HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-10-03-CCAC-min8 MORiyIA, 0 \AO 4 :` Al TOWN OF LEXINGTON ^P g Ad hoc Community Center Advisory Committee (AhCCAQ L E AM 191 1 Minutes Date: October 3, 2013 Place and time: Cary Memorial Building, Estabrook Hall, 8:00 am Members Present: Michelle Ciccolo, Chair; Betty Borghesani; Harry Forsdick; Laura Hussong; Florence Koplow; Leslie Zales; Mary Ellen Alessandro Members Absent: none Liaisons Present: Karen Simmons, staff, Recreation; Norm Cohen, Board of Selectmen; Jon Himmel, Permanent Building Committee; David Kanter for Beth Masterman, Capital Expenditures Committee; Glenn Parker, Appropriation Committee; Bob Pressman, Community Preservation Committee. Liaisons Absent (liaisons only attend as- requested and as- available to address relevant agenda items): Dorinda Goodman, staff, Information Technology; Alessandro Alessandrini, School Committee; John Mazerall, Police Department; Chris Filadoro, staff, Public Works; Shawn Newell, staff, Public Facilities; Koren Stembridge, staff, Library Consultant Representatives Present from Steffian Bradley Architects (SBA): Teresa Wilson; Joe Sirkovich Also present: Pat Goddard, staff, Facilities; Sheila Butts, staff, Recreation; Emily Levine, staff, Human Services Recording Secretary: Laurie Lucibello The meeting was called to order by Ms. Ciccolo at 8:00 A.M. Opening Comments: After introductions and group photo Ms. Ciccolo expressed her desire to follow the agenda with times noted for each item, to stay on time or as close to as on time as possible. Minutes: After a short discussion on minutes, a motion was made by Mary Ellen Alessandro, seconded by Harry Forsdick to defer action on the 9/27 minutes until a edited copy could be circulated to the members. Vote: 7 -0 Chair's Update: The members made a site visit to the Natick Community Center facility which was quite helpful and informative. Betty Borghesani will develop notes from the visit. Save the date for Community Center open house on December 14, 2013. Staff and Liaison Reports: Glen Parker reported that the Capital Expenditures Committee had generally discussed the Community Center but not taken any specific votes on the matter. He also noted that the Budget Summit is scheduled for this evening and he anticipates it will be brought up at that meeting. Correspondence: No new correspondence since last meeting. Questionnaire Distribution: The committee had considerable discussion about the questionnaire edits in questions, who it goes to, when does it go out, and how does it get distributed. Discussion continued on adding a disclaimer stating that the questionnaire is sent to a select group for initial polling and will be sent out to the broader community at a later date. The purpose of the questionnaire is to see what types of spaces are desired, and is tailored for the architects needs. After much back and forth conversation on the questionnaire it was agreed that the questionnaire be finalized with the two lists integrated from Leslie Zales and Linda Vine with the changes noted. Reviewed by Ms. Wilson and the Chair prior to distribution on October 7, 2013 with a return date of October 18, 2013. Leslie Zales will collect returned questionnaires and give to Pat Goddard. Motion to distribute questionnaire made by Mary Ellen Alessandro, seconded by Leslie Zales. VOTE: 6 -0 -1 with Mr. Forsdick abstaining Communications Plan - Michelle asked for volunteers to help in getting information out. It was discussed that a uniform message should first be developed and then distributed through multiple outlets. Recreation commented that brochures go out to all residential households. Human Services has an electronic monthly newsletter for seniors. Leslie Zales is working with PTA's and PTO's. Laura Hussong volunteered to do Web page postings. Mary Ellen Alessandro and Harry Forsdick volunteered to work on the media piece with occasional press releases and letters to the Editor, and adding the Colonial Times to the list of media. Harry Forsdick also offered to set up a Facebook page for the Community Center. Interim Recommendation: The Interim Recommendation document for the Board of Selectmen meeting on October 7, 2013 was discussed. The document included the recommendation that the Recreation Department staff and all of its office functions be moved to the new Community Center upon the initial Interim Occupancy along with Human Services. A motion was made to approve the report as written and distributed without any changes. VOTE: 7 -0 Next Meeting: The next meeting is Friday October 11, 2013 at 9:00 am. At that meeting some of the potential agenda items include: finalizing the Communication Plan, continued discussion on the Guiding Principals. Following the meeting Thursday October 17, 2013, at 10:30 am, is a tour of Belmont Community Center. Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 A. M. These Minutes were approved on October 11, 2013. Materials used/distributed at the meeting: ➢ Public Meeting Agenda, October 3, 2013, AhCCAC ➢ 10 -07 -2013 Interim Recommendations BOS Report, Draft ➢ AhCCAC Communication Plan, Draft for 1013113 ➢ Lexington Community Center Questionnaire, Draft for 101312013 ➢ Lexington Community Interim Project, Interim Project Schedule ➢ Guiding Principles from CCTF final Report, 10126112, compiled by SBA ➢ Proposed 2013 Meeting Schedule and Work Plan — Revised 1010312013