HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-09-18-REC-mins mop"� a 1775 ryc y T own ®f Lexingt ®n 4 om m Recreation Committee , b APRIL I, IN _S c� Frederick DeAngelis, Chairman Tel: (781) 862 - 0500 x262 Wendy Rudner Fax: (781) 861 -2717 Sandra Shaw Howard Vogel, Vice Chairman Lisah Rhodes Recreation Committee Minutes of Meeting of September 18, 2013 .... ......... ..... A meeting of the Recreation Committee was held on Wednesday, September 18, 2013 . at 7:00 p.m. in the Recreation Office at the Town Office Building. Members Present: Rick DeAngelis, Lisah Rhodes, Wendy Rudner, Sandra Shaw, and Howie Vogel Members Absent: None Staff Present: Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, Chris Filadoro, DPW Superintendent of Plzblic Grounds, Peter Coleman, Recreation Supervisor, and Sheila Butts, Assistant Director Others Present: Hank Manz, Board of Selectmen Liaison, Todd Cataldo, and Rich McDonough 1. Citizens and Other Boards: none 2. Meeting minutes from August 28, 2013 Sandra Shaw moved and Lisah Rhodes seconded acceptance of the Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes from August 28, 2013. The Recreation Committee voted 5 -0 to approve the motion and accept the meeting minutes as presented. 3. Liaison Reports Lincoln Park Subcommittee • Wendy Rudner distributed notes from the Lincoln Park Subcommittee meetings that were held on June 26, 2013, July 24, and September 12, 2013. • Wendy Rudner reported that the Restroom project is nearing completion. It is anticipated that the building will be handed over to the Town within two weeks. 4. Baseball Lights Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, introduced Todd Cataldo to the Committee. Prior to Mr. Cataldo's presentation, Rick DeAngelis disclosed that Mr. Cataldo is his brother -in -law. Mr. Cataldo told the Recreation Committee that Lexington is the only community that runs a travel baseball league without alit Little League Field. There are many towns in the area that have Little League Complexes with lights, turf fields and dugouts. While he understands that installing lights on one of the Town's Little League Fields would present layout and financial challenges, he believes that Lexington Little League can lead the way and secure private donations for the project. Mr. Cataldo indicated that he had spoken previously with Karen Simmons and Chris Filadoro about placement of lights at either the Fitzgerald. Field at the Center Recreation Complex or the Lincoln Park Little League Field. 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE • LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 Sandra Shaw asked what the current participation numbers are, as she understood there was a decline in the number of children playing Little Teague. Mr. Cataldo replied that the organization had seen a decline in the past few years. The interest in Lacrosse is definitely a factor in the spring. The League fielded 24 teams in 2013 with 300 children in the minors, 160 in the majors and 75 in Babe Ruth, Howard Vogel asked what decision the Committee needs to make. Rick DeAngelis noted that the Committee and department need to first determine what locations are appropriate for lights. Then the Recreation Committee would vote to accept the donation of the lights, pending the approval of the Board of Selectmen in the designated location. The Fitzgerald field is currently configured at 185 feet from home plate to the fence. Mr. Cataldo and Chris Filadoro both indicated that the field would need to be reconfigured if lights were installed. Karen Simmons indicated that work is slated on the Fitzgerald field as a part of Phase Three of the Center Drainage Project. Pending financial considerations the opportunity could exist to reconfigure the field during this phase if Little League was able to financially the additional work. Other locations discuss ..e.d, but d.ismissed,..by_the ........... Recreation Committee were Estabrook, Harrington and Fiske. Another option is the Lincoln Park Little League Field, which has the required distances for an official field, and enough room to place lights. The concerns at Lincoln would be: a) installation without penetrating the landfill membrane; b) height and positioning of the light towers; c) hours the lights could be used; and d) obtaining permission from the .Zoning Board of Appeals and the Board of Selectmen. After a brief discussion Howard Vogel -made the following motion: The Recreation Committee supports Mr. Cataldo moving forward in having a lighted Little League Field, location yet to be determined paid for with private funding, meeting Town standards and with Town supervision. Lisah Rhodes seconded the motion. The Recreation Committee voted 5 — 0 in favor. 5. Recreation 5 -Fear Capital Plan — FY2015- FY2019 Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, reported that this is a standing agenda item. She asked the committee members who would be presenting the Capital Budget to Town Meeting in 2014. Howard Vogel has presented in previous years, but he is resigning from the Recreation Committee in December. The Recreation Committee tabled discussion of this issue until the October meeting. 