HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-06-19-REC-min\ u5 MOOMf p� 177S C C w APRIL 19 "' �eXJN(iT Frederick DeAngelis, Chairman Wendy Rudner Sandra Shaw Howard Vogel, Vice Chainnan Lisah Rhodes Recreation Committee Minutes of Meeting of June 19, 2013 Tel: (781) 862 -0500 x262 Fax: (781) 861 -2747 A meeting of the Recreation Committee was held on Wednesday, June 19, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Recreation Office at the Town Office Building. Members Present: Lisah Rhodes, Wendy, Rudner, Sandra Shaw, Howie Vogel, and Wendy Rudner Members Absent: Rick DeAngelis Staff Present: Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, Sheila Butts, Assistant Director, and Peter Coleman, Recreation Supervisor Others Present: Hank Manz, Board of Selectmen Liaison 1. Citizens and Other Boards: none 2. Meeting minutes from May 1", 2013 & May 15' 2013 Wendy Rudner moved and Howie Vogel seconded acceptance of the Recreation Committee Minutes from May 1, 2013, and May 15, 2013. The Recreation Committee voted 3 -0 ( Lisah Rhodes and Rick DeAngelis were absent) to approve the motion and accept the meeting minutes as presented. 3. Liaison Reports Lincoln Park Subcommittee o Karen Simmons notified the Recreation Committee that Wes Wirth had requested to set up a website for the Lincoln Park Sub - Committee. Ms. Simmons spoke with Candy McLaughlin, Assistant to the Town Manager, and the IT Department about this and it was determined that a website for the Lincoln Park Sub - Committee can be created under the Recreation Department's webpage on the Town of Lexington website. The Recreation Department staff will post the information on the Lincoln Park Sub - Committee website. Bicycle Advisory Committee o Sandra Shaw, liaison to the Bicycle Advisory Committee, reported that the " Parklet" Grand Opening on Massachusetts Avenue is set for Friday, June 28"' at 9:00 a.m. The parklet will include planters, furniture donated by Season Four, and bike racks. The Town's Planning and Economic Development Departments are overseeing this project. Town of Lexington Recreation Committee 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE • LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 4. Parker Meadow ADA Trail Meg Landers, Michael Martignetti, and Peter Bain gave a presentation on the proposed Parker Meadow Accessible Trail System. Ms. Landers stated that in its current state, Parker Meadow is impossible to access with a wheelchair and there is currently no place in Lexington for people with physical and sensory disabilities to experience nature. The proposed concept for this construction project would consist of two phases: the first phase would be to build a fully accessible boardwalk and viewing platform that overlooks the pond and the second phase would incorporate the entrance closest to Lexington Center. Upon completion, this project would create a barrier -free passive recreation facility at Parker Meadow. One of the main attractions of Parker Meadow is its close proximity to Lexington Center, malting it the most desirable location in town and the site that would benefit the community the most. Before construction can begin, the design and planning work must be completed. At this time, it is estimated that the design phase would cost approximately $15,000 - $20,000 (and include the design and construction documents) and the construction would be in the six- figure range. Several organizations, including the Commission on Disability, the Bicycle Advisory Committee, the Greenway Corridor Committee, and the Conservation Commission, have given written endorsements for this project and Ms. Landers, Mr. Martignetti, and Mr. Bain concluded their presentation by asking the Recreation Committee for their endorsement of this project. The Recreation Committee expressed some concerns about including the construction phase of this project in its 5 -year capital budget without knowing the estimated cost, given the many other capital improvement projects that are scheduled for the next five years. After much discussion, Sandra. Shaw made the following motion: "Working in partnership with the Conservation Commission and the Parker Meadow Accessible Trail Project Team,. the Recreation Committee will include in their proposed FY2015 capital budget, the design phase of the Parker Meadow Accessible Trail System project." Lisah Rhodes seconded this motion and the Recreation Committee voted 4 -0 to approve the motion. 