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Committee Name: Lexington Bicycle Advisory Committee
Date, Time and Location of Meeting: July 11, 2013, 7 pm, Town Office Building
Members Present: Peggy Enders (Chair), Bob Hausslein (FoLB Chair), Stew
Kennedy, Marita Hartshorn, Bob Dangel, Patria Lanfranchi, Sandra Shaw
(Recreation Committee Liaison).
Member Absent: John Frey, George Gagliardi, Mike Tabaczynski,
Others Present: Rick Abrams, Laurel Carpenter, Hank Manz
Minutes: The June 2013 minutes were accepted as submitted.
ACROSS Lexington 2: Rick Abrams presented the proposed route for the second
ACROSS Lexington walk. A section of the route is on the Bikeway between
Fletcher and Meriam Streets. We reviewed the route and proposed signage. A
few new signs on the Bikeway were proposed and approved. When the Toole
Design plan is realized, it will make sense to combine Bikeway and ACROSS
Lexington information in new signage.
Parklet /Bike Corral in Town Center: The town has officially opened the new
parklet in the town center. Peggy suggested to Melissa Tintocalis that a bike rack
design competition be considered to produce some functional pubic art to the town
center. (Laurel had shown her a flyer from a Philadelphia competition, and some
of the designs were very cool and made great racks.) A challenge is to obtain
funding to underwrite the competition. Hank Manz said Michael Young wrote an
article about this very topic for a design competition in Kansas and said he would
try to find out more about that program.
Meeting with John Livsey:
• Town streets and bike accommodations: Peggy, Stew, Bob Dangel,
and Richard met with Town Engineer John Livsey to talk about bike
accommodations on streets being upgraded this summer. Peggy
distributed the chart prepared by the "roadways subcommittee ", saying
that the discussion focused on Old Mass Ave, and Bedford, Waltham,
Lincoln and Adams streets — all candidates for sharrows or bike lanes.
The group also discussed with the town engineer the issue of bike lanes
on streets where there is intermittent parking (an issue for the
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Selectmen). According to John Livsey, the Park Service does not want
any marking on Old Mass Ave, because it detracts from the historic
atmosphere. Peggy will talk to John Livsey regarding safety issues if
bike accommodations are not provided, given the popularity of that
Plans for Bikeway paving: John has indicated that the paving of
sections of the Bikeway will be delayed until next summer. The bike
committee is being asked to recommend which sections are in the worst
shape. There is a sand and dirt washout from a path on the bikeway
near Woburn Street. Bob Dangel will organize a work party to address
this erosion problem.
The group also talked with the town engineer about improving the
intersections at Hancock and Revere streets. Evidently, the Hancock
street intersection upgrade has some property encroachment issues.
Quarterly Transportation Forum: The June forum focused on an early
presentation from the Beta Group, hired to do a traffic study of the Town Center.
Laurel reported that the study seemed to focus on auto traffic and neglected
pedestrians and bicyclists — both in terms of the study findings and its
recommendations. Based on the study of car traffic, it is likely that Mass Ave will
remain a 4 -lane street in the center; bike lanes would not be possible without the
removal of parking spaces. The committee agreed on the need to continue to
advocate for cyclists and pedestrians to have their fair share of the Mass. Ave in
the Center. We should focus on the positive aspects of having Mass Ave. become
a complete street. Peggy said she would investigate what plans Arlington has for
removing parking in their town center, since one solution might be to advocate for
removal of parking on the south side of Mass Ave and the construction of a
parking structure in the municipal lot behind Michelson's. Hank Man encouraged
the committee to write a letter to the Selectmen before the end of the summer.
Letter of Support for Mass Central Rail Trail: The committee agreed to voice
its support for the Mass Central Rail Trail; Laurel will draft the letter. The Healthy
Communities survey of residents in Lexington identified the Bikeway as the top
recreational resource.
Toole Design Group Report: The status of the report is unclear; the committee
expressed interest in seeing the report soon.
Liaison Reports: Stew said the Conservation Commission is requesting a capital
expenditure from CPA funds to make Parker Meadow Handicapped Accessible.
The existing boardwalk will have to be widened and an additional boardwalk will
need to be built on the opposite side of the pond. The Recreation Committee also
discussed this proposal and will co- sponsor the request.
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Other Business: Laurel reported on a recent trip to Elgin, Illinois where she was
impressed with the accommodations for cyclists and pedestrians.
Record of the Discussions of the Friends of Lexington Bikeways
Treasurer's Report: Recent expenditures: $2,300.00 to Wales for printing
10,000 bike maps (a grant from Vistaprint covered this expense). Bikeway
plowing for last winter was close to $4,000; $100 was spent for Farmer's Market
Farmers' Market Bike Corral: We cancelled the June bike corral, a slight
manpower issue. We are still committed to finishing this year and will reevaluate
doing this next summer. We will buy another banner to increase our visibility.
Garfield Street Access Project: Bob H is working with an Eagle Scout who is
going to build a 24" boardwalk. He hopes to do this in September. We will
donate $50 for materials.
Upcoming Dates
LBAC /FoLB meeting Thursday, August 15, at 7 PM, Room G15, Town
Office Building.
Farmers' Market Bike Corral: Tuesday, August 13, (others are
September 10 and October 8).
Moving Together Conference: Wednesday, October 23, Park Plaza
Hotel ( "Transit +Walking +Bicycling = Mobility ").
Marita Hartshorn, Recorder
Peggy Enders, Editor