HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-05-09-LBAC-min,S US Mop pQ` 1 775 ` �(3 APRIL II � k /NG'V APPROVED MEETING MINUTES Committee Name: Lexington Bicycle Advisory Committee Date, Time and Location of Meeting: May 9, 2013, 7 pm, Town Office Building Members Present: Peggy Enders (Chair), Bob Dangel, Stew Kennedy, John Frey, Marita Hartshorn, Bob Hausslein (FoLB Chair), George Gagliardi, Mike Tabaczynski, Richard Canale (Planning Board Liaison) Member Absent: Patria Lanfranchi Others Present: Laurel Carpenter Minutes: The April 2013 minutes were accepted as submitted. Bikeway Closing: Peggy provided the proposed DPW detour route for the closing between Season's Four and Woburn Street. Westbound traffic will be detoured to the sidewalk and eastbound traffic will be on Mass. Ave. on a lane demarked with barrels. Bike Walk `n Bus Week (May 5 toll): Neither the Sunday or Tuesday rides were well subscribed, but the Friday evening ride was very popular. There was some sentiment that hosting rides may be more work than worth it; there may be an intimidation factor when ordinary cyclists see that the ride starts at RSC. The committee expressed thanks to all for their efforts. Other activities during Bike Walk `n Bus Week went well, including the bike challenge at the Amazing Race. DCR Wayfinding and Bike Map Projects Status: a. Toole Design Group Open House: The open house at the Depot on Sunday was well attended. The final draft of recommendations for user enhancements to the Bikeway will reflect feedback received at the open house; committee members who didn't attend were encouraged to review the pdf's and send comments to Peggy. b. Bikeway Map: We received a $2,500 donation from Vista Print to go cover printing of 10K copies of the new map. Wales Copy center will do the printing. Producing the map was a frustrating undertaking. Thanks to Peggy and also Bob Hausslein for their roles. Selectmen's Goal Setting: Peggy provided a copy of last year's committee input to the annual Selectmen's goal setting process. The committee discussed strengthening the wording and underscoring the economic and public health aspects. Laurel volunteered ,S US Mop pQ` 1 775 ` �(3 APRIL 11- k /NG'V to do a first draft. The committee agreed that Lexington should strive to achieve "Bike Friendly" status; Peggy mentioned that Bill Hadley has expressed interest in pursuing the application. The committee talked about comparing the number of bike parking spaces in town with the number of car parking spots. Finally, the committee agreed that a formal presentation of our goals to the Selectmen might be a good idea. Massachusetts Trail Conference: Stew, Bob, Laurel, and Peggy attended. The keynote speaker, Mark Fenton, was inspiring and talked about the need to allow children time for more "free play" — that is, unsupervised playtime of the sort committee members enjoyed in their wild youth. The message was clear that children would be healthier and more fit if parents felt it was safer for them to get out and play — and walk and ride their bikes. Liaison Reports: Dick Canale said more complete street workshops are coming up in the near future in nearby towns. Trail Counts: Tuesday, May 7, was a very busy day on the Bikeway. Exact counts to follow. Peggy finished signing up people for the Sunday, May 12 trail count. The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm. Record of the Discussions of Friends of Lexington Bikeways Treasurer's Report: Recent expenses have included $3,990 for plowing this past season, $700 for a supplement for the bikeway map designer; and $200 for renting the Depot. The group agreed to resume soliciting plowing donations in the fall. 2. Patriot's Day: We "marched" with the Stewards of Lexington Conservation. Bob Hausslein constructed a rolling boardwalk and Marita made a "Take a Walk on the Boardwalk" sign and a sign for Bike Walk `n Bus Week. This was a fun event and also effective in making the public aware of our combined efforts. 3. Bikeway Cleanup Day (Saturday, May 11). Bob Hausslein organized the section captains. Volunteers should bring plastic bags, pruners, and gloves. 4. Bikeway Trail Count (Sunday, May 12): (see above) 5. Garfield Street Access Project (status): An Eagle Scout has undertaken this project with supervision from Bob Hausslein and Stew. 6. Bikeway Steps to the Town Offices Project (status): An Eagle Scout has undertaken this project. The steps will be made of 8 "X8" timbers. Next LBAC /FoLB meeting: Thursday, June 13, at 7 PM, Room G15, Town Office Building. Marita Hartshorn: Recorder Peggy Enders: Editor