HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-03-14-HC-minHISTORICAL COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MARCH 14, 2013 Call to order: A public meeting of the Historical Commission Board was held in Cary Hall at the Ellen Stone Room, Lexington, MA on March 14, 2013. The meeting convened at 7:00 pm. HC Board Members in attendance: David Kelland, Marilyn Fenollosa, Frank Kern, Wendall Kalsow ( *arrived at 7:23 pm) Members not in attendance: Sally Zimmerman AGENDA ITEM #1: Public Hearing on Commission Policy on Homeowner Notification for those Properties under Consideration for Inclusion in the Cultural Resources Survey SUMMARY: Board proposes to adopt policy on notifying homeowners if their house is under consideration for inclusion in the inventory. HC Member Marilyn Fenollosa read the the document, Policy Requiring Notice to Homeowners Prior to Listing Properties on the Comprehensive Cultural Resources Survey ofLexington dated March 14, 2013 Public comments followed. Public Comments: Town Meeting Member, David Kanter, suggested to specify reasonable time between notification to homeowner and public hearing. In this way the homeowners would be allowed time to prepare and arrange time for the public hearing. The method of delivery of the notice to the homeowner was also expressed. Corrections made on policy document include that notices shall be sent no later than 21 days prior the public hearing. This would allow the town to place the public hearing notice in the newspaper. Notice to the homeowner would be delivered by hand or certified mail. MOTION: Moved by Marilyn Fenollosa and seconded to adopt this policy with changes that had been suggested regarding notification timeline and method of delivery and make this policy part of policies and procedure for the HC Commission. VOTE: 3 -0 in favor. AGENDA ITEM #2: Review of Commission Documents of Information for the Public on Commission Procedures for Public Hearings 7:23 HC Board Member, * Wendall Kalsow, arrived at the meeting. SUMMARY: Informational document sheets available to the public and posted currently on the town website include the following: 1 What an Owner Can Do to Prepare for a Public Hearing under the Demolition Delay By -Law 2 A Property Owner's Guide to Historical Commission Review 3 A Guide to the Comprehensive Cultural Resources Survey of Lexington 4 Demolition Delay By -Law Frequently Asked Questions Historical Commission Board has intention to bring documents up to date and certain changes of wording were discussed. ACTION: 1. Website will be posted on 3/15/13 with the policy adopted at tonight's meeting, as well as the definition of substantial demolition, the policy on time limits on decision adopted December 2012, and editorial corrections made on several information handouts for homeowners. MOTION: Moved by Marilyn Fenollosa, and seconded to accept changes to documents. VOTE: 4 -0 in favor AGENDA ITEM #3: Update of Historical Commission Community Preservation Act (CPA) Projects SUMMARY: 1. Marilyn Fenollosa announced that there are two CPA projects that will be presented at the April 3 Town Meeting at Cary Hall. The two CPA projects are Meriam Hill & Moon Hill. 2. Question was raised about status of the Cary Hall CPA Project. Marilyn replies that it is still a project, but status as to whether to bring it forward this Annual Town Meeting or postpone until a future Town Meeting is pending. Town Meeting Member, David Kanter, says he was at selectmen meeting and the project is deferred; but discussion is still going on. Town Meeting member, David Kanter, says he will object to deferring it. Historical commission members also in objection of deferring it and want to see the project get voted on this Town meeting. Board of Selectmen will discuss the demolition delay bylaw amendment article on March 20 th . It will come to town meeting March 27 th . Possibly selectmen will Indefinitely Postpone it. 2 7:28 pm Marilyn Fenollosa excused herself from HC meeting in order to attend the Town Meeting Members Association Informational Meeting to present the CPA projects on behalf of the CPC. AGENDA ITEM #4: Communications from the Public COMMENTS FROM PUBLIC: 1. Sam Doran brings up 137 Grant Street; small like salt box. Concerned about demolition. A house from the site of Cary Library was moved here when the library was built. No notes found. HC Chairman states commission notes when inventory listed houses are demolished with the date, so that the commission would have a historical record that a house of that kind was in fact considered historically important. Example is the house listed on the inventory at 9 Revere St. which was demolished. HC Chairman, David Kelland, states Commission considers houses on a case by case basis. Conditions are different with each case. For example, if 11 Revere St came in for demolition, the Commission might view it differently. MOTION: Moved by Frank Kern and seconded, to adjourn. VOTE: 3 -0 in favor. 7:38 PM Meeting Adjourned. Submitted by: Brenda Tabak