HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-10-30-CCAC-minTOWN OF LEXINGTON Ad hoc Community Center Advisory Committee (AhCCAC) Minutes APM 19^ Date: October 30 2013 Place and time: Cary Memorial Building, Estabrook Hall, 8:00 A.M. Members Present: Michelle Ciccolo, Chair; Mary Ellen Alessandro; Betty Borghesam; Harry Forsdick; Laura Hussong; Florence Koplow; Leslie Zales Members Absent: None Liaisons Present: Linda Vine, Vice chair of AhCCAC, Town Manager's Office; Charlotte Rodgers, staff, Human Services; Norm Cohen, Board of Selectmen; Jon Himmel, Permanent Building Committee; David Kanter for Beth Masterman, Capital Expenditures Committee; Glenn Parker, Appropriation Committee; Jessie Steigerwald, School Committee; John Wilson, Chief, Fire Department; Karen Simmons, staff, Recreation Liaisons Absent (liaisons only attend as- requested and as- available to address relevant agenda items): John Mazerall, staff, Police Department; Chris Filadoro, staff, Public Works; Shawn Newell, staff, Public Facilities; Koren Stembridge, staff, Library; Dorinda Goodman, staff, Information Technology Consultant Representative Present from Steffian Bradley Architects (SBA): Teresa Wilson, Richard Berry Also present: Pat Goddard, staff, Facilities; Sheila Butts, staff, Recreation; Nancy Adler, Chair, Council on Aging (COA) Board; Carroll Ann Bottino, COA Board; Jerri O'Neill, COA advocate Recording Secretary: Sara Arnold The meeting was called to order by Ms. Ciccolo at 8:05 A.M. 1. Opening Comments: As part of the outreach effort, LexMedia was recording the meeting. Ms. Steigerwald was introduced as the new School Committee liaison. Those in attendance introduced themselves. 2. Minutes: Mr. Kanter identified a numeric correction for the October 17, 2013 draft Minutes. It was moved and seconded to approve the Minutes for October 17, 2013 with the correction. The motion passed. VOTE: 7-0 3. Communications and Outreach: Ms. Ciccolo reported that questions at the Town Meeting Members' Association information session last night were similar to those raised at the October 22 meeting. She also reported that the Town Clerk's office had asked if the new Community Center building might be used for a voting location. There is also a request from the Lexington Basketball Youth Association for gymnasium space. Ms. Ciccolo noted that an open house at the new facility is being planned for December 14 It was suggested that newsletters can be used for distributing event information: Ms. Butts offered space in the Recreation Department newsletter; Ms. Rodgers offered space in the Senior Services' newsletter; and Ms. Zales suggested using the Parent Teachers' Association (PTA) and Parent Teachers' Organization (PTO) newsletters. It was noted that at the October 22n meeting a number of people expressed concern that there wouldn't be adequate dedicated space for senior citizen activities. ACTION ITEMS: Ms. Hussong and Ms. Borghesam will develop a short blurb (including the Mission Statement) for newsletters. Ms. Zales will contact the PTAs and PTOs about such an inclusion in their newsletters. Ms. Rodgers will expand her current article for the Senior Services' newsletter and add information about the Community Center's Guiding Principles. 4. Work Plan Update: The following was reported or suggested: • Changes in the Work Plan that was distributed are in bold. • The next evening public comment meeting has been postponed to November 19 to allow time to complete a report on space needs. • A December 12 meeting has been added to finalize the presentation to the Selectmen, as needed. • An AhCCAC update will be presented to the Board of Selectmen on December 16. • Some references to dates in the text that follows the list of meetings need to be updated. • It would be helpful to clarify the process for the space needs analysis. • Phase 1 and Phase 2 related items should be so identified, where possible. ACTION ITEM: Mr. Forsdick will write up a summary of the recent site visit to Harwich. 5. November 4, 2013 Special Town Meeting (STM): The PowerPoint used at the TMMA Info Session will be the basis for the presentation to the STM. It was recommended that the STM presentation include: • Making it clear that some slides from the Community Center Task Force (CCTF) Final Report (e.g. Programming needs, Recreation Facilities) are used for context, but should not be seen as final for the project; they are the starting point for developing more comprehensive, more complete data. • Making it clear that the current funding request is for Phase 1 and explaining that this Committee is beginning to work on what is wanted and what is feasible for Phase 2, which is expected to be brought to the spring 2014 Town Meeting. • Clarifying the amount of square footage to be dedicated for programming spaces versus office space 6. Input from the October 22 nd Meeting and the Questionnaire: Using a PowerPoint presentation, Ms. Wilson summarized the input from the meeting and the questionnaire that had been distributed. This information, plus information gathered from site visits, will be used to develop a conceptual size and design for a Phase 2 addition at the 39 Marrett Road site. The information about requests for space triggered discussion about space needs, how best to use available space, what additional space is needed, and what additional information is needed. Different ideas about how to proceed where suggested. For some it was important to retain the sense of possibility. There was a concern that a new program idea would trigger a space need that doesn't fit anywhere. The need for hang- out space was mentioned. It was suggested that weighting the needs is going to be necessary because not all needs can realistically be met. Ms. Ciccolo suggested that the design development stage will help provide a framework for working through the issues. She added that new programming ideas should be collected for use when developing Phase 2. Ms. Wilson noted that identifying specific programs may not be as important as knowing the space needed for the variety of programs that may use the space. SBA will be meeting with Human Services and Recreation Departments to understand what will occur in the new building during Phase 1. She added that the slides in her presentation include the square footage of each room in the current building, and the square footage needed for a variety of programs. ACTION ITEMS: Ms. Alessandro will begin to develop a list of specialized spaces needed for the facility for the committee to consider and discuss. Ms. Hussong, Ms. Koplow, and Ms. Borghesam will gather programming ideas from the past CCTF report and other sources. This latter list is meant to be an expression of possible programming concepts so creative or new programming ideas are not forgotten in the process. While this programming list is meant to be comprehensive, it is not necessarily meant to express what will ultimately go into the facility since budgetary, management, and space considerations will need to be factored in before any new programs can be recommended. 7. Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 A.M. These minutes were approved on November 8, 2013. Materials used at the meeting: ➢ Public Meeting Agenda, October 30, 2013, AhCCAC ➢ Proposed 2013 Meeting Schedule and Work Plan Revised 1013012013 ➢ Mission Statement and Guiding Principles for the Lexington Community Center, v. 10128113; Adopted October 17, 2013 by the Ad -hoc Community Center Advisory Committee ➢ Lexington Community Center AhCCAC Meeting October 30, 2013; PowerPoint presented by SBA ➢ October 26, 2013 email from Margaret Coppe, Chair, School Committee to Ms. Ciccolo regarding "Change in Community Center Committee SC liaison ➢ October 23, 2013 memo from Donna Hooper, Town Clerk to Ms. Ciccolo regarding "Community Center @ 39 Marrett Rd as Potential Polling Location ➢ October 17 Update to Ad hoc Community Center Advisory Committee: Phase I Project Estimate Rev I