HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-10-17-CCAC-minTOWN OF LEXINGTON Ad hoc Community Center Advisory Committee (AhCCAC) Minutes APM 19^ Date: October 17 2013 Place and time: Cary Memorial Building, Estabrook Hall, 8:00 A.M Members Present: Michelle Ciccolo, Chair; Mary Ellen Alessandro; Betty Borghesam; Laura Hussong; Florence Koplow; Leslie Zales Members Absent: Harry Forsdick Liaisons Present: Linda Vine, Vice chair of AhCCAC, Town Manager's Office; Charlotte Rodgers, staff, Human Services; Norm Cohen, Board of Selectmen; Jon Himmel, Permanent Building Committee; David Kanter for Beth Masterman, Capital Expenditures Committee Liaisons Absent (liaisons only attend as- requested and as- available to address relevant agenda items): Glenn Parker, Appropriation Committee; Alessandro Alessandrim, School Committee; John Wilson, Chief, Fire Department; John Mazerall, Police Department; Chri s Filadoro, staff, Public Works; Shawn Newell, staff, Public Facilities; Koren Stembridge, staff, Library; Karen Simmons, staff, Recreation; Dorinda Goodman, staff, Information Technology Consultant Representative Present from Steffian Bradley Architects (SBA): Teresa Wilson Also present: Pat Goddard, staff, Facilities; Sheila Butts, staff, Recreation; Rich McDonough, Town Meeting member; Rita Sagalyn, resident (senior citizen) Recording Secretary: Sara Arnold The meeting was called to order by Ms. Ciccolo at 8:05 A.M. 1. Opening Comments: As part of the outreach effort, LexMedia was recording the meeting. Those in attendance introduced themselves. 2. Minutes: Mr. Kanter asked that the October 11, 2013 draft Minutes be edited to clarify and /or correct several items. Ms. Vine asked for edits to correct the affiliation associated with some of the attendees. It was moved and seconded to approve the Minutes for October 11, 2013 with the recommended edits. The motion passed. VOTE: 6 -0 3. Work Plan Update: Ms. Ciccolo reported the following: • An AhCCAC update will be presented to the Board of Selectmen on October 21. • Town staff prepared a meeting notice encouraging attendance at the 7:00 p.m. October 22 meeting in Baffin Hall. SBA will present a PowerPoint overview of the project. Ms. Ciccolo will discuss the activities work plan of the AhCCAC to date. The focus will be on the long term build -out concepts for the facility and soliciting public opinion. The Mission Statement will be presented if it is finalized. ACTION ITEM: In response to Ms. Alessandro's suggestion, Ms.Ciccolo and Ms. Hussong will discuss the possibility of Ms. Hussong presenting a condensed version of the PowerPoint material she shared at the October 11 AhCCAC meeting. • Another evening meeting will be held on November 12, at which SBA will discuss expansion options. • A third evening meeting may be explored on an as- needed basis. 4. Mission Statement and Guiding Principles: A document identifying Guiding Principles, Space Needs, Alternative Vision Statements, Alternative Mission Statements, and a Values Statement drafted by Ms. Hussong and Ms. Koplow triggered discussion about these concepts. Ms. Wilson said the Mission Statement should explain the reason for the Community Center to exist; the Vision Statement should look to the future. It was noted that programming and the space needed for those programs should flow from the input received from the wider community during the evening meetings. A short, simple statement based on the draft material was selected for the Mission Statement. The wording for a series of Guiding Principles was developed by combining concepts from the draft material under both Guiding Principles and Mission Statement. These will be rewritten and distributed. A motion was made and seconded to accept the amended mission and principles. The motion passed. VOTE: 6 -0 5. Staff and Liaison Reports: Mr. Goddard reported on recent efforts to finalize a Community Center appropriation request that will go to the Selectmen on October 21S and to the Community Preservation Committee on October 24 The recently completed structural report showed that all floors in the 39 Marrett Road addition need upgrading to allow for programming flexibility. This structural requirement is not a surprise; it was identified by the Cecil Group last year. Partially in response to comments made by this Committee, it is being recommended that • the project be broken into Phase 1 and Phase 2 terminology rather than Interim and Long Term; and • Phase 1 include the structural upgrade and some other elements (e.g. additional lavatories, audio visual equipment, signage, and painting) rather than incorporating them into Phase 2. He added that addressing more elements in Phase 1 than was originally envisioned results in completing Phase 1 in late summer 2014 rather than spring 2014. Mr. Goddard reviewed a chart comparing the $962,000 funding request for the interim scope that was being considered a month ago and the current $3.0 plus million funding request, which includes approximately $500,000 for contingency needs, for the larger Phase 1 project. He explained that the total estimated project cost of upgrading the building as originally outlined at the time of building purchase has not increased; however, more of that total will be requested at the November 4th Special Town Meeting (STM) than originally anticipated because of the expanded scope of work. After committee members stressed the need for attractive, coordinated, comfortable and functional furnishings when the facility first opens, Mr. Goddard agreed to add $75,000 to the recommended funding request for furniture, fixtures and equipment. It was suggested that fund raising could help reduce the cost of furnishings but the appropriation request will not make that assumption. The source of the approximately $3.0 million has not been determined at this time. Ms. Ciccolo said that Town Counsel will determine how much of Phase 1 is Community Preservation Act (CPA) eligible and the Appropriation Committee and Capital Expenditures Committee will be reviewing and commenting on the project. There was a motion to support the recommendation of $3.169 million for Phase 1 of the Community Center project. The motion passed. VOTE: 6 -0 6. Program Matrix: Ms. Vine reported that the program matrix prepared by staff is complete. Each Town program is labeled to indicate whether it will move into the Community Center after the Phase 1 project is complete, as follows: 1- mission critical; needs to be moved when Phase 1 is complete; 2 -would like to move but it can wait; 3 -will remain in place. Ms. Rodgers and Ms. Butts briefly summarized their departments' programs. It was noted that none of the Human Services' programs will be held in the Muzzey Building once that department moves into the Community Center. Ms. Butts explained that most of the Recreation Department's programs identified as 2 or 3 are currently held in the Cary Memorial Building or the Town Office Building; some are held outdoors, in the schools or in rented space. Use of these spaces is expected to continue. If Cary isn't available because of renovations, it is anticipated that those programs can be held at one of the schools or in the new Center as space allows. ACTION ITEMS: The following requests were made • The matrix should be expanded to include: where programs will be held if not at the Community Center; times when programs are held; frequency of program; whether programs are inside or outside; the number of people who participate in a program, including average and total, and which programs could be intergenerational. • Programs that couldn't be offered because of lack of space and programs offered by groups other than the Town should be identified. This effort may require assistance from the committee. Staff agreed that it is time to flesh out the desired programs, and they look forward to coordinating with different departments. 7. Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 A.M. These minutes were approved on October 30, 2013. Materials used at the meeting: ➢ Public Meeting Agenda, October 17, 2013, AhCCAC ➢ Proposed 2013 Meeting Schedule and Work Plan Revised 10/1712013 ➢ Guiding Principles, Vision, Mission, Values, drafted by Ms. Koplow and Ms. Hussong, October 17, 2013 ➢ AhCCAC Communication Plan, Approved 10/11/13 ➢ October 17 Update to Ad hoc Community Center Advisory Committee: Phase I Project Estimate Rev I ➢ Community Center Program Matrix