HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-10-17-AC-min 10/17/13 Minutes Minutes Town of Lexington Appropriation Committee October17,2013 : Ellen Stone Room,Cary Memorial Building,7:30p.m. : John Bartenstein, Vice Chair and Secretary; Mollie Garberg; Alan Levine;Susan McLeish; Eric Michelson; Richard Neumeier;Jonina Schonfeld;Rob Addelson (non-voting, ex officio) Members Absent:Glenn Parker, Chair; Robert Cohen In Mr. Parker’s absence, Mr. Bartenstein called the meetingto order at 7:35p.m. Minutes: 1.A motion was made to accept the September 25, 2013 Minutes as edited by Mr. Levine. The motion passed. VOTE: 6-0 A motion was made to accept the October 10, 2013 Minutes. The motion passed. VOTE: 6-0 Announcementsand Liaison Reports: 2.There were no reports or announcements. Committee Report to the November 4, 2013 Special Town Meeting (STM): 3.Mr. Bartensteinsaid that to the extent feasible, votes on the sections of the report will be taken later duringthe meeting, andthose who are absent can record their votes at the nextmeeting.Mr. Addelson noted that final recommendations for Articles 2, 3, 4, and 5 will go to the Board of Selectmen on October 21, 2013. He will distribute that information to this Committee as soon as possible. Introduction:There were no comments on the draft that Mr. Parkerhad distributed. Comments should be submitted to Mr. Parker by Saturday. Article 2, $86,554Grantfor the Schools:Ms.Garbergexplained that the School Departmentisfunding several programs withgrantsthat have been reduced in size primarily because of the federal budget sequestration.In the budget developed for and approved at the 2013 Annual Town Meeting,the Town set aside $750,000 to addresspotentialreductions in revenue from the State and federal governments,but none of those funds have yet been appropriated. Those funds currentlyform part offree cash, which was recently certified,so they are now available for appropriation.Mr. Addelson said that it may be possible to use supplemental revenue from FY2014 rather than free cashas a source forthis appropriation. It was noted that, in the past, the Town has funded programs when a grant has ended, but rarely, if ever, has there been agrant that was terminated or cut back prematurely. There was a motion to recommend approval of the portion of Article 2seeking appropriation of $86,554to fill gaps ingrant money. The motion passed. VOTE: 7-0 Article 2, Municipal Budget:Mr. Michelsonand Mr. Addelson explained that the Town Clerk’s office needs an additional $54,500 to cover expenses for the primary and general electionsto fill the congressional seat left vacant by Senator Markey. It is anticipated that there will be some state funding but the timing and amount of any reimbursements are unknown.Additionally, there is a request to transfer $40,000 within the Assessors 1 10/17/13 Minutes Department budget sothat the funds can be used for contractors rather than additional staff. There was a motion to recommend approval of appropriationsand transfers in the municipal budget to address the portionsof Article 2 mentioned above. The motion passed. VOTE: 7-0 Article 2, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority(MWRA): Mr. Bartenstein explained that the proposed revision of the Water and Sewer Enterprise Fundbudgetsis a bookkeeping matter to adjust for the finalized MWRArates that were set in June. These are usuallyless than the estimated rates used in the budgetthat isfinalized eachspring.There was a motion to recommend approval of the section of Article 2 regarding the Water and Sewer Enterprise Fundbudgetadjustments discussed above. The motion passed. VOTE: 7-0 Article 2, additional componentregarding Community Preservation Act (CPA) Funds: Mr. Addelson reported that the state is likely todistribute CPA funds at a rate greater than anticipated. If this is accomplished before the special town meeting,staff will recommend that, under Article 2,Town Meetingapprove adjustments tothe Community Preservation Fund budget in accord with the State distribution. Mr. Michelson agreed to write this up for the Appropriation Committee report, and he will inform Mr. Parker. Article 3, Stabilization Funds:Mr. Addelson explained that this article will request an appropriation ofmoney into three of the Town’sstabilization funds: the Debt Service Reserve Stabilization Fund (about $1.8 million, probably from FY 2014 supplemental revenue), the Transportation Demand Management Stabilization Fund (roughly $50,000 contributedby developers), and the Traffic Mitigation Stabilization Fund ($40,000 to $50,000contributed bydevelopers). Mr. Addelson reviewed the history of the recently created Debt Service Reserve Stabilization Fund and how it has helped mitigate exempt debt service. He explained that in the futureit is anticipated that it will help mitigate both exempt and non-exempt debt service,as well as provide funds for baseline capital improvement expenditures. The Selectmen will vote on a financing plan on October 21. There was a motion torecommend approval of Article 3 as discussed above. The motion passed. VOTE: 7-0 Article 4, High School Modular Buildings:Mr. Levine has prepared his draft for this article and is still waiting for the90% construction-document cost estimate and theamount of borrowing (non-exempt debt) that will berequested in the motion. Mr. Addelson said the rangeis $6.7 to $7.7million.There was a motion to recommend approval of Article 4, assuming theappropriationrequest is between $6.7 and $7.7 million. The motion passed. VOTE: 7-0 Article 5, Community Center:Mr. Parkerhas circulateda first draft,but it was noted that theinitialrecommended funding request ofapproximately $1.0 millionmay change.Ms. Arnold, whowas at anAd hoc Community Center Advisory Committee(AhCCAC)meeting held earlier in the day,explained that Mr. Goddard,Director of Public Facilities, had discussedplans there to expand the scope ofwork in the Phase 1 project. Hewill present a proposal to the Selectmen on October 21for a revised Phase 1 plan that would cost about $3.0 million. Theoriginalestimate of about $8 million to upgrade the building (not including the cost toconstructa gym or other large-space facility, which would add another $3million) has not increased; however, in this scenario, more of that total wouldbe requested at the November 4th STM.Town Counsel will be determining how much is CPA- eligible. Mr. Addelson commented that free cash, which was recently certified,is a potential source for funding any portion deemed not CPA-eligible.This Committee agreed that they could not voteon this article until more information isavailable. 2 10/17/13 Minutes Mr. Bartenstein askedthat comments on the current draft material be submitted by Saturday. Final drafts forthe reportshouldbe completed by the October 24, 2013 meeting. Ms. Schonfeld will prepare a first draft for Article 3 by Sunday. It is anticipated that Mr. Parker will assemble the write-ups that have been done so far into a complete draft report that will be circulated before the next meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:38p.m. A list of documents and other exhibits used at the meeting is set forth below. Respectfully submitted, Sara Arnold Approved October 24, 2013 Exhibits 1.Meeting Agenda posted by GlennParker,Chair 3