5. Football Field Project Update Chris Filadoro and an agronomist hired by the Town walked six different sod fields on Monday, June 10 and have selected to harvest the sod from a field in Connecticut. The installation of the sod on the football field is scheduled to begin on Wednesday, June 26 should take approximately three days to install. Howie Vogel suggested implementing a public relations campaign regarding the football field since several people have asked him what's going on with the field. Potential avenues to explore include the Lexington Minuteman, Lexington Patch., Colonial Times, and LexMedia. Karen Simmons reiterated that it is the intent of the Town to keep the field closed until the start of High School pre- season practices begin in August. 6. Recreation Report Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, reported on the following: • New Minuteman Commuter Bikeway Maps are being distributed in the Recreation Department office. • No update was given on the Lincoln Park restrooms at the last Lincoln Park Sub - Committee meeting. Hank Manz reported that the group is approximately $40,000 short of completing the project. Karen Simmons explained that the Town of Lexington has a contract with the Lexington Lions Club — once the restrooms have been completed, the Lions Club will be gifting them back to the Town. • WROR 105.7 FM will be hosting a Movic Night in Lexington on Monday, July 15 This free event will take place at the Center #2 softball field and the movie that will be shown is The Pirates! Band of Misfits • The 5 annual Summer Fun Fest will be held at the Center Recreation Complex on Wednesday, July 31 from 6:00- 8:30pm. The Recreation Department collaborates with the Police, Fire, and Human Services Departments to put on this event each year. • The USGA Turf Advisory Report from May 29` 2013 was distributed and John Allen will be attending the next Recreation Committee meeting to discuss the report. • The Irving H. Mabee Town Pool Complex and Old Reservoir aquatics facilities opened for the season on Saturday, June 1S and both facilities are up and running well, • It is anticipated that the Old Reservoir capital improvement project should be completed on approximately July 1S • The kickoff meeting for the turf replacement project at Lincoln #1 was held last week and it is anticipated that construction will begin during the last week of October. • The Strategic Plan Team is in the process of finalizing the goals, action steps, and performance outcomes for the plan. A draft of the Strategic Plan will be presented to the Board of Selectmen at their meeting on Monday, July 29 7. Parks Report Chris Filadoro, Superintendent of Public Grounds was not present at the Recreation Committee Meeting, but reported on the following via email: • The baseball fields were all prepped for the Little League playoffs last week and teams sent him emails saying how happy they were with the field conditions. • Center #1, Center 42, and Center ##4 are being core - aerated, slice- seeded in two directions, spread soil amendments, and fertilized this week. • The irrigation systems that were installed or completed at Garfield, Clarke, and Diamond last fall or early spring are up and operating properly. • The staff will be putting up the tent for the Teddy Bear Picnic program at the Old Reservoir picnic area within the next week. New Business The next meeting of the Recreation Committee will take place on Wednesday, July 17 at 5:30 p.m. at the Pine Meadows Golf Club (255 Cedar Street, Lexington). The June 19, 2013 meeting adjourned at 8:42 p.m. The following documents /exhibits distributed or discussed at the meeting are attached: • Lincoln Park Subcommittee Meeting Minutes • Map of Parker Meadow Conservation Land • "Parklet" Grand Opening Flyer • WROR Movie Night Flyer Respectfully Submitted, Peter Coleman Recreation Supervisor LINCOLN PARK SUB-COMMITTEE Minutes MAY 16, 2013 Committee present— David Williams, Chairman, Bob Pressman, Brian Kelley, Lynne Wilson Also present — Hank Manz, Wendy Rudner, Wesley Wirth, Vanessa Tropeano, Miles Connors The chairman opened the meeting at 4:35. The minutes of April 18, 2013, were accepted as written. The minutes of