HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-07-10-TCC-min Minutes u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v Town Celebrations Committee July 10, 2013 Parker Room,Town Hall Members Present Suzie Barry, Dick Crogan, Linda Dixon, Mary Gillespie,Julie Miller, Wayne Miller, Bill Mix, Henry Murphy, Sandy Podgorski and Bob Tracey Members Not Present Paul Jenkins, Sondra Lucente, Barbara Manfredi, Charlie Price and Dave Taylor Business xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx • Suzie Barry convened the meeting at 7:20 pm. • May 1, 2013 minutes were approved; June 12, 2013 minutes were approved with changes. May 8, 2013 minutes will be distributed at the August 14, 2013 meeting. • Proposed fall 2013 meeting dates (on Wednesdays @ 7pm, DPW building) will be submitted to Lynn Pease for approval: o September 4, 18 o October 2, 16 & 30 o November 6, 20 o December 4, committee party on the 11th Veterans' Breakfast Update, Saturday, November 2, 2013 u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v • Ticket Sales. Suzie will talk with Ryan Lennon about COA ticket sales. Committee members asked and the following businesses agreed to assist with sales—Visitors' Center(Bill Mix), Michelson's (Suzie Barry) and Wales Copy (Mary Gillespie). • Save the Date. Linda Dixon and Sandy Podgorski will make a preliminary postcard for committee review. • Door Prizes. In-town letter of introduction for solicitation is ready for Sandy Podgorski and Dick Crogan. They will prepare a list of in- and out-of-town businesses for the committee to approve for the next meeting. • Check In. Two tables will beset up. • Publicity. Linda would like to write an article for the Lexington Minuteman and Colonial Times featuring some of last year's breakfast attendees. The save-the-date postcard will be used as advance announcement. Ask Jim Shaw for the Colonial Times deadline. • Speaker. Committee discussed a possibility. • Invitee. Jim Corcoran, Hanscom PR office, is retiring. Suzie suggested we invite him to the breakfast to thank him for his help. Veterans' Day Update, Monday, November 11, 2013 • Chief Marshal. Additional names were suggested. We should know who the honoree will be by August 14 or have a short list of names ready. • Venue. Cary Hall will not be undergoing renovations and will, therefore, be available for the event. • Parade. Nothing new to report. • Essay Contest. Personnel changes in the school system may necessitate the postponement of this year's essay contest to next year. If so, we will need to prepare a contingency program. • Maps and Duties. Suzie suggested that the preparation of a map highlighting the monuments we visit and indicating where folks should gather would be helpful. She will work on the document. • Publicity. Linda will include some parade details in her article about the breakfast. Patriots' Day, April 21, 2014 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx: • Parade. Parade is scheduled for Easter weekend this coming year. • Chief Marshal. Jeff Leonard accepted the committee's invitation. • Application. Linda will work with Candy McLaughlin to put the application online. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm Respectfully submitted by Sandy Podgorski