Buffer Zone. Comments from the Commission as follows: Ms. Miller read the engineering report. Mr. Kennedy asked if there was a sump pump in the existing house. Mr. Holmes replied that no sump pump is in the existing home. Mr. Bitsko commented that an operation maintenance plan for the Cultec chambers needs to be submitted. Mr. Bitsko asked if soil probes were done between wetland flags #6 and #7. Mr. Holmes stated that he was confident hydric soils will be present up- gradient of flag #6 and #7, but that he wouldn’t be able to delineate under the pavement. Mr. Bitsko replied that it wouldn’t include the area under the pavement due to alterations. Motion made and seconded to continue the hearing to June 18, 2013 at 7:30pm at the request of the applicant, 6-0 in favor. 8:04 pm Hearing – NOI, 219 Lincoln Street BL 861 Demolition and construction of a new single-family dwelling and replication of a wetland within vegetated wetlands and its 100-foot Buffer Zone Documentation: NOI Application, Site Plan – Proposed Redevelopment, and Stormwater Management Report 5/15/13 Present for the Applicant: Alton Stone, Alton Engineering and Abbas Amiri, Potential Owner Mr. Stone proposed the demolition and construction of a new single- family dwelling. The existing isolated wetland will be moved backwards and up the hill. The stormwater wetland will be located towards the front of the property. Mr. Stone described that eight test holes were done and the wetland plants and trees will be stockpiled and replanted after construction. Comments from the Commission as follows: Ms. Miller read the engineering report. Mr. Hamilton asked how the drainage worked. Mr. Stone replied that the runoff from half of the house and driveway will flow to the stormwater wetland and the runoff from the other half of the house will flow to the replicated wetland. Mr. Wolk questioned how the water would reach the stormwater wetland. Mr. Stone replied that slope and grading will help the water get to the management areas. Mr. Wolk asked the Commission whether the proposal was acceptable based on setbacks for the lawn and structures. Mr. Kennedy questioned if the house could be moved closer to the street. Mr. Stone stated that there is a significant amount of ledge in the area. Mr. Bitsko agrees with the proposal, but asked how long the water will pond in the replicated wetland area because the drain outlet is 6” above the bottom. Mr. Bitsko requested that notes be provided for the flat area around the replicated wetland versus a berm for assurance that it is built correctly. He also commented that a planting schedule and operation and maintenance plan for stormwater management be submitted. The Commission will condition a 90% survival rate for the replicated wetlands. Mr. Bitsko asked how the foundation drain would work if the wetland was frozen. Mr. Stone answered by saying the wetland has a considerable amount of storage and it would flow to the catch basin. Mr. Hamilton voiced his concern about the proximity of the home to the wetland. Mr. Wolk suggested that the deck be relocated or removed to correct the setback issue. Mr. Stone met with Mr. Amiri privately to discuss the removal of the deck. He reported to the Commission that Mr. Amiri would like to move the deck to the front of the house or remove it completely. Simon Prensky of 222 Lincoln Street was concerned with water runoff. Mark Burke of 216 Lincoln Street commented that this proposal is an improvement to the area, but is concerned with runoff. Magnus Ljungberg of 235 Lincoln Street asked how his property would be affected. The homeowner of 229 Lincoln Street questioned the effects of the construction and replication of wetlands. Mr. Hamilton gave a brief summary of items needed at the next hearing: Show contours with notes for no berm near the replicated wetland, provide a planting schedule for the replanting and wetland areas, submit an operation and maintenance plan for the retention basin, remove the deck from the rear of the house, and add a 15’ Buffer Zone with a planting schedule. Motion made and seconded to continue the hearing to June 18, 2013 at 7:30pm at the request of the applicant, 6-0 in favor. 8:55 pm Hearing – NOI, 62 Grassland Street DEP# 201-901, BL 860 Construction of an addition to an existing single-family dwelling and associated site appurtenances within the 100-foot Buffer Zone to BVW Documentation: NOI Application and Wetland Resource Area Analysis, Grading/Drainage Plan, Wetland/Buffer Zone Restoration and Enhancement Planting Plan, and Drainage Calculations 5/15/13, and Construction Dewatering Plan 6/4/13 Present for the Applicant: Rich Kirby, LEC Environmental, Al Gala, Gala Simon Associates, and Janice Brown, Homeowner Mr. Kirby proposed the construction of an addition on the rear of the dwelling. Bituminous concrete associated with the driveway and brick paver patio will be removed and replaced with permeable pavers. Mr. Kirby explained that the structures and debris on the lawn will be removed and replaced with native plantings. Bounds markers will be placed on the property and there will be 1,026 square feet of buffer restoration along the driveway. Mr. Kirby described the 4-foot frost wall and dewatering plan. Comments from the Commission as follows: Mr. Hamilton stated that this proposal is an improvement over the current conditions. Mr. Kennedy agreed with Mr. Hamilton and asked where the building material would be stockpiled. Mr. Kirby replied that the building material would be stockpiled in the front yard within the existing driveway and lawn. Mr. Bitsko stated that the restoration plan is solid, but questioned the Black Gum tree being listed as 2-3’ when it should be a minimum of 4-6’. Jaya Yalamanchil of 64 Grassland Street asked if elevations would change. Mr. Kirby stated that there would be no grade change and excavated soil will be removed from the site. Mr. Yalamanchil asked if his sump pump would be more active due to this activity. Mr. Kirby commented that he cannot guarantee it, but removing the impervious surface will slow the water flow down and it will help the area. Mr. Kirby stated that the dewatering plan will only be needed when pouring the foundation and that no sump pump is in the existing dwelling. The basement of the addition will only be a crawl space. Ms. Miller read the engineering report. David Lee of 70 Grassland Street mentioned the groundwater level rising over the past years and asked if this proposal would contribute to it. Monica Cantwell of Bridge Street asked if any part of Clematis Brook was located on the property of 62 Grassland Street. Richard Domings of 31 Valleyfield Street asked about groundwater elevations. Mr. Gala stated that it is based on the wetland and is 20-30” below surface. The first floor is 2-3’ off existing grade and no grade changes will occur. The Commission will condition no changes in grade. Motion made and seconded to close the hearing, 6-0 in favor. 