November 29, 2012 were accepted as corrected. Bathroom project— Brian Kelley reported that he has a shortfall of $40,000. LexFun is doing a drive with their members. He has not yet received a donation from Little League but has an individual who may help. Youth Soccer donated $30,000; Youth Lacross donated $20,000; Roma Tile of Watertown will give $1.,000. Publicity is needed — a pamphlet that he can hand out. He will work with Doug Lucente on this. He would like someone to do an OpEd or article for the newspaper and put something on Patch. He is still aiming at July 4 if the money comes in. The question was asked about cleaning the bathrooms. This will be done by the Town Facilities Department staff. Hank Manz will follow up about the cleaning. Time locks have been discussed with DPW. New Signs —Wes Wirth showed the committee the frames designed by Fossil Industries that he would recommend. There was discussion about the mounting instructions, size — 32" by 46" — and angle 45 degrees. Bob Pressman moved to purchase the signs and metal pedestals ( #348$) at a cost not to exceed $3,500. Brian Kelley seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. New Plantings —Vanessa Tropeano presented the new plant list and plan. Lynne Wilson moved to accept the proposal (attached). Brian Kelley seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. All four areas will be planted the first week of June. The irrigation at the park has not been turned on. Bob Pressman offered to water a magnolia that Wilson Farm had planted which needed water. Invasive Plant Management — Miles Connors presented a proposal for management. David Williams will take this to Conservation. Miles will try to go with him. Granite Forest —Wes Wirth is still waiting for a price from McCullough. He will also get a price from a New Hampshire mason that he knows. Lynne asked if Bob Barnard could give the committee a price to widen the path along Worthen Road. Vanessa will talk to him. David mentioned that the swamp oafs at the bike path entrance on Worthen did not look healthy. Wes Wirth said that the donated spruce trees from Christmas are now in the Town nursery and will remain there until we are ready to plant. The next meeting was scheduled for June 6 at 4:30. The meeting was adjourned at 5:55 pm. Respectfully submitted, Lynne Wilson Lexington Conservation Lands Town of Lexington Conservation Division • 1625 Massachusetts Avenue e Lexington, M A 02420 • 761.662,0500 1 - - Trail Trail on private land Feature A, Entry point ; • Street Jot Stream T Water Body , Conservation la nd } 1� Other open space r UJ Data provided by the Town of Lexington and the 0 0.05 0,1 0.15 ti Office of Geographic and Environmental Information (MassGiS), Commonwealth of Massachusetts Miles Executive Office of Environmental Affairs 1:4.000 Parker Meadow 17 acres. 1 mile of trails. Dear Lexingto Certer or, dwith access off of the Minutemo Bikeway, ParkerMeadow offers a pieasanf mixture of forest. field, and wetland. The property fe atures a picturesque pond b , dersd by open meadow and wocc - d. In the 1960's, the Conservatic - mission constructed to improve wcter qucliiy and p vc e vo dfife habtaf. Look for giant bullfrog tadpoles in the water or herons on the pond s1 ore. Access is from the M: r,uteman Bikeway, Hancock Street, and Revers Street. There is a small parlang pull -off area on Revere Street just east of the bikeway. Legend - - Trail Trail on private land Feature A, Entry point ; • Street Jot Stream T Water Body , Conservation la nd } 1� Other open space Join us to celebrate the State's FIRST "parklet" right here �n Lexington, MA at 1720 Mass Avenue Refreshments & Prizes The Town Manager, Carl Valente, will speak This is a project of the Town of Lexington; contact Maryann McCall - Taylor or Melisa Tintocalis for more information. A "parklet" is a small social space serving as an extension of the sidewalk to enhance the Center's ambiance. Parklets are for people -- they offer a place to stop, sit, and rest while taking in the activities on the street. Parklets also offer bike parking. Rethink your public spaces! 781 -852 -0500 ext. 257 Or 242 73 til "A � r 4 6 x X Y rp � Neighborhood Night at the Movies Visit wror.com /movienight for more info! Sponsored by: 1 z771 I= 11 n U Loren & Wally and Boston's Classic Hits of the 6O 70's and 80's!