6. Football Field Project Update Chris Filadoro reported that the newly renovated Crumb Football field is in great shape. The field is draining very well, and waiting for the new sod to be installed has been worth the wait. The initial field layout was accomplished by a professional contractor. DPW laid out and painted the center marking on the field. Mr. Filadoro also reported that the field held up extremely well in the I" of rain that fell on opening night of the Varsity Football Game. There are still a few punch list items to be completed on the JV baseball field prior to spring use. 7. Recreation Report Karen Simmons reported on the following: • Summer 2013 went very well. There were minimal ---- if any — issues or complaints about programs or facilities. The summer staff was excellent. Kudos to Sheila Butts and Peter Coleman. • Fall programs have begun. Peter Coleman has continued to do a great job promoting and running the NFL Flag Football program, which has grown from 44 children in 2008 to 280 participants in 2013. • Rick DeAngelis and Howard Vogel have agreed to be on the Pine Meadow Golf Course management contract team. The RF.P will be sent out on October 18, with bid submissions due by November 22. • The ad hoe Community Center Advisory Committee is meeting regularly. Karen Simmons and Sheila Butts are attending the meetings, and presenting the committee with an overview of what the department currently offers. The ahCCAC is continuing to gather data. At the most recent ahCCAC meeting, the committee members voted to proceed with Human Services in the interim use plan that will be presented to the Board of Selectmen on September 23. The committee will continue to look at Recreation. o Hank Manz, Selectman Liaison to the Recreation Committee indicated that he was not aware of this, and that as a proponent of a "Community" center he expressed his dismay at the initial exclusion of Recreation. o Rick DeAngelis, chairman, and the other Recreation Committee members noted their concern regarding this omission, indicating that Recreation is inclusive and offers a synergy with all groups. • The Lincoln Park turf replacement project is moving along, with the bid documents to be distributed next week. Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation and Dave Pinsonneault, DPW Operations Manager worked with Patrick Maguire, Landscape Architect to develop the ...... . ........ ....... specifications for the replacement of the synthetic turf at Lincoln Park, field #1. Mr. Maguire, who was involved in the initial Lincoln Park Renovation Project and is an expert in infill synthetic turf fields, has extensive experience working with Lexington. Permit holders were notified in August that the field will be offline beginning in November. • Resurfacing of the Lincoln Park Playground is scheduled to begin on September 20, pending the weather and contractor schedule. It should take approximately one week for the re- surfacing to be completed. • Phase Three of the Center Fields Drainage Project has been broken out into sections. The Track field work bid opening was today and we expect to recommend an award to the Town Manager once reference checks are completed. • Karen Simmons invited the Recreation Committee to attend the rededication of the Memorial Flagpole at the Town Pool Complex on Friday, October 25, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. The Town's Veterans Agent was instrumental in working with the family of Dinesh RajBhandary, who was killed in action in November 1983, to purchase, relocate and install a new memorial flagpole. 8. Parks Report Chris Filadoro, Superintendent of Public Grounds, reported the following: • The Town Pool Complex is officially closed, and the shut down process for the pools and infrastructure is complete. Larry Anderson has continued to down excellent job at the pool complex. • Field work continues. The ball field crew has done a great job this year maintaining and lining fields throughout the spring, summer and fall. The Parks Department will be identifying a few fields that require improved conditions sueh as Harrington. • Garry Ganley, a DPW — Parks Department foreman is retiring in October. New Business: • The next meeting of the Recreation Committee is scheduled on Wednesday, October 23rd at 7:00 p.m. in the Town. Office Building Parker Room. The September 18, 2013 meeting adjourned at 8:12p.m. • The following documents /exhibits distributed or discussed at the meeting are attached: • Lincoln Park Subcommittee Meeting notes • Flagpole Rededication Invitation Respectfully Submitted, Sheila Butts Assistant Director Lincoln Park Sub - Committee September 12, 2013 • Present: David Williams, Lynne Wilson, Bob Pressman, Brian Kelley, Vanessa Tropeano, Parterre, Cindy Kuechle, guest/possible new member, Wendy Rudner, liaison Vandalism to Overlook two weeks ago. Rotting wood was vandalized, destroying several vertical boards. Deck is fine. Brian Kelley will replace with new, pressure - treated wood to restore /make safe. Will also repair one, small section of the boardwalk at an edge that has broken. Bathroom update by Brian: Work progressing, estimate of 2 weeks away from completion New electrical line from Lincoln Street is completed (Caron Electric Co. doing work) ...... Timers at.site_still need. to. be. completed . .._When.done,..fencing.can-come down/finish inside.work Mr, Caron will contact