9:21 pm Hearing – NOI, 19 Grove Street DEP# 201-900, BL 859 Raze and rebuild an existing single-family dwelling and associated site appurtenances within the 100-foot Buffer Zone to BVW Documentation: NOI Application, Wetland Resource Area Analysis, and Permit Site Plan of Land 5/15/13, Engineering Report 6/4/13, and Jason and Fischer Letter 6/4/13 Present for the Applicant: Rich Kirby, LEC Environmental, Mike Novak, Meridian Associates and Greg Matteosian, Design Synergy Group Mr. Kirby proposed the demolition and construction of a new single- family dwelling. Included in this proposal are subsurface infiltration systems, a rain garden for driveway runoff, removal of trees, restoration plan, and construction of a retaining wall. Comments from the Commission as follows: Ms. Miller read the engineering report. Ms. Miller read the letter from Jason and Fischer stating the concerns of Mr. & Mrs. Santiago of 2 White Terrace. Mr. Bitsko asked if there was a mechanism that allows the rain garden to pick up runoff from the driveway. Mr. Novak replied that a small low point will be on the inside of the driveway. Mr. Bitsko commented that it is a constructed wetland and not a rain garden. Details need to be added for the rain garden and driveway depression. Mr. Kirby stated that the shed would be removed and lawn restored. Ms. Warren asked if the invasive species would be removed. Mr. Kirby replied that the ivy will be managed in this area. Mr. Wolk asked if a sump pump was proposed. Mr. Kirby stated that no sump pump would be needed. Mr. Hamilton commented on the letter from Jason and Fischer. Mr. Hamilton stated that #1 in the letter is written under the standard conditions for a conservation permit. He also stated that #2 and #3 are beyond the jurisdiction of the Commission. Mr. Bitsko asked if there was a buffer proposed at the end of the lawn. Ms. Miller suggested that a buffer should be implemented. Mr. Kennedy commented that the bounds markers need to be extended along the 25’ Buffer Zone. Motion made and seconded to continue the hearing to June 18, 2013 at 7:30pm at the request of the applicant, 6-0 in favor. PENDING MATTERS 9:45 pm Vote to approve invasive species eradication at Lincoln Park, Brian Kelley and Miles Connors Miles Connors was present for this discussion on invasive species management. The Commission decided that plots should be set up in three sections to test the best practice. One idea was to cut the Bittercress and Phragmites, another idea was to cut them and place concentrate into the hollow stem, and the last practice consisted of direct wiping. The Commission did not want a spray used because it may disturb good plants that are adjacent to the invasive species. The Commission asked Mr. Connors how many seasons this would occur. Mr. Connors stated that it would be multiple seasons/years in order to see good results. There will be a report to the Commission once a year. Motion made and seconded to approve a three section test plot for eradication of Phragmites and Cardimine Impatients at Lincoln Park and return to the conservation Commission in one year, 6-0 in favor. 10:05 pm Informal Meeting Request – 82 Pleasant Street, Proposed addition within 50-foot setback mitigation measures feedback before NOI filed Albert Huang, the homeowner, was present for this discussion. He proposed an addition within the 50-foot Buffer Zone. Ms. Mullins commented that Mr. Huang needs further guidance from the Commission on what is favorable. Mr. Huang stated that the driveway would be changed to a permeable surface. Mr. Hamilton suggested that the Commission see the lot. 10:22 pm Request for amendment: Vote on whether amendment of new notice of intent, 9 Brown Road, DEP# 201-772, BL 731 Motion made and seconded to hear the proposal for 9 Brown Road, DEP# 201-772, BL 731 as an amendment to the order of conditions, 6-0 in favor. 10:24 pm Motion made and seconded to issue an Order of Conditions: Whipple Hill, DEP# 201-899, BL 858, 6-0 in favor. Motion made and seconded to approve the minutes from May 21, 2013, 6- 0 in favor. 10:26 pm Project Update: Proposed fiber optic installation along three routes beneath paved roadway layout in Town Ms. Mullins gave an update that the office received Notice of intent filings for fiber optics. A follow-up was held with the representative because the applications were incomplete. The representative decided to withdraw the applications because all work is taking place within the paved roadway. Erosion controls and silt socks will be used. 10:27 pm Reports: Bike Advisory, Community Preservation Committee, Land Steward Directors, Housing Partnership, Tree Committee, Land Management, Land Acquisition, etc. Mr. Hamilton reported that the land management planning sub-committee is preparing a proposal for more money for Conservation Land maintenance at the Board of Selectmen’s goal setting meeting. Dick Wolk and Tom Whelan are preparing the proposal. 10:30 pm The Commission scheduled site visits for the meeting on June 18, 2013 on Saturday, June 15, 2013starting at 9:30 a.m. 10:34 pm Motion made and seconded to adjourn the meeting, 6-0 in favor. Respectfully submitted, Michelle Tassi Community Development Department Assistant