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Tuesday, February 26, 2013
7:30 P.M.
Parker Room, Town Office Building
1625 Massachusetts Avenue
Chair Joyce Miller opened the meeting at 7:31 pm in the Parker Room of the Town
Office Building.
Commissioners Present: Joyce Miller, Jane Warren, Stew Kennedy, Phil Hamilton, Dick
Wolk, and David Langseth (Arrived at 7:36)
Commissioners Absent: Duke Bitsko
Others Present: Michelle Tassi, Community Development Department Assistant
7:42 pm Meeting – RDA, Tower Park off Mass Ave
DET# 13-04
Construction of a retaining wall, site grading, and appurtenances related to
construction of Antony Park within the 100-foot Buffer Zone
Documentation: RDA Application 1/30/13, Antony Park Plan, Grading
Plan, and Planting Plan 2/26/13
Present for the Applicant: Dawn McKenna, Lexington Tourism
Ms. McKenna proposed construction of a retaining wall, site-grading,
installation of three wooden benches, planting of 14 new trees and native
Comments from the Commission as follows:
Ms. Miller commented that there is a great deal of protection in the area of
work from the Buffer Zone. Mr. Kennedy asked Ms. Warren if she looked
at the planting plan for any invasive species. Ms. McKenna stated that the
Columnar Hornbeam is not native to the area, but that the native species
does not take well. Ms. Warren stated that the roses are not native either,
but there are no invasive species on the list. Mr. Langseth questioned the
existing grading vs. the proposed grading on the plan. He stated that he
was having trouble seeing the difference between existing and proposed.
Mr. Langseth asked if this area was located within the floodplain. Ms.
McKenna told him that she met with Karen to discuss any issues and the
floodplain was not one of them.
Diane Biglow of 15 Bellflower Street commented that the color plan
shows grading and asked for clarification on what the Commission was
looking for on the plan.
The Commission stated that a condition be made that the applicant needs
to submit a plan distinguishing the existing vs. proposed grading.
Motion made and seconded to issue a negative determination with
conditions, 6-0 in favor.
8:00 pm Meeting - RDA, 142 Marrett Road
DET# 13-01
Demolition of an existing single-family dwelling within the 100-foot
Buffer Zone
Documentation: RDA Application and As Built Plan 1/30/13
Present for the Applicant: John Moriarty, Homeowner
Mr. Moriarty proposed the demolition of the existing single-family
dwelling on his property. He described the excavation for the underground
oil tank and the removal of the septic tank. Mr. Moriarty explained that his
land would be used for agricultural use.
Comments from the Commission as follows:
Mr. Langseth asked how Mr. Moriarty would know that clean fill is being
used on his property. Mr. Moriarty explained that the fill would be
purchased sand as well as rocks and leftover fill from the property. Mr.
Langseth questioned what would be used for short-term stabilization for
erosion issues. Mr. Moriarty stated that he would use cover crop
immediately so the land would not sit bare for a long period of time. Ms.
Miller asked about the fence that was constructed on town property and if
it was going to be removed. Mr. Moriarty commented that he would like
to explore the topic of leasing the land from the town.
The Commission stated that a condition be made that the applicant use
cover crop immediately for erosion control.
Motion made and seconded to issue a negative determination with
conditions, 6-0 in favor.
8:07 pm Meeting – RDA, 11 Bellflower Street
DET# 13-02
Removal of trees within the 100-foot Buffer Zone
Documentation: RDA Application 1/31/13
Present for the Applicant: Brad Forringer, Homeowner
Mr. Forringer stated to the Commission that he is a new Lexington
resident and first time home owner. He wants to take the correct steps for
any project on this property. Mr. Forringer proposed the removal of three
Comments from the Commission as follows:
Mr. Langseth asked the reasoning behind wanted to remove three healthy
trees. Mr. Forringer explained that he had three young children and there
are safety issues with the overhead wires. He also stated that he has future
plans for driveway expansion. Mr. Langseth commented that the trees are
at least 50’ away from the wetlands. Mr. Kennedy said that trees are being
taken out all over Lexington and the tree bylaw and tree warden protect
them. Removing a big oak tree may require many small plantings for
Diane Biglow of 15 Bellflower Street commented that two large trees fell
on her house and she sympathizes with the homeowner for need of a
Richard Vendetti of 117 Adams Street commented that a large tree fell
onto his neighbor’s house and wanted the Commission to keep in mind
that trees do die eventually.