NStar via Lexington Building Dept. One day more of plumbing work is needed Bob O'Keefe will put special locks on next week Finish odds and ends Financial update looking good: Two weeks ago, $3- 5,000. snort on funding Since then, lacrosse sent in $3,000. and Fund for Lexington pledged $5,000. for landscaping. John Suber helped set up website for Lincoln Park. View at Lexington LincolnPark,org Need to again put information in Patch and Minuteman. Brian will follow up on this. Plaque recognition: Plaque will list major donors over $1,000. but not dollar amounts. Wendy asked re: all those who made smaller donations and suggested that a general statement (no names) of thanks also be added. Brian concurred. Lynne will ask Jim McLaughlin for stone dust quote for grading at bathroom Vanessa: All doing well - ferns dormant now, birch grove good Did lots of plantings in spring, lots of watering, esp during hot spell, cleared paths, cleared around memorials, weeding of invasives, opened pond Next season, move some plantings around to spread out more Still working with Bob Barnard on some projects - Tim, of his staff, is "a great guy"! Will work into early Nov. (like now, every other Tuesday) , start in April Via Wes Received an email from Chris F, saying an irrigation line was broken. She called town. Lynne asked Vanessa to ask Wes for planting suggestions, but keep to minimal. Minutes approval: June 26, 2013 - Brian so moved, Lynne 2nd - unanimous July 24, 2013 - Brian so moved, Bob 2nd - unanimous NEXT MEETING - October 2, 2013 4:00pm at Lincoln Park bathrooms s informal notes by LINCOLN PARK SUB- COMMITTEE Minutes July 24, 2013 Members present — David Williams, Chair, Lynne Wilson, Bob Pressman, Brian Kelley Others present — Wes Wirth, Landscape Architect, Hank Manz, Selectman, Wendy Rudner, Recreation, Vanessa Tropeano.and..Miles Connors, Parterre ....... ....... ........ ............. . The group met at the Worthen Street entrance to the park at 4:30 to walk the area and discuss any problems, maintenance and future work. They looked at the ongoing drainage issues at the bike path and cart path and discussed possible solutions. Wes suggested that possibly raising the path level might solve some of the issues. He will have suggestions for the next meeting. Everyone seemed happy with the maintenance and new plantings_ Brian Kelley showed the committee the work completed to date on the bathrooms. No votes were taken or decisions made. The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 pm. Respectfully submitted, LINCOLN PARK SUB-COMMITTEE Minutes —June 26, 2013 Members present— David Williams, Chair, Bob Pressman, Nell Walker, Brian Kelley, Lynne Wilson Also present— Wes Wirth, Landscape Architect, Wendy Rudner, Recreation, Miles Connors and Vanessa Tropeano, Parterre The minutes of May 16 and June 6 were approved as written. Bathroom project— Brian Keiley updated the group saying he still needs $30- 40,000 to complete the project. His big expenses now are plumbing, painting (especially floors), and partitions. Electrical is in good shape. LexFun donated $4,000 and plans to add $2,000. A question was asked about Fund for Lexington. Thev are donating $5,000 which . will used for landscaping...To. date,.Little. League.. has not... ....... . donated but will. Brian said that the MinuteMan will have an article and he was interviewed on the LexTalk show on LexMedia. Donor Sign — David said that Karen Simmons was not happy with the repairs. There was some discussion about cloudiness. Wes will check it. Poison Ivy— David has called Mr. Cooper about treatment but has not heard back. Miles will follow up. Conservation — Miles told the group that he had talked to Duke Bitsko about the control of the phragmites. Conservation is interest in three trial plots — each 50' by 20'. One plot would control by hand cutting, one by herbicide application to cut stems and the other using a gloved hand to wipe on herbicide. The cost would be at least $3,100. Miles would not recommend control by cutting. There was discussion about the cost and possibly doing a smaller area. This project is on hold due to cost. There was also discussion about spending about $1,300 for fall treatment of garlic mustard and cardamine impatiens. This will be decided at the next meeting. Path maintenance — Bob Barnard has not yet given a cost estimate to Vanessa for the needed work. Brian said that he expects to use Bob for the landscape and paths at the bathrooms. Perhaps the work could be done at the same time. Drainage -- We still have problems with drainage at the bike path turn and down the cart path area. Wes is working on a plan to solve these issues. Wes reported that he is happy with new plantings especially the colors. He has talked with Matt Foti about the granite forest. Miles gave him the name of a mason from Maine who might give him an estimate. Signage —These was discussion regarding the new signs which now include website information. David will show the design to Don Mahoney at Hayden before they go to be made. Blue Spruce — Chris Filadoro needs a planting plan which Wes will provide. The next meeting is scheduled for July 24 at 4:30 at the Worthen St. entrance to the fitness path_ The meeting was adjourned at 6:15. Respectfully submitted, f 4r "e_ 5 1 `5 61 1 5 V" t y5