HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-09-16-HFAC-min Hanscom Field Advisory Commission Minutes- September 16, 2008 Prepared by Massport Staff 1.Minutes: Prior to Lexington Selectman Jeanne Krieger and Margaret Coppe’s arrival, Hank Manz stated that there was no quorum for the meeting. He also stated that he planned to update the HFAC website and post recent HFAC minutes. 2. Development Projects: Dorothy Steele offered a status report and responded to questions regarding: Hangar 24 - Responding to questions about the status of the FAA’s Hangar 24 Section 106 process, D. Steele informed the group that Massport expected a response from the FAA by late October/mid November. Vegetation Management Program: D. Steele informed the Commission that the VMP was on tract. Massport is currently preparing Notices of Intent to be filed with each of the communities’ ConComs. Massport will work directly with the Town of Bedford regarding the vegetation management in the Jordan conservation area. East Ramp: Margaret Coppe and Kay Tiffany questioned Massport’s rationale in conducting utility feasibility studies related to the development of the East Ramp in these economic challenging times. D. Steele confirmed that there continues to be third party interest in the development of the East Ramp for corporate hangars and that Massport has a responsibility, both professionally and fiscally, to be prepared to support industry transportation needs. D. Steele added that a “full build” noise impact evaluation is also being prepared. J. Krieger suggested that Massport also evaluate East Ramp development environmental emissions effects. 3.Massachusetts Air and Space Museum: The following was discussed to clarify certain assertions published in a September 7, 2008 Globe article entitled “Hanscom Museum Criticized”.  Sara Mattes informed the group that the Massachusetts Air & Space Museum group outreached to her, requesting her input and reaction to some preliminary ideas they developed for the museum and she agreed to meet with them.  D. Steele commented that Massport was pleased that museum advocates acted on its suggestion that they outreach to community leaders for early feedback to initial ideas.  D. Steele re-established the communications time-line related to the Air & Space Museum reiterating that: The Air & Space Museum proponents approached Massport o about siting the museum at Hanscom, at the suggestion of Save Our Heritage, prior to other community groups proposing a “Draper Lab Museum” at the Hangar 24 site. The community was made aware of conversations between o Massport and the Air & Space Museum proponents through participation in Massachusetts Historical Commission and FAA Section 106-Hangar 24 public processes and meetings. The museum issue was discussed at HATS meetings over the o past several months and at the July HFAC meeting.  Hank Manz asked the group if there was a general consensus as to the development of the Air & Space Museum. S. Mattes expressed concern that although it was evident that significant investment was made in the research and development of presentation materials, the mission of the museum was unclear. She reviewed a draft layout of potential aircraft display and interactive educational program space, as well as parking and public meeting space. Margaret Coppe expressed concern that the museum could possibly be a guise for a convention center.  Kati Winchell of Save Our Heritage (SOH) explained their position on the museum stating that they accept that two museums could co-exist, but if it were an “either or” scenario, they would not support the Air & Space Museum.  H. Manz commented that the museum group should be invited to HFAC to discuss their plans. D. Steele commented that the Air & Space Museum proposal is not a Massport project, and therefore should not be presented to HFAC as such. S. Mattes said that museum traffic and planning concerns should be brought before HATS for community discussion as these issues are of a regional concern. 4. Monthly Noise Report: Cedric Daniel presented the monthly noise report. In response to questions, C. Daniel explained that:  Declines in jet traffic can be attributed to a combination of several factors and not any singular aspect can ascribe for the decline.  Some noise data is not available due to the noise system’s transition. The data will be reported as soon as it is available.  D. Steele informed the group that the 2007 Hanscom Field Annual Noise Report will be presented at the October meeting. 5. Capital Projects: D. Steele presented the capital report. In response to questions, D. Steele explained that:  The Runway Safety Project is in construction and on schedule.  For the most part, it is pine trees that are intruding Hanscom airspace and being addressed through the Hanscom Vegetation Management Program.  There have been no inquiries from commercial air carriers or cargo operators. 6. Other: The four towns’ Boards of Selectman stated strong support for Hanscom Air Force Base.