HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-01-15 CONCOM-min TOWN OF LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES Tuesday, January 15, 2013 7:30 P.M. Parker Room, Town Office Building 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Chair Joyce Miller opened the meeting at 7:35 pm in the Parker Room of the Town Office Building. Commissioners Present: Joyce Miller, Jane Warren, Stew Kennedy, Duke Bitsko, Phil Hamilton, and Dick Wolk (Arrived at 7:56) Commissioners Absent: David Langseth Others Present: Karen Mullins, Conservation Administrator and Michelle Tassi, Community Development Department Assistant 7:35 pm Hearing – NOI, 18 Constitution Road DEP# 201-884, BL 843 Site redevelopment within the 100-foot Buffer Zone Documentation: NOI Application 12/21/2012 Present for the Applicant: Venkata & Indira Bhupatiraju, Homeowners and Bernard Hamill, H-Star Engineering, Inc. Mr. Hamill proposed demolition of an existing pool, removal of a chain link fence, removal of a timber wall in the back yard area, construction of an additional garage bay and a small segmented retaining wall not more than 4’ in height, installation of a drainage system, and filling and grading of the rear yard area with associated landscaping. Comments from the Commission as follows: Mr. Bitsko asked about the swale detail, demolition details of the pool, and details about the overflow pipe from the pool. Mr. Hamill responded that there will be level spreader with crushed stone and that the pipe will be removed. Ms. Mullins stated that the Health Department has regulations regarding the demolition of pools. The concrete has to be broken down to no greater than 6” in diameter. Mr. Kennedy questioned where the garage runoff would flow. Mr. Hamill stated that the runoff would flow to the backyard. Mr. Kennedy and Ms. Warren commented that there are invasive species in the area such as Bittersweet and English Ivy, which need to be controlled. Mr. Hamill stated that the work is contracted out, but they will certainly remove what is feasible. Ms. Miller read the engineering report and asked how far the fill goes. Mr. Hamill responded to Ms. Miller and said the fill extend to the limit of work line. Ms. Mullins questioned the calculations because the pool was used as an impervious surface and asked for the 1 year volume calculation to be provided. Motion made and seconded to continue the hearing to January 29, 2013 at the request of the applicant, 5-0 in favor. 7:55 pm Hearing - NOI, 14 Winthrop Road DEP# 201-885, BL 844 Construction of an addition to a single-family dwelling within the 100-foot Buffer Zone Documentation: NOI Application 12/26/2012 and Letter from Christine McLaughlin 1/15/2013 Present for the Applicant: Rich Kirby, LEC Environmental, Brian Timm, Meridian Associates and Jon Wardwell, Contractor Mr. Kirby proposed construction of a 1,060 square foot addition, 20’ x 20’ patio, retaining wall no more than 3’ high, and fill brought into the backyard. Comments from the Commission as follows: Mr. Hamilton questioned which part of the buffer zone would be tilled and if they would reseed the area. Mr. Kirby stated that the area from the retaining wall to the wetland boundary would be tilled and reseeded. Ms. Miller read the engineering report. Mr. Bitsko asked about the establishment and long-term management of the buffer zone restoration area. Mr. Wardwell commented that they will seed splice into the lawn. Mr. Bitsko stated that this is an acceptable method, but how is the Commission assured that what is proposed is what is established. Mr. Kirby commented that monitoring can be done before compliance is issued. Ms. Miller read a letter from Christine McLaughlin and Ofer Gneezy of 19 Slocum Road that explained their support of the project at 14 Winthrop Road. Motion made and seconded to close the hearing, 6-0 in favor. 8:13 pm Cont. Hearing – NOI, 5 Cooke Road BL 842 Demolition and construction of a new single-family dwelling and associated work within the 100-foot Buffer Zone Documentation: NOI Application 11/23/2012 and Revised Plan 1/4/2013 Present for the Applicant: Scott Smyers, Oxbow Associates, Al Gala, Gala Simon Associates, Inc. and Richard and JoAnn Clair, Homeowners Mr. Smyers proposed the updated plan that included relocation of the shed outside of the 50’ Buffer Zone, bound markers, grading around the trees to be pulled back with a small retaining wall, and re-grading of the driveway for the trench drain. Comments from the Commission as follows: Mr. Hamilton read the information that the Commission requested to be on the revised plan. The Commission discussed that all of the information was provided by the applicant. Mr. Kennedy asked what will be in the area when the shed is removed. Mr. Clair stated that the shed is on blocks, but they will be removed. Motion made and seconded to close the hearing, 6-0 in favor. Motion made and seconded to issue an Order of Conditions approving the project as shown on the plan dated January 4, 2013 for 5 Cooke Road, BL 842, 6-0 in favor. PENDING MATTERS 8:17 pm Discussion on 119 Concord Ave Compliance with Determination #00-2, 113/115 Concord Ave Mr. Hamilton stated that a plan needed to be submitted and the Town Engineer would need to conduct a review. He stated that the downspouts need to be connected to the drywell and the lawn has to conform to the previously approved plan or a plan change request would need to be submitted. Mr. Wolk commented that debris should not be dumped in the wetlands. Mr. Bitsko suggested that the applicant hire an engineer to certify the work is done or uncover all of the downspouts and drywells and show that the system is working. 8:26 pm Wetland Violation at 155 East Emerson Road (Chicken Coop) – corrective action Mr. Hamilton and Ms. Miller stated that the chicken coop is too close to the wetland. Teoman Ustun, the homeowner, told the Commission that they would get a land survey done. Ms. Mullins suggested that the homeowner file with zoning for the chicken coop and then come back in front of the Conservation Commission. Mr. Bitsko recommended that the Commission look into regulations for chicken coops for filing in the future. 8:32 pm Motion made and seconded to extend Chapter 145-3(A), Rules and regulations governing specific conservation lands, from March 1, 2013 to March 1, 2014, 6-0 in favor. 8:43 pm Beekeeping proposal at Idylwilde Community Garden Mr. Hamilton commented that he was in favor of exploring this topic. Ms. Mullins suggested that a cap be put on the number of hives that can be in the area. Mr. Kennedy is interested in exploring this topic, but needs more information. The Commission decided to investigate liabilities and policies for beekeeping. Schedule 2013 quarterly joint meetings with Lexington Conservation Stewards Ms. Mullins reported that the meetings would be on March 5, June 11, and October 15. 9:00 pm Motion made and seconded to adjourn the meeting, 6-0 in favor. Respectfully submitted, Michelle Tassi Conservation Department Assistant