Motion made and seconded to issue a negative determination with
conditions, 6-0 in favor.
8:18 pm Meeting – RDA, 117 Adams Street
DET# 13-03
Removal of trees within the 100-foot Buffer Zone
Documentation: RDA Application 2/6/13
Present for the Applicant: John Jepson, Jepson Contracting and Noemia
and Richard Vendetti, Homeowners
Mr. Jepson proposed construction of an open porch on the front of the
house with no roof. Currently, a set of stairs exist on the front of the house
that are 6’ wide. The proposed open porch will come out 6’ and be built
straight across.
Comments from the Commission as follows:
Mr. Langseth asked if the stairs were going to be removed. Mr. Jepson
stated that the stairs would be removed and filled in. Ms. Miller asked if
there were spaces between the boards of the porch. Mr. Jepson commented
that the boards are 3” apart with crushed stone underneath. Mr. Kennedy
commented that the spoil piles should be kept away from the wetlands.
Ms. Miller asked if the project was all set with the zoning department and
Mr. Jepson responded by saying yes. Mr. Langseth suggested that Mr.
Jepson meet with Karen to discuss the minimum thickness of crushed
stone underneath the open porch and that it should be listed as a condition.
Motion made and seconded to issue a negative determination with
conditions, 6-0 in favor.
8:26 pm Cont. Hearing – NOI, 61 Solomon Pierce Road
DEP# 201-888, BL 847
Demolition and construction of a new single-family dwelling and site
appurtenances within the 100-foot Buffer Zone
Documentation: NOI Application and Plan 1/24/2013, Revised Vegetation
Management Plan, Drainage Calculations, and Grading/Drainage Plan
Present for the Applicant: Rich Kirby, LEC Environmental, Al Gala, Gala
Simon Associates, Inc. and Nicholas Delegas, Homeowner
Mr. Kirby explained the revised management plan stating that the land
would be tilled and seeded with flower mixes and Conservation wildlife
mix. Mr. Kirby described the planting of shrubs and native species in the
area. He explained to the Commission that the basement elevation was
lowered by .6’ to comply with building height regulations. The building
including the overhang is 49.9’ away from the wetlands.
Comments from the Commission as follows:
Ms. Miller read a summary of information that was needed from the
previous hearing: the driveway trench drain detail, consideration of
planting native species in the area, and bounds markers placed along the
conservation restriction line. Mr. Langseth read the engineering report.
Mr. Langseth asked about the inspection ports for the infiltration
chambers. Mr. Gala explained the inspection ports and stated that the
infiltration chamber was expanded horizontally and vertically. Ms. Warren
asked if native species would be planted in the conservation restriction
area. Mr. Kirby answered by referring to the vegetation management plan.
Motion made and seconded to close the hearing, 6-0 in favor.
8:32 pm Cont. Hearing - NOI, 4 Turning Mill Road
DEP# 201-876, BL 834
Construction of an addition within the 100-foot Buffer Zone
Documentation: NOI Application, Narrative, and Proposed Plan 12/13/12
Motion made and seconded to continue the hearing to March 12, 2013 at
the request of the applicant, 6-0 in favor.
8:32 pm Cont. Hearing – NOI, 9 Vine Brook Road
DEP# 201-890, BL 849
Demolition and construction of a new single-family dwelling within the
100-foot Buffer Zone
Documentation: NOI Application and Plan 1/23/2013, Revised Plan
2/12/2013, Proposed Site Plan 2/19/13, and Wetland Border Report
Present for the Applicant: Ian Rubin, Markey & Rubin, Inc. and Scott
Goddard, Goddard Consulting, LLC
Mr. Rubin described the next soil tests that were conducted next to the
existing driveway. He explained that the impervious surface drainage
calculations were corrected and revised. Mr. Goddard stated that the
neighboring property owner allowed access to his property to delineate the
wetland line. He explained that no wetland vegetation was visible in the
herbaceous layer on the lot. Mr. Goddard showed that the corner of the
garage was located within the 50’ Buffer Zone.
