HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-06-05-PB-min PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF JUNE 5, 2013 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board, held in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room, Town Office Building was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by Chairman Richard Canale with members Charles Hornig, Michelle Ciccolo, and Greg Zurlo and planning staff Maryann McCall- Taylor, Aaron Henry and Lori Kaufman present. Nancy Corcoran-Ronchetti was absent. ************************DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION********************* CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING 376 Lincoln Street & 73 Middle Street, Definitive Balanced Housing Development Plan: Mr. Zurlo was not present for the meeting on May 8, 2013, but listened to the recording of that meeting and will participate under the Mullins Rule. Present were John Farrington, attorney, Gary Larson, landscape architect, Mark Barons, project developer and applicant, Jim DeCelle and Jim Burke, project engineers, Andrew Zalewski, project architect, and Dan Dulaski, traffic engineer. The updates to the plan included the following: Each dwelling would be at least 20 feet apart; The width of the private road would be increased to include the tree easement; The drainage was modified as per Engineering’s recommendations; and a pedestrian path was added to open space between lots five and six, but not to Lincoln Street, Engineering did not want the path to Lincoln Street for safety issues; The drainage plan would still puddle on the roadway for six hours, but the entire system would drain within 38 hours; and the homes presented on lots one and three would be the houses designed for those lots and all sides of the houses would have the same level of detail. Mr. Farrington said that there would be a Homeowners Association for the seven lots and eight units and a separate Condominium document regarding the architectural restrictions and photographs would be used as reference points of what would be preserved. Board Concerns and Comments:  How would the new intersection feel as you drive over it because of the grade? Like driving onto a driveway. Page 2 Minutes for the Meeting of June 5, 2013  Would there be any intention of asking the Town to accept the private road? NO.  Have drafts of the legal documents been submitted? The documents were with Town Counsel for review.  Do these plans commit to the footprints shown on the proposed plan? Only for lots one and three.  The ROW width would be 32 feet? Yes. How would the turnaround circle be landscaped? Keep it simple since that would be the location of an infiltration system.  There was a concern about using the new street as an overflow. The Board has never had a plan where it deliberately flooded a roadway.  Why was the walkway moved between lots five and six instead of six and seven, which would lead right to the middle of the open space? It was placed where the water main would be located.  There would need to be another waiver for the zoning freeze.  Pervious pavement would require maintenance and there should be an enforceable maintenance and replacement plan submitted.  Build the footpaths with four foot wide pavers like the sidewalks and be sure it would meet ADA requirements.  The individual deeds for each lot would call out the maximum floor area and impervious surface.  The legal documents should be reviewed by the Board prior to approval.  What was the cross section of the stone wall and grade level on each side? The stone wall would be decorative and not a retaining wall and the grade level would be even on both sides.  Make sure the language in the conditions was spelled out clearly regarding the articulation on the Middle Street façade so it would meet the expectations presented on the plan.  Still not pleased about the footpath not going to Lincoln Street, it would not be sending a good message. It could create a domino effect requiring a curb cut and cross walk. Mr. Henry advised the Board that staff was uncomfortable requiring a path to Lincoln Street. Minutes for the Meeting of June 5, 2013 Page 3 udience Concerns and Comments: A  Walking on Lincoln Street around the curve has been an issue and usually people stay on the grassy edge and use my current driveway to cross;  The primary concern was water;  Working with Mark Barons has been very good and support the project as detailed;  Would like to have a sidewalk on Lincoln Street but it narrows and very dangerous, but would be nice to see it fixed; and  Would like to hear from Engineering about solutions on the path to Lincoln Street. Board Comments and Concerns:  Before the vote want to review the legal drafts;  Plans on drainage should be changed to go directly into the drainage basin and not on the road;  More information would be required about the 2,000 square feet in the middle of the cul- de-sac;  The decision could be written with conditions;  The turnaround would be acceptable as open space and maintained as a lawn or maybe a vegetable garden; and  If a path was not constructed to Lincoln Street then at least provide an easement to Lincoln Street. .Mr. Farrington said agree to an easement and possibly build a path at a later time when issues could be resolved. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 4-0, to close the public hearing at 9:02 p.m. The Board will deliberate on June 19 and the revised plans should be submitted to staff by June 12, 2013. Pine Meadow Farm, change order walking path: The applicant Joe Gelormini the developer has requested a field change to the design of the pathway. The changes include the omission of one stonewall, the use of mulch instead of woodchips for the path surface, and demark the outside edge of the walkway with a staggered row of hostas. Page 4 Minutes for the Meeting of June 5, 2013 On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 4-0, that the proposed change to the walking path is a minor change to the plan. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 4-0, to approve the change to the subdivision plan and adjust the walking path with material that was easily walkable, with a maximum grade of 10%, and place the hostas adjacent to the edge of the easement. ***************************SPECIAL TOWN MEETING ************************** Article 4, Medical Marijuana Treatment Center Moratorium: Norman Cohen, Board of Selectmen, explained that the main purpose of the moratorium for the Medical Marijuana Treatment Center was to give time to Boards and Committees to complete the needed regulations. If there was no moratorium a group interested in moving forward for an all in one facility could be located at Hartwell Avenue. At the end of the public hearing the Board would explain that this was not to ban the process only to allow Lexington time to site the location in a good and appropriate place. The public hearing will be next week and the Planning Board will have to make a report setting forth a motion. ******************************BOARD REPORTS******************************* The 2020 Vision survey got quite a few responses and the 2020 Vision Committee requested the Planning Board weigh in on what kinds of information that would help to move forward and how to proceed to get the information needed. It would be helpful if Board Members became familiar with the survey structure. The Greenways Committee would be moving forward with Across Lexington and will be flagging a second route this fall. ******************************EXECUTIVE SESSION**************************** At 9:45 p.m., on a motion duly made and seconded, by individual poll of the Board – Mr. Zurlo, Mr. Hornig, , Ms. Ciccolo and Mr. Canale – it was voted 4-0 to go into executive session under exemption 6 & 7 and would be detrimental to the Town to discuss in public, and would not Minutes for the Meeting of June 5, 2013 Page 5 return to public session. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn the meeting at 10:46 p.m. The meeting was recorded by Lexmedia. The following documents used at the meeting can be found on file with the Planning Department:  Memorandum from staff, dated June 5, 2013 on Pine Meadow Farm (4 pages).  Project narrative on 376 Lincoln & 73 Middle Streets (31 pages).  Proposed definitive Balanced Housing Development Plan on 376 Lincoln & 73 Middle Streets revised May 21, 2013 (9 pages). Michelle Ciccolo, Clerk