HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-09-16-CCAC-minsM °R "1 TOWN OF LEXINGTON oa f 4 Ad hoc Community Center Advisory Committee (AhCCAC) A Minutes 4f AMl,1 � + E k1NG'S O Date: September 16 2013 Place and time: Cary Memorial Building, Estabrook Hall, 8:00 A.M. Members Present: Michelle Ciccolo, Chair; Betty Borghesam; Harry Forsdick; Laura Hussong; Florence Koplow; Leslie Zales, Mary Ellen Alessandro Members Absent: none Liaisons Present: Linda Vine, Vice chair of AhCCAC, Town Manager's Office; Karen Simmons, staff, Recreation; Charlotte Rodgers, staff, Human Services; Norm Cohen, Board of Selectmen; Jon Himmel, Permanent Building Committee; David Kanter for Beth Masterman, Capital Expenditures Committee; Glenn Parker, Appropriation Committee; Dorinda Goodman, staff, Information Technology Liaisons Absent (liaisons only attend as- requested and as- available to address relevant agenda items): Alessandro Alessandrini, School Committee; John Wilson, Chief, Fire Department; John Mazerall, Police Department; Chris Filadoro, staff, Public Works; Shawn Newell, staff, Public Facilities; Koren Stembridge, staff, Library Consultant Representatives Present from Steffian Bradley Architects (SBA): Teresa Wilson; Richard Berry; Joe Sirkovich Also present: Pat Goddard, staff, Facilities; Mark Barrett, staff, Facilities; Sheila Butts, staff, Recreation; Deb Manger, Board of Selectmen; Joel Adler, Town Meeting Member; Stew Kennedy, resident Recording Secretary: Sara Arnold The meeting was called to order by Ms. Ciccolo at 8:05 A.M. 1. Opening Comments: After introductions, Ms. Vine reported that staff is working to address questions and requests identified at the September 12 meeting. They are developing a matrix that prioritizes programs for moving into the Marrett Road facility during the interim period. Each program /element is being ranked as mission critical (move immediately), desirable (would like to move but can wait), or remain in place. 2. Interim Plan Presentations: Recreation: Ms. Simmons reviewed highlights from her September 12 presentation, noting that trends and demographics are continually changing. Finding indoor space is especially challenging; Cary Hall renovations will further impact space availability. The new Community Center will help address this issue while enhancing the synergy between Recreation and Human Services and expanding social bonds. She wants to move as many community programs as possible to the Marrett Road building for the interim period. Space will determine what must wait until the final plan is implemented. Human Services: Ms. Rodgers noted the importance of additional space for her department. Private rooms for consultations are needed. The new facility will allow expanded programs, additional service hours, and the use of outdoor space. The Human Services department currently uses 9,000 square feet in the Muzzey building. The new facility has 32,000 square feet so there will be no problem with moving everything that is currently located in Muzzey. It hasn't been determined whether to move the Transportation Services office, now located in the Town Office Building. Using a PowerPoint presentation, SBA staff provided updated material in response to requests at the September 12 meeting. Ms. Wilson emphasized that the current allocation of space could change in the final plan but it is expected that the structural changes made for the interim plan, e.g. mechanical, electrical, plumbing, will remain in place. A timeline for the interim plan showed the design phase taking five weeks, and one week for staff to review the plan. It is estimated that construction will take several months, resulting in an early May construction completion date. Interim Occupancy Plan Discussion: The following clarifications were made by staff and SBA: • The Senior Center currently has a room (approximately 1,500 square feet) that can seat 100 people. As many as 90 people attend special luncheons. The largest classes serve 40 individuals. • If a room is to be used for more than 49 people, more stringent code requirements apply. • A building is not considered empty during construction. Leaving the building empty over an extended period of time would trigger an increase in insurance. • A May completion date provides six months to work at determining how the long term plan influences the short-term plan. • The estimated costs indicate a range based on +/- 25 %. • The estimated costs include funds for security, communication and contingency needs. They also include WiFi connectivity, although installation and use require a policy decision by the Town. • The cost estimates do not include an egress road or any other outside work, except for adding a ramp for accessible access to the rear entrance. • Much of the furniture that is now in the building is being given to the Town. • Ms. Goodman is evaluating electronic equipment that is being left for the Town. 4. Committee Concerns /ACTION ITEMS: This Committee shared concerns and requests, including: • The Fire Department needs to comment on the plan. • The current costs should be compared with the estimated costs created by the Cecil Group for the Ad hoc Facilities Master Planning Committee. • Decision makers will need more detail, including assumptions, regarding costs. • The timeline needs to demonstrate when the long term plan will be implemented. 5. Interim Plan Recommendation for the Selectmen: This Committee reviewed the three -part draft Recommendation for the Board of Selectmen prepared by Ms. Ciccolo regarding the move of two departments into the new Marrett Road facility. Some clarifying edits were identified. There was discussion about this Committee's position on moving all of the Human Services functions currently located at Muzzey to Marrett Road. After commending this Committee for tackling a difficult task, Ms. Manger urged them to avoid getting paralyzed about details involving Muzzey. She described three reasons for the Town to vacate the Muzzey facility and move to Marrett Road in May: • Combining municipal functions in a residential facility such as Muzzey is not advisable; it results in various conflicts, including program limitations. • There are safety and health issues at Muzzey that need to be addressed if Human Services remains there. These have financial implications. • Muzzey is not a good fit for the Senior Center. Mr. Parker added that it is urgent to move out of Muzzey, and the Committee should seek the least expensive way to accomplish this in the interim plan. Staff expressed their support of this move. A motion was made and seconded to add a bullet to the first part of the draft Recommendation to reflect this Committee's support for moving all of the Human Services programs and offices out of Muzzey as part of the interim plan. The motion passed. VOTE: 7 -0 Discussion ensued regarding Parts 2 and 3 of the draft Recommendation. Part 2 further fleshed out the moving of Human Services to the new Center and Part 3 identified goals for moving Recreation Department functions to the new facility. Ms. Wilson noted that the final plan is expected to include an addition which will likely be located in roughly the same area that was identified in the Cecil Group report. Clarity on this will help inform the Interim plan. It was noted that the meeting was running considerably over schedule and that a full discussion of the Recreation Department and its needs would take more time than was available that day. Members briefly considered whether or not to schedule an additional meeting before the Selectmen meet on 9/23. It was pointed out that at this juncture the Selectmen do not need a firm recommendation on what to move where because regardless of the options pursued, the construction plan and budget would not be impacted and funding could still move forward for Town Meeting to support the interim project. A motion was made and seconded to adopt Parts 1 and 2 of the draft Recommendation with the edits previously identified and to table Part 3. The motion passed. VOTE: 7 -0 6. Minutes: It was moved and seconded to approve the Minutes for September 12, 2013. The motion passed. VOTE: 7-0 7. Next Meeting: The next meeting date is September 27, 8 a.m. Agenda items include the draft communications plan, the matrix from staff, and refining the scope for the interim plan. 8. Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 9:52 A.M. These minutes were approved on September 27, 2013 Materials used /distributed at the meeting: ➢ Public Meeting Agenda, September 16, 2013, AhCCAC ➢ PowerPoint Slides, SBA Presentation entitled "Lexington Community Center, CCACMeeting, Monday, September 16, 2013" ➢ Draft for Discussion Purposes Only prepared by Ms. Ciccolo: "Interim Recommendation to BOS 9116113--from Ad Hoc Community Center Advisory Committee" ➢ Background Community Center Development ➢ AhCCAC Communications Plan; Draft for Discussion 9112113