Comments from the Commission as follows:
Ms. Miller read a summary of information that was needed from the
previous hearing: delineation of the wetland line, soil logs and tests, and
revised pre-condition impervious surface calculations. Ms. Miller
commented that the Commission needs to approve the wetland line and
snow can change the colors of soil samples. Mr. Goddard replied by
saying that he looks at the depth of the fill material. Ms. Miller asked if
the overhang was shown on the plan and Mr. Rubin replied that it is not
shown. Mr. Hamilton had concerns about the delineation of the wetland
line because the Commission did not walk it themselves. Ms. Miller stated
that the Commission needs permission from the neighbor to walk their
property. Mr. Wolk asked about side setbacks and if they are from the
overhang or the foundation of the building. Mr. Rubin replied that side
setbacks are 10’ and it goes to the overhang of the building. Mr. Langseth
questioned the overflow from the infiltration chamber and stated that the
Commission does not normally allow it. Mr. Rubin replied by saying that
the 100 year storm may cause there to be an overflow, but it can be
changed on the plan. Mr. Langseth asked for clarification on the driveway
trench drain detail. Ms. Tassi stated that written permission needs to be
recorded from the neighbor to allow the Commission access on his
property. Ms. Miller read the engineering report.
The Commission will schedule a site visit for 9 Vine Brook Road on
March 9, 2013.
Motion made and seconded to continue the hearing to March 12, 2013 at
7:30 pm at the request of the applicant, 6-0 in favor.
8:41 pm Cont. Hearing – NOI, 123 Maple Street
DEP# 201-889, BL 848
Demolition and construction of a new single-family dwelling within the
100-foot Buffer Zone and 200-foot Riverfront Area
Documentation: NOI Application and Plan 1/23/2013, Revised Plan
1/25/2013, Planting List 2/12/2013, Supplemental Information, Revised
Drainage Calculations, and Proposed Site Plan 2/21/2013
Present for the Applicant: Karon Skinner Catrone, Wetland Consultant,
Steve Pool, Lakeview Engineering Associates and Dan Goguen, Builder
Ms. Skinner Catrone stated that 6 bounds markers were installed, a
planting plan was submitted, and the house was moved forward 1’ and is
now 51.1’ away from the wetlands. Mr. Pool explained where and when
the new test put was done.
Comments from the Commission as follows:
Ms. Miller read a summary of information that was needed from the
previous hearing: a test pit done closer to the wetlands, bounds markers
installed, overhang provided on the plan, driveway trench drain detail on
the plan, and the location of the dwelling further than 51’ away from the
wetlands. Mr. Langseth commented that the surface grades need to be
shown on the plan. Ms. Miller asked how far away the house was from the
wetlands and zoning setbacks. Mr. Pool replied by stating the house was
51.1’ away from the wetlands. Mr. Kennedy asked for clarification on the
meaning of no disturbance survey markers. Ms. Skinner Catrone stated
that the bounds markers were the FENO survey markers supplied by the
Commission at the previous hearing. Mr. Hamilton asked Mr. Langseth if
the driveway detail could be listed as a condition. Mr. Langseth replied
saying that he would feel comfortable allowing it to be a condition
because the driveway is relatively flat. Ms. Miller read that there were no
comments from the engineering report.
The Commission stated that a condition be made that a plan needs to be
submitted with a driveway trench drain detail before work begins.
Motion made and seconded to close the hearing, 6-0 in favor.
8:57 pm Hearing – Amended Order of Conditions, 38 Adams Street
DEP# 201-819, BL 777
Construction of a single-family dwelling within the 100-foot Buffer Zone
Documentation: Memorandum, Revised Drainage Calculations, and Site
Plans C1-C4 1/30/2013
Present for the Applicant: Ken Knowles, Eaglebrook Engineering and
Survey, LLC, Colin Flavin, Flavin Architects, Howard Raley, Flavin
Architects and Ric and Jane Fulop, Homeowners
Mr. Knowles proposed impervious surface changes at 38 Adams Street.
