HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-09-18-TCC-minMinutes Town Celebrations Committee September 18, 2013 Training Room, 201 Bedford Street Members present Suzie Barry, Chair;Dick Crogan, co -Vice Chair;Linda Dixon, Paul Jenkins, Julie Miller, Bill Mix, Henry Murphy, Sandy Podgorski, Charlie Price. Members not present Bob Tracey, Co -Vice Chair; Mary Gillespie, Sondra Lucente, Barbara Manfredi, Wayne Miller, Dave Taylor. Business • The chair declared that a quorum was present. • A group photo was taken for inclusion in the FY14 annual Town report. • The committee approved the minutes of September 4, 2013 with minor corrections. • The October 2, 2013 meeting will be canceled. • All members are invited to the memorial dedication at the Town Pool for Dinesh RajBhandary, Lexington High School Class of 1982, who was killed in Operation Desert Storm • All members who have received notification of required ethics training are urged to complete this on -line course as soon as possible and submit a completion certificate to the Town Clerk. Veterans Day 2013 Veteran's Breakfast • Mailing of post cards: 250 post cards and 500 flyers have been printed. Suzie will prepare mailing labels from the 2012 mailing list and Sandy will bring labels and cards to Town Hall to be run through the town mailing machine. • Distribution of flyers and ticket sales: Veterans Services Officer Ryan Lennon is in charge of printing tickets and setting up the sales process with ticket vendors. We will wait until this process is complete before distributing flyers or mailing post cards. • Door prizes: Dick and Sandy presented an updated chart and reported on progress to date on soliciting door prizes. Response has been quite positive. • Speaker: Linda will invite one of the ROTC training officers who work with students at MIT, Harvard, Tufts, Boston University and several other institutions to talk about the importance of ROTC in today's military. • Wayne and Bob will be asked to contact Joe Dooley, Chief of Volunteer Services at the Bedford VA Hospital, to send a general invitation and distribute information about the breakfast. Veteran's Day Parade and Ceremony • Grand Marshal and Speaker: U.S. Army Colonel Robert McLaughlin, a Lexington native, has accepted the Committee's invitation to serve as Parade Grand Marshal and to deliver the Veterans' Day Address. • Clergy: Rev Paul Shupe of Hancock Church will be the clergy representative. The Lexington Interfaith Council has pre - selected the clergy for all three major observances for 2014. • Promotional Article: Caitlyn Kelleher, editor of the Lexington Minuteman, is very receptive to the concept of a series of profiles of Lexington veterans that will run in the Minutemanin late October. New Member Recruitment The Committee discussed their plan to hold a New Member Open House sometime in October as a way to recruit additional members. Suzie distributed a spread sheet that summarized information on potential candidates suggested by committee and a discussion followed. Location and timing: Linda volunteered to host a pot luck supper at her home for this event. She will contact the committee with several suggested dates and the most convenient date will be selected. • Program: The evening will have two main components, in addition to networking and socializing: 1) Members explaining the work of the committee, the many and varied jobs that need to be done to accomplish a successful town celebration event, and why they are motivated to stay involved; and 2) an open discussion about how the committee can be as effective and successful as possible, both at meeting our stated goals and at accommodating the needs and schedules of volunteer members. • Invitations: All new member prospects will receive an invitation letter by email with request for RSVP. • Food and beverages: supplied by committee members. Other Business • Because the committee will be shorthanded for the Veterans' Day Parade due to retirements and illness, two candidates from the new member list will be invited to attend the meeting of October 16 and hopefully will be given assignments for parade day. We particularly need volunteers to help coordinate and oversee the wreath bearers. Brookhaven at Lexington has a large contingent of veterans, many of them from the World War II era. Linda has initiated contact with a member of the group to explore future possibilities for collaboration, particularly in the area of programming. The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Dixon, Co- Secretary