There was a reduction of 202 square feet of impervious surface in the 0-
25’ Buffer Zone, a reduction of 95 square feet of impervious surface in the
25’-50’ Buffer Zone, and an increase of 105 square feet of impervious
surface in the 50’-100’ Buffer Zone. Mr. Knowles explained the colored
plan (Plan C-2) stating that the green color shows the 0-25’ Buffer Zone,
the orange color shows the 25’-50’ Buffer Zone, and the brown color
shows the 50’-100’ Buffer Zone. Mr. Knowles clarified the dashed line on
the plan as overhang of the building. There will be an open roof structure
and the infiltration system was increased slightly.
Comments from the Commission as follows:
Mr. Langseth read the engineering report. Mr. Langseth clarified the
engineering report stating that the Town Engineer would like a higher
curve number used or literature that supports use of a curve number of 30.
Mr. Knowles explained that the curve number is based on the soil
underneath the pavement and not the pavement material. He showed the
erosion control around the line of work. Ms. Miller read the
interdepartmental comments. Mr. Knowles replied by stating that the
staging description is done with the contractor and meeting with Karen.
The Commission stated that a condition be for justification of the curve
number for porous pavement and permeable pavers.
Motion made and seconded to close the hearing, 6-0 in favor.
7:31 pm Town Meeting Warrant Articles Discussion with the Planning
Department: Zoning Bylaw Amendments-Removal of Wetland Protection
District, Section 145-43A
Charles Hornig from the Planning Board and Maryann McCall-Taylor
from the Planning Department were present for this discussion. Mr.
Hornig explained that this warrant article is duplicative of the Mass.
Wetlands Protection Act (M.G.L.Ch.131, s. 40) and the Wetland
Protection Code of the Town of Lexington (Ch.130).
Connie Dugan of 12 Bellflower Street was concerned that water would get
pushed to surrounding areas where it is not supposed to go. Mr. Hamilton
replied by stating that the Planning Department focuses on different issues
and that it is the Conservation Department’s job to assist with those issues.
Motion made and seconded to approve the removal of the Wetland
Protection District, Section 145-43A, 6-0 in favor.
9:17 pm Plan Change Request: 18 Cooke Road, DEP# 201-869, BL 827
Motion made and seconded to approve the plan change request as shown
on the plan received on 2/22/2013, 6-0 in favor.
Mal’s Enforcement Order 2006 Discussion, Rear of 7 Mass Ave, Map 13,
Lot 422
The Commission scheduled a site visit, weather pending, on Saturday,
March 9, 2013.
Approve Revised Landscaping Plan: 9 Brigham Road, DEP# 201-815, BL
The Commission requested that an amendment be filed for this project.
Approve and Sign Conservation Restriction Document, Lexington CR#33
A-1, 26 Solomon Pierce Road
Motion made and seconded to approve the Conservation Restriction #33
A-1, 26 Solomon Pierce Road pending Town Counsel, 6-0 in favor.
9:26 pm Motion made and seconded to issue an Order of Conditions: 10 Vaille
Ave, DEP# 201-864, BL 822, 6-0 in favor.
Motion made and seconded to issue an Order of Conditions: 119 Grant
Street, DEP# 201-887, BL 846, 6-0 in favor.
The Commission stated that 101 Hartwell Ave, DEP# 201-797, BL 755
was not ready to be issued a Certificate of Compliance.
No reports were given.
Site Visit for meeting on 3/5/13: Whipple Hill Trail Improvements –
Scheduled for Sunday, March 3, 2013
Site Visits for meeting on 3/12/13: 51 Bridge Street – Scheduled for
March 9, 2013 starting at 9:30 am.
Motion made and seconded to approve the minutes from January 29, 2013,
6-0 in favor.
The Commission stated the minutes from February 12, 2013 need to be
approved at the next meeting.
9:31 pm Motion made and seconded to adjourn the meeting, 6-0 in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Michelle Tassi
Conservation Department Assistant